One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 218 Seven Angles Alliance

The Giant King is a man who keeps his word. If he says he wants to have a banquet, he must hold a banquet.

Even though it was already the early morning of the next day, after all the things that needed to be discussed were discussed, the chefs in the palace were immediately called and asked to start preparing food.

Thus began a lively banquet.

It should be said that the people in this world are indeed quite energetic, especially the powerful ones with extraordinary strength. It is not a problem to fight with all their strength for days and nights at a stretch, and it is certainly not a problem to stay up all night to eat.

The atmosphere of the banquet was still very good.

The only small problem is that the food prepared by the giants is really too big.

The barbecue is as big as a room, the bowl for soup is like a small pond, and the cup for wine is like a deep well.

But it doesn’t have a special flavor. This is a real feast of eating meat and drinking wine.

The Giant King was really enthusiastic and kept asking Blettezoro about his experiences at sea during the dinner.

It can be seen that he is really yearning for life overseas. If he had not been responsible for leading the entire country forward as a king, he would have gone to sea as a pirate by now.

Fortunately, both Tezzolo and Brett could give him a lot of feedback on this issue.

As a world-class businessman, Tezoro is naturally well-informed when he travels all over the world. Even Brett, who has been staying on Fish-Man Island all year round, followed Taiga to explore the sea as a member of the Sun Pirates.

When the three of them were chatting happily, Prince Loki did not ignore the somewhat aloof Katakuri.

The giants did have conflicts with Charlotte Lingling, but this time Katakuri came as a friend of Brett.

Therefore, Prince Loki was also chatting with Katakuri.

The banquet lasted until noon, and Brett and others went to rest in the room that the Giant King had already prepared for them.

This is another quite strange experience. Brett has never slept on a large bed that is dozens of meters long. He still lives in the small apartment he bought in Fishman Street.

It was already night when I woke up.

Then comes a new round of banquets.

"Hahahaha! How is it! Do you feel the enthusiasm of the giants? Brett!"

In the spacious and rough banquet hall of the palace, the Giant King raised the wine glass in his hand and laughed.

Brett raised a wine glass that was very large for him and smiled back.

The time soon came to the third day.

One day, while having breakfast, a certain guy came.

"Hahahaha, I actually did it, Brett, that's really amazing!"

The well-dressed birdman quickly walked in from the door that was unusually large for him, with an excited smile on his face.

"Oh! Morgans is here!"

Tezoro greeted him warmly, "So the preparations have been completed, right?"

"You can start anytime."

Morgans shrugged, "Hey, but before that, Brett,"

He looked at Brett, "What do you think? Do you want to tell the whole world about the alliance?"

"If your answer is yes, then I will shock the whole world right away!"

"of course yes!"

The Giant King laughed and walked in, "Of course I want the whole world to know!"

Brett also nodded slightly, "If we don't make it public, how can we let people in the world know that we, the vulnerable minority groups, have united together and are no longer something they can bully at will."

There was something strange about Morgans' face.

Forget about the bullying that the Long-Handed Clan and the Long-Legged Clan will suffer. Who dares to bar their teeth at you from the Giant Clan and the current Fish-Man Island?

But the slander didn't stop Morgans from showing an excited smile, "I understand! Hahaha! I will let this news spread all over the world soon!"

It's great to be friends with these guys, there's no shortage of big news!

Morgans' heart was filled with joy.

Katakuri, who was having breakfast together in the restaurant, was not very surprised that Brett and Tezolo had such a good relationship with Morgans.

It's no secret to the Charlotte family that the three of them started an entertainment company together.


Tezzolo added, "Preliminary preparations for the draft have been completed, and it's time to start promoting it."

"Oh, is it so?"

Morgans nodded with a smile, "This is another big news. There will even be a world conference in the near future. Hahahaha, it seems that the world will become very lively in the future."

After hearing what Morgans said, Brett remembered that indeed, the World Conference was not far away.

Fishman Island should also be invited to attend this time.

So, what actions will the five old stars of the World Government take?

"Speaking of the draft,"

The Giant King stroked the long beard on his chin, "Tezolo, is it really not necessary to select through a competition?"

Tezuolo twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Forget it, we want to select star entertainers instead of warriors."

"What a pity. I think only true warriors are qualified to be famous in the world!"

The Giant King said regretfully.

I think you don’t understand what traffic economy is all about.

Brett smiled.

In short, after Morgans arrived, the publicity work officially began.

He immediately wrote a press release and sent it back to the headquarters as soon as possible.

Immediately afterwards, the World Economic News Agency's news network all over the world came into play, and countless branches began printing work, printing the newspaper as soon as possible.

Then, it's the newsbirds' turn to work.

They loaded a bag full of newspapers, then spread their white wings and flew towards every corner of the sea.

Then, when the same white newspapers were scattered all over the world like snowflakes, the whole world was shocked by the news published in the newspapers.

"The Giant Kingdom and Fish-Man Island have formed an alliance!


"What a joke, the strongest army that dominates the land and the emperor who dominates the deep sea stand together!"

"Such a thing could happen! Who else in the world can compete with them now? Apart from the World Government, even the emperors of the New World must be eclipsed in the face of this force!"

"Not only the Fishman Island and the Giants, but also the Fur Tribe, the Long-Handed Tribe, the Long-Legged Tribe, and the Snake-Neck Tribe! Leaving aside the other three races, the Fur Tribe in the New World is also a very powerful tribe!"

"Wait a minute, what kind of tribe is the Little Human Race? I've never heard of it!"

"Seven Angles Alliance, the entire world will be changed by them!"

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