One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 216 Victory Negotiation

In this world, the rulers of various countries are not at the top of the food chain.

In this sea, personal force is much more important than natural power and wealth.

At most, the kings of various countries can only do whatever they want within the scope of their territory. After meeting the real strong men in the sea, they can only become fish on the chopping board.

However, not all kings are like this.

There are always some countries in the world that are full of military virtue, and their leaders are also extremely powerful.

And there are many such countries in the world.

For example, in Zuowu, which Brett and Tezuolo had visited before, the strength of the two cats and dogs was extraordinary.

Not to mention there are real monsters like Kozuki Oden from Wano and Charlotte Lingling from All Nations.

The Giant Kingdom is the most powerful country in the world, and their king is certainly not a weakling.

The strength of the Giant King is really quite extraordinary.

Even if it is not as good as the Pirate Emperors, it is still far above the average Shichibukai.

There was an invisible air current surging around his body, and the muscles all over his body were glowing with an abnormal red color. The whole person looked as majestic as Shura coming to the world.

"Hahaha! Come on!


Holding the giant ax in his hand with both hands, the Giant King laughed, and the ax as huge as a hill crashed down.

Just the sound of the ax falling was as shocking as thunder.

Brett smiled, and dazzling lightning wrapped around his body soared into the sky like a retrograde meteor.

He trailed long electric lights, ranging from dazzling blue and white to hard-to-ignore pitch black.


This time there was real thunder and thunder, and the entire sky was illuminated by dazzling light.

Brett's fist collided with the giant king's huge ax in the air, and the air in the middle seemed to be compressed and about to explode.

The violent wind radiated in all directions, making Taizolo feel unsteady on his feet.

"Didn't touch it?"

Prince Loki's eyes widened in shock, "This is"

He has never seen such a move before!

"It's the overlord's entanglement!"

The expression on Katakuri's face was calm, as if he had expected it.

There is certainly no reason why the Emperor of the Deep Sea, who can stand alongside his mother, cannot have such skills.

Tezzolo, on the other hand, was surprised.

Does Brett know how to use such a powerful move now?

So, now this guy really has the power to keep pace with the Pirate Emperors!

Tezuolo smiled unconsciously. This was the best news for their plan.

The overlord's entanglement is indeed a difficult skill that only a handful of truly powerful people in the sea can master.

But Brett is a real strong man.

His domineering accumulation is completely enough.

So it’s not that unbelievable to learn this trick.

The battle between Brett and the Giant King continues.

The fist collided with the ax, and then, the powerful force made the giant king's body fall back.

"So strong and domineering!


The king of the giants could not help but exclaim loudly.

He actually knocked him back head-on!

This kind of power is really exaggerated!

"It's not over yet."

Meteors came across the sky.

Brett's speed was astonishingly fast, just like a real meteor streaking across the sky, but it had already arrived in an instant.

"So fast!"

The Giant King felt his scalp numb.

Although he is huge, his body is not very agile because of it.

Brett's extreme speed caught him off guard, and he could only swing the ax vigorously.

too slow.

Brett sighed in his heart, of course the huge increase in strength due to the huge size was huge, but it was really not good enough in terms of speed and agility.

With a random refraction in the air, he kicked the falling giant axe.


The Giant King screamed and almost couldn't hold the ax in his hand.

And before he could take the ax back, the dazzling lightning had already rushed in front of him.

"Oniwa Shoken!"

Brett pumped his fist.


Brilliant electric light and dark lightning radiated in all directions at the same time. The giant king's huge body flew back deeply, and then hit the ground heavily.

His body was so heavy that when he landed on the ground, the entire training ground was shaking.

"Father, he was knocked down!"

His Royal Highness the Prince of the Giant Clan couldn't help but stand up and screamed in astonishment.

Is the gap in strength actually so huge?

This is the power of the emperor!

His invincible father had almost no power to fight back in front of this man!

"Hahahaha, it's so strong!"

The Giant King, who was knocked away by Brett's punch, stood up, patted the dust on his body and laughed loudly, "As expected of the emperor of the deep sea, this strength is indeed not inferior to that of Kaido Whitebeard." Got it!"

This king of giants is really thick-skinned.

The punch just now did not contain any power.

It actually just punched a bump on his forehead.

The domineering spirit is indeed strong enough, and the body is indeed tough enough.

"It seems there is no point in continuing to fight."

The king of the giant tribe sat cross-legged on the ground, "Really, it seems I'm still not strong enough!"

"It's already very impressive."

Brett's compliment was sincere.

Strong men are tempered through constant battles.

But His Majesty the King rarely moves on the sea. After all, he is the king of a country and has to shoulder the responsibility of leading the entire country forward. Naturally, he does not have so much energy to fight against the strong men on the sea.

It is equivalent to practicing behind closed doors to this extent, and he is no longer inferior to Kozuki Oden before he went to sea.

"Hahahaha, right?"

The Giant King laughed, "Then let's talk about business."

He straightened his back. Although the big bag on his head made him look a little funny, but combined with his serious expression, he still had an extraordinary kingly aura.

"That Morgans guy already told me."

The Giant King said, "Then now come and tell me carefully about the alliance."

"If it's you, then you are indeed qualified to negotiate with me on an equal footing!"

That guy Morgans did a good job this time.

Brett smiled, then he would repeat what he had said several times before.

“A coalition of minorities?”

The Giant King pondered for a moment, "To be honest, I don't think this alliance is of any use to us. After all, you also know,"

His tone became quite proud, "The Kingdom of Giants is the strongest country in the world, and no one in the world can bully us."

That's exactly what he said.

The giant race is different from the fish-men race, the mermaid race, and the long-hand race.

How can anyone in this world dare to discriminate against giants?

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