One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 211: Estrangement

The Kingdom of Giants is located at the back of the New World, behind Wano Country, and is quite close to Cake Island.

Even if Bright flies, it will take a long time to get there, let alone by boat, even if the boat is towed by two sea beasts.

This will be a somewhat long journey.

Originally, this was nothing when there were only Brett and Tezoro on the ship. After all, the two of them had been sailing on the sea for a long time before.

Going to four different ethnic groups would have been a longer voyage.

But the difference is that now there is one more person on board.

Katakuri, who boarded the ship with orders from Charlotte Lingling, brought some changes to the ship that were different from the past.

In a familiar area, a stranger suddenly invades. Doesn't this make people feel embarrassed?

Fortunately, Katakuri stayed in his room after boarding the ship and did not come out at all, which did not disturb Bright and Tezoro much.

"Britt, is this really a good thing?"

On the deck, Brett and Tezzolo were eating barbecue.

Although he doesn't eat fish, Brett is not averse to other meats.

After all, if you want to maintain the operation of this powerful body, you need to consume more energy, and the energy contained in meat is of course more than that of plants.

While biting the meat, Taizuoluo said vaguely, "I have heard that Charlotte Lingling lived in the Giant Kingdom for a period of time when she was young."

"Although I don't know what happened later and she had a conflict with the Giant Kingdom, I'm afraid there is a deep foundation of cooperation between her and the Giant Kingdom. If she can really ease this conflict."

Tezoro was worried that Charlotte Lingling would steal their established ally.

The Giant Kingdom is too important. They are the most powerful country in the world. Even the Pirate Emperor and even the World Government dare not underestimate them in the slightest.

"No need to worry."

Brett smiled. He understood Tezzolo's worry. "After all, there is no point in worrying."

"You bastard!" Tezoro rolled his eyes.

After all, in the original work, the Charlotte family and the Giant Kingdom almost reconciled, and Prince Loki of the Giant Kingdom almost married Charlotte Lingling's daughter.

Even though they failed in the end, it can be seen that the conflict between the Giant Kingdom and the Charlotte family is not as huge as imagined.

The young Charlotte Lingling indeed did something in the Giant Kingdom that made the giants angry, but it was obviously not to the point of being irreversible.

"So, what do you think, you bastard?" Tezoro said unhappily.

"Not in a hurry,"

Brat grilled the meat leisurely, "I'll go talk to Katakuri later."


Inside the cabin.

Katakuri sat on a chair and ate calmly.

Tezolo and Brett would not deprive him of food, and even prepared sumptuous desserts for him every day.

The scarf that originally hung around Katakuri's neck to cover the lower half of his face has been removed, exposing the stitches on both sides of his cheeks and his ferocious teeth.

What was placed in front of him was clearly his favorite dessert, but Katakuri was not in the mood right now.

He sighed.

The events of that night were still replaying in his mind, like a movie.

The punch his mother threw could never get out of his mind.

Although he has many brothers and sisters, most of them are not very close to him.

However, he was still unwilling to lose even one of them.

So, at this moment, he could only blame himself for his own incompetence.

Just like that guy said, if he could become stronger, he might be able to stop her that night, right?


Katakuri suddenly frowned, and he immediately picked up the scarf on the table and put it on, covering the lower half of his face again.


Then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Katakuri had expected this and just spoke calmly.

Then the door was pushed open and Brett walked in.

"Want to chat?"

Brett chuckled.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about."

Katakuri spoke calmly.

"Don't refuse in a hurry."

Brett closed the door and leaned against it. His tone was very leisurely, just like the uncle from next door who came to visit.

"I think there are a lot of things we can talk about. For example, how about letting me show you the way?"

"Guide me?"

Katakuri frowned, "Are you a little too arrogant? Brett."

"Indeed, it is not a good thing to dictate other people's lives."

Brett smiled and said, "But, at least for now, I think you need someone to guide you, right?"

Katakuri snorted.

"Remember what I said before? If you want to protect something, it's best to become stronger."

Brett said leisurely, "Otherwise, we will just feel helpless like that night."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Katakuri frowned.

"You have probably realized what is stopping you from becoming stronger."

Brett said, "If you are always afraid, then why should you become the top strong person?"

Katakuri's face was as gloomy as water.

"Charlotte Lingling is indeed very strong, but she is not invincible." Brett said leisurely.

"Shut up!"

Katakuri suddenly stood up, his eyes always seemed to be radiating lightning, which contained infinite power.

"Why don't you want to look directly at this matter?"

Blake Xiaoxiong spread his hands, "Charlotte Lingling is the Charlotte family's greatest guarantee and the Optimus Prime, but she is also the largest volcano buried in the family and the biggest threat to you and all your brothers and sisters. "

"Shouldn't you have realized this a long time ago?"

"You bastard!"

Katakuri's arm was melting and the trident was emerging. His voice was as cold as snow, "Are you trying to sow discord between me and my mother?"

Brett casually pushed Katakuri's trident away, his smile not diminishing, "Are you still trying to deceive yourself? That night, your brother died at the hands of Charlotte Lingling, was he the first one? ? Or will it be the last one?"

Katakuri was sweating on his forehead.

Brett's voice was very dull, but to Katakuri, it seemed to be filled with magic.

It brought out bit by bit everything he had hidden deep in his heart.

"Then why not let the Charlotte family find a guardian, one who is gentler, more kind, and truly treats all family members as family."

Brett's voice was low, "For example, yourself."

"I think our Fish-Man Island also needs such a partner."

Katakuri felt his heart beating loudly.

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