One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 222 Princess Otohime is popular on Fishman Island

On Fish-Man Island, this time the auditions for the draft have begun with great vigor.

Although auditions are held simultaneously, auditions are not.

If auditions are held simultaneously in all places, how should we focus on reporting?

That's what Tezolo thought.

Therefore, the drafts in all regions are staggered, which can not only ensure that each division is taken care of, but also whet the appetite of the audience. It can be said to be a win-win situation.

Among all the rankings, the audition on Fish-Man Island ranked first. Needless to say, this is Mr. Tezolo's care for his old friend.

The audition site was chosen at Jide Kaolong Square, and it was the only place that could easily accommodate this lively audition event.

According to Taizolo, on Fish-Man Island alone, there are tens of thousands of people who have signed up and decided to participate in the audition before the registration deadline. This is a quite exaggerated number. The total number of Fish-Man Island is only five million. People.

Even after preliminary screening, thousands of people successfully signed up.

From this we can see how amazing the influence this guy Tezoro has now, instantly leading a trend on Fish-Man Island.

Of course, Director Brett's strong support is also an indispensable and important reason. After all, Fishman Island is also Brett's home field no matter what, and his reputation in this country is unmatched.

Especially now after the establishment of the Seven Angles Alliance, all the fishmen and mermaids know that they have joined an extremely large force, and this country is becoming safer and stronger.

Brett thought to himself that with his current reputation, he probably only needed to stand up and raise his arms, and his admirers would help him break through the Dragon Palace City and support him as the new king of this country.

But that’s not necessary. Neptune has done a good job. He and I are also very good friends. It’s not bad to maintain the current structure.

Maybe we can advance to a parliamentary system in the future.

Anyway, today, the auditions for Fish-Man Island are about to begin.

Outside the Mermaid Cafe, today the tables and chairs in the shop have been moved to the open space outside the shop, and the customers are enjoying a pleasant morning under the open parasols.

Brett sat on one of the chairs, and the guests around him were not surprised by this. Now the relationship between Brett and Charlie's boss is no longer a secret.

"Haven't it started yet?"

Charlie came over with two cups of coffee and sat next to Brett.

"It should start soon."

Brett took a cup of coffee and took a sip, then replied, "Maybe he is debugging the equipment."

Just in front of the open space, a curtain was opened at this time, and a telephone bug was placed in front of the curtain with its head downcast and its eyes closed.

While talking, the originally sleepy Phone Bug suddenly regained its energy. It raised its head, and two rays of light radiated from its opened eyes. The two rays of light overlapped on the curtain, and the image of Mohu appeared.

"Come on, come on! There's a shadow!"

"Finally starting?"

"Hahaha, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

The customers in the store immediately became excited.

The image on the curtain gradually became clearer, and soon, the appearance of a well-dressed man holding a microphone appeared on the curtain, and behind him was a long queue.

"Welcome to the world's number one draft!"

The host waved his fist as if having some convulsions, "In the next few months, we will select a group from tens of thousands of applicants from all over the world!"

"The world's number one idol group!"

The No. 1 draft pick in the world.

This is the name Tezzolo gave to this draft.

To be honest, it's a bit exaggerated.

All I can say is that it may be in line with Taizolo's glittering taste.



The surrounding guests cheered.

"It seems like it would be a good idea to spend some money to build such a live broadcast system, right?"

Brett smiled and said to Charlie, "At least in the next few months, the passenger flow is absolutely guaranteed."

Just like the pubs in the venues during the World Cup, there will never be a shortage of customers.

"You have a great idea."

Charlie's lips curled up slightly.

This time the draft will be broadcast live.

Morgans' World Economic News Agency played a very important role in this.

Almost all major countries in the world have their live broadcast points set up. This is also very simple. Only a thousand phone bugs are enough. This is not a difficulty at all for the wealthy Morgans.

On the contrary, it will be a little more troublesome in terms of manpower, but it can be done by spending a little more money and hiring some people.

Moreover, WES also allows private individuals to spend money to connect to the signal and conduct private live broadcasts, which can expand the coverage while also being able to pay back some money.

Although this time the draft has already paid back before it officially started.

Tezzolo's huge influence allowed him to find a large number of sponsors and title makers at the beginning, and the costs have basically been recovered.

The next step is to make pure profits. After forming a group, you will probably make a lot of money.

On the screen, the host began to read the names of a bunch of sponsors at an alarming speed.

The guests began to complain.

Fortunately, the host spoke very fast, and it didn't take long for the thank you to the sponsor's father to end, and then, finally entered the audition process.

The so-called audition is a basic screening. The contestants show off their talents, and the judges judge whether they are qualified to enter the next round.

There will be several rounds of auditions, and in the end the number of people participating in the main competition will be controlled to about a hundred people.

In the end, there will only be one winner.

After all, Tezoro believes that since it is a joint group of various races, only one person from each race is enough.

All this draft will be very brutal.

Especially the Fishman Island, the Long Hand Clan and the human aspect.

The candidates for the championships in these three places have almost all been decided.

Apu from the Long-hand Clan and Tezoro on the human side also want to take the opportunity to win over Princess Violet, and the Fish-Man Island

"Oh! Look who this is!"

The host, who was running around among the contestants lining up, stopped in front of someone. His face showed an exaggerated exclamation visible to the naked eye, "Am I dazzled? Excuse me, are you Princess Otohime?"

The woman who appears on the camera is very familiar to everyone on the Fishman Island.

"It's Princess Otohime!"

"There is a rumor that someone saw her applying for the audition! I didn't expect it to be true!"

"Awesome! So, can we see Princess Otohime perform her talents?"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

The customers in the cafe immediately became excited.

"Just call me Otohime now,"

On the screen, Her Royal Highness the Princess smiled, "Now I am a contestant with the same knowledge as everyone else! However,"

Then, she waved her fist aggressively, "Please support me more! I want to become a star who can represent Fish-Man Island!"



Cheers came from all directions.

The customers in the cafe were almost excited, "Of course!

"Everyone gives me support for Princess Otohime!" "It's not the people of Fish-Man Island who don't support her!" "

Even the players on the screen were cheering for Otohime.

With such popularity, how could anyone on Fish-Man Island be her opponent?

That's why Brett said that if she participated in the draft, there would be no need for her to be an insider.

She has already become popular throughout the Fish-Man Island.

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