One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 209 Katakuri VS Charlotte Lingling

The silent night was broken by the mania of a certain monster.

Brett was standing by the window, and he could see the scene in the distance clearly.

In the raging flames, the tall monster roared angrily.


I want chocolate cake!


The roar was as shocking as thunder.

But even the thunder was not as shocking as the disaster caused by the monster at this time.

Just by taking a step forward, you can easily crush the solid castle.

With a random wave of his arms, he can knock tall buildings into the sky and stomp them on the ground, making the entire castle tremble.

"So the rumors are true!"

Tezoro was standing next to Brett. He looked at the scene in the distance and sighed, "BIGMOM will suddenly go crazy under certain circumstances, and start wreaking havoc without even recognizing its relatives! This monster actually still has such a Weaknesses? If an enemy takes advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack, wouldn't that increase the chance of victory?"

"Haha, but anyway, it's going to be a lot of fun now!"

Tezuolo leaned against the window edge with a smile, "The leaders of the Charlotte family must be having a headache right now, wondering how to stop such a monster."

"Hey, Brett," he turned to look at his good friend who had been silent all this time, "Why don't you talk?"

"Because I listened carefully."

The domineering energy that he saw and heard could be released and spread out quietly, directly covering the entire castle.

In an instant, countless voices entered Brett's ears.

Frightened, panicked, desperate, painful.

All kinds of sounds, all kinds of emotions, today's night is really noisy.

"Who's going to stop mom!"

In the dazzling firelight, someone was shouting in despair.

"What about the kitchen? What did the old baguette say? Isn't the cake ready yet? If mom doesn't let her eat the chocolate cake, she will destroy the entire island!"

If there is anything that makes people feel desperate, it is probably when facing a disaster that they cannot resist anyway.

Screaming and wailing, no one even dared to stop the monster at all. Everyone was running away in fear.

Even the top cadres of the family only dared to stand and watch from a distance.

"Go and urge the baguette man again."

Katakuri's forehead was covered with cold sweat, "We can't let mom continue to make trouble like this!"

"I'll go there myself."

Perospero trotted away.

I don’t know if he really urged the chefs to make the cake, or if he was afraid of the current situation.

The monster's rampage continued, and the entire castle fell into a state of almost destruction in an instant.

However, there are still brave men after all.

"Mom! Please stop making trouble! If this continues, the entire island will be destroyed!"

A man stopped in front of the monster that was making a fuss.

He opened his arms and roared at the top of his lungs, hoping that his voice could reach his mother's heart and awaken her who had lost her mind due to the illness.

"That fool!


Katakuri's eyes changed, and he rushed out instantly.



The huge fist smashed down in the air, and the ground turned into white rice cakes, completely wrapping the man in it.

Then, his fist hit the rice cake.

There was a muffled pop, the rice cake exploded, thick cracks on the ground spread like spider webs, and the surrounding buildings began to collapse.

"I want chocolate cake!


The monster slowly raised its fist, and along with her roar, the incomparably magnificent spirit poured out like a flood bursting from a dam.


In such a spirit, there are very few people who can maintain consciousness. In just the blink of an eye, the originally noisy night sky actually became a little quieter.

Katakuri's eyes were a little distracted.

Although this overlord color is powerful, it obviously cannot make him lose his fighting ability.

But, among the exploded rice cake balls

"Oh no!

The chefs won’t lose consciousness because of this!


Behind me came the screams of my sister, who is always unreliable at critical moments, "Brother Katakuri, what should we do next!"

Katakuri took a deep breath.

Then his arm melted, a trident appeared in his hand, and the surrounding ground turned into white turbid rice cakes, even under the monster's feet.


The crazy monster let out a startled scream. Her huge and heavy body was completely buried in the extremely soft rice cake, and she was about to be buried alive before her eyes.



The monster jumped up and the rice cake exploded, unable to restrain her in the slightest.

"I want cake!


Like a meteorite falling to the ground, the monster crashed down.

Katakuri pulled away and stepped back, without any intention of confronting him head-on.

It's absolutely impossible to win.

Just stalling for time is enough!

He waved the trident in his hand, and in the next moment, countless rice cakes swarmed up and swept directly towards the monster.

"Oh oh oh! Something interesting is coming!"

On the roof of the broken building nearby, Brett and Tezolo had arrived quietly.

Tezoro looked down at Katakuri who was fighting and couldn't help but smile and said, "How about Katakuri versus Charlotte Lingling? Brett, does Katakuri have any chance of winning in the face of her crazy mother?" ?”

Brett looked at Katakuri, who was controlling the rice cake and constantly trying to stop Charlotte Lingling's actions, and then he said, "There is no chance of winning."

"Eh? Really?"

Tezoro was still a little surprised, "Charlotte Lingling is going berserk right now, and Katakuri can foresee the future. Not to mention defeating him head-on, but at least restraining his mother should be no problem, right?"

"Katakuri does have such strength."

Brett nodded, and then he shook his head, "But it's a pity."


Katakuri's energy was extremely concentrated.

Once he fails to stop his mother, the lives of more brothers and sisters will be threatened!

The waves of rice cakes surged one after another, and the constant entanglement blocked Charlotte Lingling's movement.

There was absolutely no way he could defeat her, or even break through her indestructible body.

But if it's just delaying time

Katakuri's expression suddenly changed.

He saw the future again.

"It's so annoying!"

Charlotte Lingling, who was constantly being restrained by rice cakes and constantly trying to break free with brute strength, suddenly roared, "Give me your soul!"


The holder of the Soul Fruit, Charlotte Lingling has an ability called the Soul Curse. As long as she is afraid of her, no matter who she is, her soul will be sucked out instantly as long as she activates the ability.

Katakuri's face turned pale.

Was he afraid of his mother?

This is a matter of course and there is no need to have any doubts.

From childhood to the present, his life has been spent in fear of his mother.

There were already dull fluctuations in the soul that began to rise in his body.

His soul is going to be taken away from him.

"Brother Katakuri!"

In an instant, screams came from all directions.

Will the real pillar of this family die in the hands of their mother today?

"That's almost it, BIGMOM!"

At this time, the savior fell from the sky, grabbed Charlotte Lingling's head, and pushed her whole body to the ground.

The casting of the soul spell was interrupted.

Katakuri gasped for air for the rest of his life.


He called out his savior's name.

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