One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 220 Sign up as a singer

In fact, in the newspaper that carried the news about the establishment of the Seven Angles Alliance, the news that the world-famous star Tezolo will hold a big draft and form an idol group composed of minority races and humans has been published simultaneously. .

Just because the news about the Seven Corners Alliance is so hot, it is really difficult for people who are worried about changes in the world situation to focus on the star draft.

So the news didn't make much of a splash at first.

Except for Tezolo's loyal fans and a small number of people who are indifferent to things on the sea and only pursue entertainment to death, not many people even discuss this matter at all.

But the news about the Seven-Corner Alliance was a one-time event, and it passed away. Although the aftermath was still raging, it was no longer news after all.

However, the news about the draft is endless and has been reported continuously for a long time.

You can't see it for one day, but you can't see it for two days, but you can still see it for three consecutive days, four days, five days and one week.

At this time, even people who didn't care about these entertainment news finally noticed.

"Have the guys from Tezoro taken down all the front pages of the news during this period? Who is interested in this kind of inexplicable talent show!"

Some people are aggrieved about this.

What they obviously want to see is the changes in the situation in the sea after the establishment of the Seven Angles Alliance.

How will the One Piece World Government Navy react to this? What the world will become!

Who would want to read these tidbits at this critical moment when the world is at a crossroads?

However, it is not without supporters.

Some people care about family and country affairs, and of course some people care about entertainment stars. This is human nature.

"An idol group composed of different races? This is really great! The person who came up with this idea must be a genius!"

"And the giants! What will the world's strongest race look like as a star! It's really exciting!"

"Of course a mermaid is better! Hehehe, mermaid ladies, beautiful mermaid ladies!"

"The ladies from the fur tribe are better! Hehehe, they have furry ears and furry tails! This is really great!"

"So, when will the draft start? I can't wait!"

There is no doubt that with Tezzolo's influence and Morgans' continuous news bombardment, this draft, for which preparations have just been completed, has become the most eye-catching topic at the moment.

Tezzolo is very excited about this and can't wait to return to Deros Rosa and officially start this big draft.

So, it's time to say goodbye.

"Then, don't forget the agreement between us, Brett!"

The enthusiastic giant king insisted on sending Brett and others to the coast. The strongest giant had a smile on his face, "I will work hard to become stronger next time, and I won't let you gain an advantage so easily next time!" "

"me too."

Brett smiled.

If fighting alone can maintain the friendship with this giant king, then Brett thinks it is very worthwhile.

Then, Brett and others got on the boat they came from and started their return journey.

The Giant King watched from the coast as the boat carrying Brett and the others disappeared at the end of the sea level.

"Father, is this really a good thing?"

Behind the Giant King, Prince Loki said with some hesitation in his voice, "We didn't have to get involved."

The giants were originally independent from the world.

The smile on the Giant King's face did not diminish. He was still looking at the sea and watching his friend go away.

Then he said, "We giants have been waiting since eight hundred years ago."

"The great warrior Elbaf said that one day, the moment of change will come, and we, the giant race, will become the sword that opens a new era."

Prince Loki was stunned for a moment, and then he said excitedly, "Father, do you mean that the time has come now?"

"The Pirate King who gained everything did not completely change the world, but he brought about the great pirate era."

The Giant King's voice was very calm, "Under the chaotic sea is a powerful force that is constantly accumulating."

"If there is any moment in this long history that is closest to the day we are waiting for, then I think it should be now."

"I see."

Prince Loki nodded heavily.

If that is really the case, then the giants indeed need more powerful power.

When Brett and others returned, the propaganda work in the newspapers continued.

From the initial introduction of the concept of the draft event to the introduction of the process, the promotion of registration has now begun.

This time the draft event is actually divided into two parts. One part is for each minority group. With the cooperation of the leaders of each ethnic group, the draft should go smoothly.

As for the other part, that is, of course, this part of humanity.

Compared to the minority group, there are so many humans that if the same selection method as the minority group is adopted, an army may be selected in the end.

Tezzolo's final decision was to set up registration points in a few countries, and only those who came to register in these places were eligible to participate in the draft.

These countries are set up in different sea areas, Four Seas, Paradise, and the New World. There are not many in number.

After all, in his opinion, the focus of this draft is on minority groups, and humans are just an added bonus.

In any case, by the time Katakuri was sent back to Cake Island via the ship, the vigorous drafting process had officially begun.

Registration activities have started simultaneously for various ethnic minorities and various countries selected by Tezolo.

The World Economic News Agency's newspapers simultaneously began promoting it.

Although Tezzolo and Morgans were on board, they were constantly in contact with all parties via phone calls, and in the end, the registration event went very smoothly.

"It would be better to say that it went too smoothly!"

In the cabin, Tezolo complained loudly, "It's okay with the minority groups. After all, the population is limited, and there are not many people interested in this matter."

"But there is some trouble on the human side. There are too many people! Delosrosa said that people from several nearby countries traveled thousands of miles by boat to sign up! There have been several stampedes."

"Ah, it's true," he sighed, "it's not good to be too popular."

Brett gave him a sideways glance.

Pretending it up?

Tezolo was indeed not bragging. The registration points in every country in the human world were overcrowded at this time.

In this world that is severely lacking in entertainment activities, Tezzolo's name has already resounded throughout the world this year, and he is a star worshiped by countless people.

Such a guy wants to hold a talent show and cultivate a new star idol group. There are too many people in the world who will be tempted by this.

And among these people there is a very special applicant.

"name is?"

The registration clerk who was sweating profusely asked the girl in front of him.

Even though he had been used to seeing all kinds of strange people in the past few days, this girl made him feel special.

He looks like he is only thirteen or fourteen years old.

He has hair of different colors.

One side is red, the other is close to white.

"It's Uta."

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