One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 215: Duel with the Giant King

The only city in the Giant Kingdom is not very prosperous, but it is indeed huge enough.

Even compared to the huge size of the giants, this city is still quite large. Almost all of this city is made of huge stones.

The whole body exudes a simple and atmospheric temperament.

The palace where His Majesty the King and his family live is located in the center of the city. It is also a huge palace made of stone.

Behind this palace is a flat open space. There are many weapons placed on the edge of the open space. You can tell at a glance what it is used for.

At this time, Brett was standing at one end of the sky. In front of him was an unusually tall giant.

The average giant is already huge enough, twenty to thirty meters tall, and even monsters with extraordinary talents like Kaido, Charlotte, and Lingling are far behind them.

But the guy standing in front of Brett was more than twice as tall as ordinary giants, about sixty or seventy meters tall.

The average giant stood in front of him as childishly as a child, and Brett, who was far inferior to the giants, looked like a poor kitten or puppy.

This monster also has a pair of large horns on its forehead that snake upwards and point straight to the sky, which are somewhat similar to the horns on Kaido's head.

This should be a race of ancient giants like the demon Oz, with a size and strength that surpasses ordinary giants.

"Hahahaha, I have long wanted to fight against the top monsters in the world!"

The monster with an unusually large body and muscles on his body as gnarled as a hill laughed and said, "But because of his identity, he has never been able to leave this island. It's great that you can come here by yourself!"


"Emperor of the Deep Sea!


Brett sighed helplessly.

After learning that he and others had landed, he immediately sent his son to greet them.

The purpose is not to talk about business quickly, but to be eager to have a fight with myself.

It can only be said that this man is indeed the king of this country, and he has perfectly inherited the consistent qualities of the giants.

If such a guy is allowed to become the king who leads this country forward, only an almost tribal country like the Kingdom of Giants can run smoothly until now, right?

Off the field.

"I'm really sorry."

Unlike his father, who seemed to have muscles in his head, Prince Loki sat cross-legged on the ground, lowered his head, and said apologetically, "Father, he is very keen on fighting."

"I see it."

Tezolo crossed his arms over his chest, with a smile on his face.

He has always liked to watch the fun.

"I heard my mother mention the reputation of the Giant King."

Katakuri said calmly, "Even among the giants, he has the most powerful power."

This is natural. The giants have always respected the strong, and that man is the only king who commands all hundreds of thousands of giants.

"Yes, father is very strong."

Prince Loki already knew Katakuri's identity. After all, Katakuri didn't hide his true appearance like Cracker.

The wanted poster clearly stated that there was really no reason for Loki not to recognize the second-in-command of the Charlotte family.

But he said nothing.

"But I think," the prince said with a smile, "Mr. Bright will definitely give him a hearty battle."

Isn't that natural? Who do you think Brett is?

The corners of Taizuolo's mouth curled up.

"Disaster in the deep sea! Are you ready?"

The Giant King laughed. His weapon was a huge battle axe, which stood up a little higher than himself. The huge ax was like a hill.

Compared with that huge battle axe, Brett's small body really looked quite shabby.

For ordinary people, such a comparison gap would really make people feel desperate.

But of course, Brett is no ordinary person.

"bring it on."

he smiled.

"The Gun of Elbaf"

Before he finished speaking, in the next moment, the extremely excited Giant King raised the battle ax in his hand high, and then crashed down.



There was an invisible airflow wrapped around the battle axe, and then turned into a magnificent artillery bombardment in the next moment.

Just like the fish-man island has its fish-body skills that have been passed down from generation to generation, the giant clan also has giant swordsmanship that has been passed down from generation to generation.

And this is even the sword technique used by Charlotte Lingling.

Just by simply waving the battle ax in his hand, an impact wave came crashing down that seemed to penetrate the heaven and earth.

That's great.

Brett thought to himself.

The giants even have a stronger combined attack skill, the Bahai used by Charlotte Lingling and Kaido. The power of that move is truly devastating.

However, now is not the time to think about this.

Brett jumped up.

Electricity flashed on his right arm, and invisible waves wrapped around it.

"Electricity propels Ogibu Noraikan!"

Just by simply pumping his fist, a strong wind suddenly rose.

A violent shock wave burst out from Brett's hand, turning into a wild dragon that meandered and roared.


Then in the next moment, the Giant King's slash collided with Bright's shock wave.

The entire training ground was trembling, and two waves rose up into the sky, bursting into violent white light, illuminating the night sky of the entire city.

"What an exaggeration!"

Taizuo Luo stood in the oncoming strong wind, his carefully taken care of hair was blown by the wind, "Is it just a simple test before the war?"

This guy is really strong.

Brett sighed.

Although he only passed one move, it can be seen that he is much stronger than Doflamingo and his like.

"Hahahaha! You can block the move that our giants are proud of so easily! Really?"

The Giant King laughed and strode over, "It makes people even more excited!"

The battle ax that had turned pitch black crashed down, like a meteorite falling from the sky, trying to cut the entire world.

"Electric current drives thirty thousand watts roundhouse kick!"

Brett ejected into the air, twisted his body, and struck the blade of the fallen giant ax with his kick.

Black lightning exploded in the sky.

Brett's body was ejected downwards, and at the same time, the giant king's huge body also fell back.

No, it shouldn't be compared with Doflamingo. His ability to fight head-on is still inferior even to monsters like him.

Brett landed lightly.


Prince Loki, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was almost dumbfounded, "In terms of strength, he is evenly matched with his father!


Even among the giants, his father's physical strength is absolutely invincible!

"I just want to say that it is really amazing that I can compete with Brett in strength!"

Tezoro was also a little surprised. He had seen it with his own eyes a few days ago. Black was enough to rival Charlotte Lingling and even suppress her power!

This giant king really deserves his reputation as the strongest among the giants!

"Hahahaha, that's awesome!"

The Giant King smiled even more, "Then it's time to show off your true power!"

On his battle ax, the invisible fluctuations became more and more fierce, even making the air seem distorted.

What a strong armed color.

Brett smiled.

So, let's make a quick decision.

He clenched his fist, and dazzling electric light and dark lightning sputtered out at the same time.

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