"Hahahaha! What an amazing warrior!"

The civilization process of the Giant Kingdom is not very advanced, and can even be described as backward.

Their national system is that the royal city governs everything, and outside the royal city are villages of giant warriors.

These villages are almost all semi-independent. They are subject to the management of the royal capital, but their internal affairs are almost autonomous.

The key to the autonomy of these warrior villages is that almost every village has respected giant heroes as leaders.

Hero is what the giants call powerful warriors.

The logic of this country is so simple and crude. If you are strong, then you can be a leader.

And now the elder who manages this village is laughing loudly, raising the horn cup in his hand, "Come and cheer for the arrival of this powerful warrior!"

This white-haired, old-looking elder also had some bruises on his face, and he could tell at a glance that he had been severely beaten just now.

In fact, it wasn't just him, many of the giants singing and dancing around the bonfire in the square in the center of the village had the same marks on their faces.

However, even so, their atmosphere was still high at this time.

"Cheering for the arrival of this warrior?"

Tezuolo curled his lips and said, "Just pretend that we don't exist, right?"

"This race has always been like this."

Katakuri said calmly, "They will only be kind to the strong people they recognize."

"Raise your cup and drink! Mighty warrior!"

The giant elder looked at Brett with burning eyes.

Brett also felt a little headache.

just now. A massive brawl broke out in the village.

Brett beat up all the adult giant warriors in this village.

Including this white-haired elder, who could tell at a glance that he was very old, but he was still waving his sword and shouting at him.

This is a rather boring thing for Brett. To be honest, it only takes one Overlord color to make them unable to get up. Even with only fists and feet, he can knock down a giant with just one blow.

But for the giants, this seems to be a very happy thing.

Even if they are knocked down, even if they are killed instantly, they still laugh loudly.

All I can say is that not beating them would make them very unhappy.

The giants take pride in fighting.

Brett had never seen such an aggressive nation.

With overwhelming racial talent, coupled with such traditionalization, it would be strange for this country not to become the strongest in the world.

Brett raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.

The giant elder laughed heartily, "I have already contacted the royal capital, and someone should be sent to pick you up soon, so now,"

"Enjoy the banquet after the enjoyable battle!"

Brett's lips curled up.

Brave, tough, powerful, but simple.

This was his first impression of this race.

It's a very beautiful country.

Because of their strong strength, no one will provoke them, and their simplicity and simplicity prevent their lives from being depressed due to lack of development.

So, enjoy this banquet now.

Brett raised his glass.

The banquet was very lively, the giants were singing and dancing, and even Tezolo couldn't help but join in and sing together.

The only one who can keep calm is Katakuri, who has always been aloof.

Although he has taken off the scarf covering his mouth, he still has a lot of idol baggage.

The banquet continued until the evening, because at this time the high-spirited elder drunkenly raised his arms and shouted,

"The day's banquet is over, let's start the evening part now!"

It seemed like the party was going to go on and on.

But at this moment, a huge carriage rumbled in from the entrance of the village along the street.

The cart was pulled by a giant beast endemic to this country, which looked like a dinosaur lying on the ground and moving on four legs.

"The emperor of the deep sea, the fishman Brett is here, right?"

A giant got down from the carriage.

His height should be considered relatively tall among giants, probably close to thirty meters.

The figure looks round and somewhat strong, and the cheeks are also round.

However, it can be seen with the naked eye that the fur coat he wears and the horn hat he wears are much more refined than ordinary giants, and there are even huge gems as decorations on the hat.


The drunken giant elder's eyes immediately lit up when he saw the person coming, and he shouted happily, "It's Prince Loki!"

He waved excitedly to the visitor, "Come and join the banquet!"

"Oh! It looks lively!"

The visitor smiled and seemed very kind. Then he shook his head and said, "I would like to, but I can't do it today. My father can't wait to see Mr. Brett!"

His gaze had passed through the crowd and was placed on Brett, who was sitting on the ground and looking up at him.

"That's it."

The elder nodded, "Of course, the king's matters are more important."

He turned back, "Britt, Prince Loki is here to pick you up!"

"come yet?"

Katakuri stood up neatly. Although the protagonists this time were Brett and Tezoro, he had to be prepared first.

It's true that the decision has been made, but it doesn't mean that this mission can be treated perfunctorily.

"Then let's go."

Brett also stood up. He smiled and said to the elders, "Thank you for your hospitality and letting us feel the enthusiasm of the Giant Kingdom."

"Hahahaha, being able to entertain a powerful warrior like you is something we are proud of!"

The elder laughed.

Brett suddenly felt that if Alexander came here, he would definitely get along well with the giants.

The two of them walked up to the smiling Prince Loki with Tezoro Katakuri. Brett looked up at him and said, "Then please lead the way."

"Please come with me."

Loki obviously knew him and just smiled and let him get in the car.

The three of them boarded the car together, and then the cart rumbled into motion, driving into the wasteland of the Kingdom of Giants in the dark, heading all the way towards the capital of the country.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bright, and the other two gentlemen."

In the car, Prince Loki said apologetically, "It may have disturbed your interest in attending the banquet."


Taizuo Luo smiled and said, "Because I think His Highness the Giant King will not be stingy with a banquet, right?"


Prince Loki smiled and nodded, "This country will not neglect any of its friends. Of course, there will be a more sumptuous banquet waiting for you!"

"Just, Mr. Bright."

What did Prince Loki look at? Bright and Bright looked at him too.

To be honest, this prince's future experience will be a bit miserable. The woman he admired ran away from his marriage, and then ended up with a pirate he just met.

But of course he doesn't know that now.

"After meeting my father, please don't mind his presumption."

Brett raised an eyebrow.

When the cart arrived at the royal city of this country, it was already early the next morning.

Without any stop, and without even having time to observe what the city looked like, the cart sped all the way to the palace in the center of the city.

Then Brett met the king of this country.

"Hahaha! The emperor of the deep sea! A man who can keep pace with those monsters! No matter what your purpose is, convince me with battle! Fishman Brett!


Ah, what a very giant-like speech.

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