One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 221 Auditions to decide to participate in the World Conference begin

After arriving in Deros Rosa, Brett and Tezolo parted ways.

This guy now needs Deros Rosa to direct the draft work around the world. After all, although Tezzolo's business is very large, and his partner Morgans is also very knowledgeable, such a large-scale event covering the whole world still requires attention. A little bit.

Of course, Brett himself returned to the Fish-Man Island with the two sea beasts pulling the boat. These two sea beasts had also worked hard during this period. Brett decided to give them a good holiday after returning. Sea beasts are also wise. You also need a vacation after a hard day's work.

The main thing is a human touch.

The first time he returned to Fishman Island, he met King Neptune and Brother Jinbei.

"You actually managed to win over all the giants, Brett!"

The meeting place of the three people was chosen as always in the Dragon Palace City. As soon as the door was closed, Neptune spoke with great excitement. His face was even flushed, and his excitement could be seen at a glance, " It’s really yours! This is something that even the world government has failed to do!”

The Giant Kingdom and the World Government have a certain cooperative relationship, which can be seen from the fact that there are a large number of Giant Vice Admirals in the navy.

The world government covets the power of the giants.

Therefore, the reason why Elbaf is still not a member of the World Government under this circumstance is not that the government is unwilling to let them join, but that they themselves chose to refuse.

They are actively keeping a certain distance from the world.

After all, there are too many beings in this world who covet their power. If they get too close to the world, they will be stabbed.

"Alliance is just the beginning, not the end."

Brett said seriously, "Rather than building this friendship, the more important thing is to maintain it and make the friendship last forever."


King Neptune nodded slightly, "Various production lines specially provided for the giants are being manufactured. Now Fish-Man Island has insufficient manpower, so I wonder if the factory can be opened outside Fish-Man Island."


Brett immediately agreed. In addition to his agreement with the Giant King to accompany him in fights on a regular basis, Brett also agreed to provide the giants with various daily commodities of human society in the size of the giants.

"Didn't we form a trade zone with Delos Rosa and several nearby countries? Setting up factories in those countries would also be able to stimulate their economic development."

This is what is called killing two birds with one stone.

"I actually think so too, so let's leave it at that."

King Neptune smiled. His Majesty the kings of those countries were already very familiar with him, and they were already friends. Of course, he hoped that his friends' countries could also develop.

"It just so happens that the World Conference is coming soon," Jinbei also nodded lightly, "It's not a bad thing to consolidate the friendship between us."

"Speaking of world conferences, Brett,"

Neptune became a little serious and said, "The government has sent us a formal invitation to attend the subsequent world conference."

"It's not surprising at all."

Brett smiled.

The first thing to know about the World Conference is that not all World Government member countries can attend the World Conference.

After all, although this meeting is held every four years, if more than 170 participating countries under the government are to come at the same time, it will be too easy to be in danger midway. The navy does not have that much power to protect all the royal families.

Therefore, the participants of every world conference have been invited by the government.

For example, Fishman Island has been a member of the government for almost two hundred years, but during this long period of time, they have never participated in a world conference.

Of course, there is the factor that Fish-Man Island does not want to contact the human world, and the government's ignorance is also a reason that cannot be ignored.

In fact, there are only forty or fifty countries that can go to Mariejoia to participate in this world conference every four years. Most of them are familiar faces, and they are invited every time. Only a few seats will be rotated.

And this time, Fishman Island also received an invitation.

"Should I go or not?"

King Neptune said distressedly, "Now that our strength has become stronger, the government's fear of us is probably becoming more and more intense."

If you go to a world conference now, you can never predict whether something bad will happen.

But if you don't go, the World Government may not give up.

"Then go ahead."

Brett smiled and said, "I'll go with you. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Even if the World Government really has a deep foundation and has the power at hand to subvert everything, but now, I am no longer the little person who can be manipulated by them at will.

"That's it, I understand."

Neptune smiled and nodded, "Then go!"

It was decided that Fishman Island would participate in the next World Conference.

Next, Brett and Neptune came to talk about the Seven Corners Alliance. As he said, establishing friendship is only the beginning, and what is more important is to maintain this friendship well.

In addition to maintaining the same political stance, the races participating in the Seven-Corner Alliance also have an economic cooperative relationship.

As the big brother in developing the economy, Fishman Island needs to give its little brothers some help and support.

Of course, this kind of help and support must be based on the development of Fishman Island itself.

Fortunately, the development level of Fish-Man Island is already very high now, and the size of the other little brothers is not huge. Even the giants are just large in size, and their population is even lower than that of other groups.

It can still be done in the area around Fish-Man Island.

After finishing the conversation and preparing to go to dinner, Brett suddenly heard a burst of singing.

The melodiousness can be said to be quite beautiful.

Moreover, the voice sounded familiar.

Brett turned to look at Neptune.

His Majesty the King of this country nodded helplessly, "It's Otohime."

"I signed up for this audition right away, saying I wanted to become a big star on Fish-Man Island, and then just like the previous movies, I used this method to change the world's view of Fish-Man Island."

Brett nodded slightly.

Something I already knew.

"It looks like I'm going to have a big star wife soon, Neptune." Brett joked.

Neptune sighed again.

Which man is willing to let his wife be judged by others?

But, no matter what, the audition is tomorrow.

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