One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 217 Perfect Ending

They are also a minority group, but the living conditions of the giants are very different from other species.

You only need to know that there are many giant vice admirals in the Navy Headquarters to see the difference.

The relationship between the Giant Kingdom and the World Government is not bad, although they are not even a member of the government.

In the final analysis, it is still a gap in strength. Who in this world would discriminate against the strongest country and race in the world?

It's too late to win over.

So of course, it is not as easy to bring such a country into the alliance of minority groups as it was with the previous groups.

"Besides, the World Government also has strong opinions on this matter."

His Majesty the Giant King scratched his head in confusion.

"Just before you guys arrived, the World Government sent agents here."

Prince Loki came over and said seriously, "They hope that father can refuse your invitation."

Tezolo sneered, "It's not unexpected at all."


The government would be damned if it really wanted to see such a coalition formed.

Although even all the minority groups in the world combined are still just a minority compared to the number of human beings, they are still a force that cannot be underestimated.

Tezoluo felt a little headache, and it didn't seem to be easy to convince them.

"But I don't care what the government thinks."

The smile on the Giant King's face did not diminish. He looked at Brett and said, "It's just that I think I need a more attractive reason."

Tezoro looked at Brett.

Old friend, now it depends on your sharp tongue.

Brett breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

Is it really that difficult to convince His Majesty the Giant King?

He thought for a moment, "Because it will be very strong."


The Giant King raised his eyebrows.

"Together we will form a force that even the world government dare not underestimate, and even surpass the pirate emperors!"

Brett spoke seriously. He raised his head and looked directly at the Giant King's huge twin children, "We will become a force that can even change the world!"


Ha ha ha ha! "

The Giant King laughed loudly, "This is indeed a difficult reason for people to refuse!"

This is what the giants have always been looking for.

"Britt, you have to convince me!"

The Giant King looked at Brett encouragingly.

"We can even provide the giants with many useful products," Brett said.

The talents of the giants make them invincible on the battlefield, and they are the most feared group in the world.

But also because of their huge bodies, it is difficult for them to enjoy the achievements of human society, and they cannot use many human commodities at all.

But if you design it specially, it's not impossible.

"Perfect reason!"

The Giant King laughed loudly and slapped his thigh hard, "Then, I agree to the alliance!"


Is it that simple? I thought it would be so difficult, but it turned out like this?

Tezoro was a little confused.

A smile appeared on Blake's lips.

Because he heard it very clearly.

His Majesty the King has been looking forward to the alliance from the beginning.

It's very simple.

Probably because he felt that the Fishman Island he commanded was qualified to cooperate with them.

"Then, happy working together."

Brett smiled.

“Happy to work with!”

The Giant King nodded, then suddenly grinned, "But Brett, I have one more request!"

Blake could hear the anticipation in his heart.

"any request?"

"How about you come to the Giant Kingdom every once in a while and come and fight me!" His Majesty the King of this country said so.

Brett couldn't help but laugh, "Of course it's no problem."

You didn't agree to the alliance request simply because you wanted to fight him, right?

To be honest, given the culture of this country and the character of His Majesty the King, it may not be impossible.

"Isn't this how everyone is happy?"

Tezoro laughed.

In this way, the most important goal of their voyage has been achieved.

They will form the strongest alliance and will have power over the Pirate Emperors.

"Oh yeah, Tezoro, right?"

The Giant King looked at Tezolo, "Morgans has already told me about your matter, no problem!"

"Haha, we giants have never had any big stars!"

"It will be there soon!" Taizolo suddenly smiled, his eyes almost narrowed into slits.

And his company will also have a new giant star.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his plan was very promising.

What kind of bastard genius came up with such a brilliant idea to bring together people of different races to form an unprecedented idol group?

Brett glanced sideways at Tezzolo.

Even without listening to his heart, you can see the smug look on this guy's face.


The Giant King finally looked at Katakuri, who had remained silent, and snorted coldly, "Go back and tell Charlotte Lingling! There is nothing to talk about between us Giants and her."

Katakuri was not disappointed and just nodded calmly.

It no longer mattered much to him.

He had found what he really wanted to do.

"Then what's next,"

Brett took out a phone bug and said, "Let's have one final talk about forming an alliance."

Although talks have been reached with all races, these were all one-on-one discussions between Brett and them, and no talks involving all members have yet been held.

Now is this opportunity. If you want this alliance to be more than just a name in name, then all countries must be involved.

"That's it."

The Giant King nodded, "Let's get it done quickly. I can't wait to hold a banquet to welcome my friends!"


Brett smiled back.

The multi-party telephone conversation began.

Brett had already discussed the specific matters with them before, and this meeting was actually an alliance ceremony.

Because each race is so far apart, it is very difficult to bring together their leaders for a meeting, so just talk on the phone.

Anyway, the real point is not to be deceptive in future cooperation.

So the meeting went very smoothly.

The specific rules of the alliance were quickly finalized. Generally speaking, each ethnic group will cooperate and help each other in the future, and maintain a consistent external attitude.

"Then, I hereby declare,"

Brett held the phone bug in his hand with a bright smile on his face, "The Minority Alliance was established today."



There were cheers from inside the phone.

The giant king sitting next to him laughed like thunder.

"To celebrate, let's have a party!"

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