One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 223 The Diva Appears

Princess Otohime was singing loudly on the screen.

The way she closed her eyes and was immersed in it.

In fact, she wasn't the only one immersed in it.

At least here at the Mermaid Cafe, all the customers were listening in silence with quite a fascination.

Although we can see each other often, Her Royal Highness the Princess will give speeches from time to time. She is no stranger to anyone on the island, but when have they ever heard Her Highness the Princess sing?

No, never.

Her Royal Highness's speeches have always been for the country and the people. Before this, she had no intention of showing off her talents.

But it's different now.

"It sounds pretty good."

Brett made a low-pitched comment.


Xia Li nodded, "As expected of Her Royal Highness."

To be honest, this is actually not a strange thing.

Mermaids were also called sirens in the past. In that era when contact on the sea was not frequent, they were said to be monsters that would attract sailors sailing on the sea with their songs.

Their natural singing voices are quite outstanding.

Although Princess Otohime is not the best at singing among the mermaids, she is pretty good.

At least his level as an idol should be enough.

Princess Otohime's advantage has never been her singing voice.

When Her Royal Highness the Princess finished her song, the entire Fish-Man Island erupted in continuous cheers.

Although Fish-Man Island has never supported the political demands of His Highness, her reputation has always remained high. Everyone knows that this woman is really working hard for the development of Fish-Man Island.

She really loved this country and everyone on this island.

Therefore, of course, without any surprise, Her Royal Highness the Princess successfully advanced to the next round.

While the auditions are taking place on Fish-Man Island, live broadcasts are also starting simultaneously in various parts of the world.

This is a big draft facing the whole world.

As a result, the effect of Taizolo's decision to put the auditions on Fish-Man Island on the first day became apparent.

Almost all live broadcast points were crowded with spectators.

That's Fishman Island!

"Wow! So many mermaids!"

"So beautiful, every mermaid lady is breathtakingly beautiful!"

"Mishman Island is the so-called paradise!

How great! "

"I have decided, no matter what, I must go to Fish-Man Island once in my life! Go to that dreamlike country!"

When the auditions just started, such cheers began to ring out from all corners of the world.

Who can say no to beautiful mermaid ladies?

Then, people on the sea saw the heavyweights appear.

"Eh? What's going on? Why does this woman feel so popular? Even the players around her started cheering!"

"Princess? She is the princess of Fish-Man Island?"

"No way? The king of Fishman Island actually asked his wife to participate in the draft!"

"But it's quite beautiful."

"Really? I don't think she stands out much compared to the other mermaid ladies."

"But she is the princess! Think about it carefully, the princess of Fish-Man Island!"

"Oh! It sounds really good when you think about it! I support her promotion!"

For the first time, Princess Otohime began to have a certain influence around the world, and people on the sea began to know her name.

The first day of auditions came to an end in a lively manner. The auditions from the Changshou Clan will be broadcast live tomorrow, which disappointed people all over the world.

The contestants on Fish-Man Island are either beautiful people and ladies, or fish-people with all kinds of strange looks. Compared with them, what's so good about the Long-Handed Clan whose arms are just a bit longer than those of ordinary humans?

But no matter what, the order is like this, and the audience has nothing to do.

That night, Tezzolo couldn't wait to call Brett.

“The audition went very smoothly and caused a sensation all over the world!”

His voice was triumphant, and his proud and complacent expression could be clearly seen on the phone bug's face.

"Morgans said that we need to continue to increase the number of live broadcast points. Otherwise, if the current scale becomes more popular in the future, it may be difficult to support it."

That's right. It's just a good start now. As the show continues to air, the popularity will definitely increase.

After all, where in the world has there been any entertainment program like this?

How can people who read newspapers as entertainment every day have any resistance to such a program?

"Hahahaha, this time we are going to take the world by storm again!"

Tezoro laughed.

This is probably not bragging.

The next day was the audition for the Long Hand Clan. Brett usually watched the live broadcast with Xia Li at the Mermaid Cafe. The number of guests watching the live broadcast together increased from yesterday.

The residents of Fish-Man Island are still full of curiosity about this group.

When Apu came on stage and played various parts of his body as musical instruments, the entire audience exclaimed.

Brett nodded slightly, this guy Tezolo is indeed very discerning.

Apu's appearance is indeed very unremarkable, but his abilities are so cool that it would be a waste not to use them on stage.

In fact, Apu's appearance did set off a craze in other parts of the world.

This guy is a capable person. Ability user is equivalent to the strong person in this world!

Can a guy like this come to participate in the draft and not be so popular?

The next two days will still be the live broadcast of auditions for the Long-Legged Tribe and the Snake-Neck Tribe. Although there are no particularly outstanding figures among these two tribes, as the popularity of the draft continues to rise, the viewing data is also very good.

Coupled with the numerous reports published by the World Economic News, which introduced the popular audition contestants, the enthusiasm of the whole world seemed to be aroused.

Then, it was finally the human audition live broadcast.

On the human side, because it is divided into several different areas, several areas are cross-broadcast.

Tezzolo selfishly put the Deros Rosa division at the end as the finale. He felt that Violet's outstanding dancing would be a blockbuster.


Looking at the girl singing with all her heart on the screen, Brett was a little shocked.

The girl's voice is clear and sweet, just like the sound of a clear spring, and the melodious and sweet singing is like the dewy leaves fluttering in the wind in the early spring morning. What makes people feel is the vitality and vitality.

"It's so beautiful!"

Boss Xia Li couldn't help but said in surprise, "I have never heard such a beautiful singing voice!"

It was indeed a beautiful and over-the-top singing voice, at least all the audience here were mesmerized by it.

This is countless times stronger than Princess Otohime's half-hearted singing voice.

But, why does it feel familiar?

Where have you seen her?

Brett looked at the girl's half-red and half-white hair and hesitated.

"Britt, this girl should be one of the final members!" Charlie said firmly.


Brett was a little embarrassed, how should he answer? Did you say that the guy from Tezoro has already been confirmed?

"Hey Hey hey!


De Rosrosa, Tezzolo almost crushed the armrests of the seat, "What's going on with this girl, this singing voice is like the sound of nature!"


Not good, not good, not good!

Just listening to this kind of singing makes me feel ashamed!

Just hearing her singing makes me want to make her a member of the band!


Who is that?

Really unfamiliar.

No, no, Tezolo! Don’t forget your original intention of establishing unspoken rules.

Mr. Tezzolo was caught in a huge tangle.

At the same time, there is an island in a certain sea in the new world.



Come and see!


A fat man was running quickly towards the big ship docked on the coast.

“It’s Uta!


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