One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 212 Landing in Elbaf

The huge sea ship moved quickly on the sea surface, dragged by the two sea beasts.

Tezuolo sat on the deck of the ship, grilling meat leisurely.

"What on earth does that guy Brett want to talk to Katakuri about?"

He was mumbling like this.

Just now, when the barbecue was halfway done, Bright went to look for Katakuri in the cabin, saying that he wanted to have a good chat with him.

But Tezolo really didn't understand what there was to talk about with that man.

In the final analysis, the relationship between Fishman Island and Wanguo, Brett and Charlotte Lingling is just superficial friends.

The two parties were bound together because of the entanglement of interests, and there was no real deep friendship. There was nothing to talk about with the woman's son.

I really don’t understand.

Then something happened that made Tezolo even more confused. He saw Brett and Katakuri walking out of the cabin while talking happily.

If Katakuri hadn't always been a cold-blooded man, perhaps they would already be hooking up with each other by now.

What's going on?

Just a few dozen minutes ago, wasn't this man unwilling to communicate with them at all? Why did he suddenly act like the two brothers were getting along well now?

Taizolo cast a confused look at Brett.

Brett smiled and said, "You don't mind having one more person in our barbecue party, Tezzolo."

"I don't care."

Tezoro looked at Brett, but I needed an explanation. There were such words hidden in his heart, and he knew that Brett could understand them.

"From today on, Katakuri is our friend."

Tezoro heard Brett say this with a smile.


This time Tezoro was really shocked.

Being able to use the word friend to describe Brett means at least one thing.

This guy already trusts Katakuri to a certain extent.

But why?

Isn't Katakuri the son of Charlotte Lingling?


Katakuri was silent for a moment. It seemed that there was never anyone around him who could be called that.

Then he said, "Don't say such things without permission, Brett, I never knew we had such a relationship."

"Hey, hey, this is really cold,"

Tezuolo laughed with a sense of gloating, "Britt, you seem to be disliked now."

Brett smiled.

Indeed, it is still too early to say that he wants to be friends with Katakuri.

This man is really thinking about becoming stronger now so that his brothers and sisters in the family will no longer be threatened by their mother.

But this does not mean that he will become a close friend with himself.

The relationship between the two parties should be said to be that of accomplices at best.

Brett felt that the relationship between Charlotte Lingling and Kaido was very close. If he took action against Kaido in the future, Charlotte Lingling would probably not stand idly by.

Katakuri planned to take control of the family away from his mother.

Charlotte Lingling can tolerate a powerful family cadre, but she will never allow anyone to divide her power, and conflicts are bound to happen.

As a result, the cooperation between the two parties has already laid a foundation.

It can only be said that Kaido and Charlotte Lingling were indeed as close as siblings.

Their children are very filial.

"Anyway, let's have something to eat together first."

Brett sat on the side of Tezolo, "I have always felt that food is one of the most undeniable things in the world."

Katakuri sat over silently, reaching out to take the meat that Tezoro had already grilled, Tezoro glared at him.

Then, Katakuri's hand hesitated.

Brett knew what he was hesitating about.

"Are you still afraid Katakuri? If you are always afraid, how can you become stronger?"

Because something happened in his childhood, Katakuri was left with a serious psychological shadow. Since then, he has worn a thick scarf to hide his face.

He will never show his true emotions in front of outsiders, and will always play the role of a serious and reliable brother.

How can one become a top powerhouse with such a mentality?

In this world, the truly strong people must be confident in themselves.

Katakuri took a deep breath, then he grabbed his scarf and pulled it off.


Tezoro exclaimed softly.

This was the first time I saw Katakuri's true appearance.

Not as handsome as expected, but definitely not ugly either.

I don’t know where there is anything worth hiding.

"Isn't this nice?"

Brett smiled.

The main reason that restricts Katakuri from becoming stronger is his mentality.

Fear of Charlotte Lingling and lack of confidence in herself.

After solving these problems, he may not be able to become stronger. After all, he is the man known as the highest masterpiece of the Charlotte family.

He is only one overlord-colored entanglement away from catching up with the version.

Not to mention that he really has strength comparable to that of the Pirate Emperor, but there is definitely no problem in squaring off against Yamato.

In such a strange atmosphere, the big ship continued to move forward, after spending a long time.

In the afternoon of this day, all three Bretts came to the deck of the ship.

It can be clearly seen that at the end of the sea level, the outline of an island is clearly visible.

Tezolo took out the permanent pointer. The pointer in the glass ball pointed straight to the island in front, so he clapped his hands happily.

"It can't be wrong, we have finally arrived at our final destination!"

Brett also had a sigh on his face. This time was probably the longest trip he had taken on a boat since the Sun Pirates.

"Lean closer."

Brett said.

As the distance got closer, the true appearance of the island finally became clearer.

From a distance, you can see the lush forests along the coast. It seems to be an island with a high greening rate.

One thing that can be seen more intuitively as the distance approaches is that the area of ​​​​this island is unusually large.

Much larger than islands of the size of Derosrosa or Fishman Island.

Maybe even bigger than Wano Country.

Brett compared it to the largest country he had ever visited.

This is of course true. An island of ordinary size is as narrow as a garden to giants.

If you want to host a tribe of giants, the area must be quite vast.

"Just log in."

Taizolo said, "With such a vast coastline, it should be difficult to find a port."

"I think you don't need to worry about this."

The taciturn Katakuri rarely took the initiative to speak.

"I think so too."

Brett also smiled.


Tezoro raised an eyebrow.

He knew that what these two guys saw and heard was extraordinary, and they must have observed something.

Sure enough, the big ship continued to move forward, and when it finally approached the coastline of the Giant Kingdom, a ship appeared on the sea ahead.

"Hey, who are you!"

Someone on the boat shouted this way.

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