On this day, the live broadcast of the auditions for the Human Division caused a huge sensation around the world.

Even the previous live broadcast of the Fish-Man Island auditions was not as popular as it is today.

There is only one reason for everything, a girl named Uta.

Just one song made people all over the world immersed in it, and it even made people unforgettable for a long time, and they didn't even care about the subsequent contestants.


This girl who enthusiastically said during the live broadcast that she wanted to be the world's number one singer, only a short time later, the whole world knew her name.

Even the World Economic News Service had caught wind of the news and immediately conducted an exclusive interview with her.

The generous girl talked about her dream in the newspaper. She said that she wanted to use her singing to bring about a beautiful new era. In this new era, no one will encounter pain and despair anymore. What she wants to create is a world where everyone can live and work in peace and contentment.

Everyone was moved by the beautiful wish of the girl singer, and everyone who saw this interview showed a knowing smile.

These are beautiful words that only children can say.

In this chaotic world, peace and tranquility are far-fetched delusions that countless people don't even dare to dream about.

However, people were deeply moved by the fact that such a beautiful child had such a beautiful vision.

Even Xia Li, who has always been relatively indifferent, said with emotion, "Only a child who knows nothing about the reality of the world would express such a wish."

"Maybe so."

Even though he said that, Brett always felt that something was wrong.

This girl always feels a sense of déjà vu.

It's like I've seen it somewhere.

But he thought hard and found that there was no such character in the original work.

It's just weird.


Charlie turned to look at Brett, "Mr. Tezzolo wouldn't let such a child get hurt, right?"

Is this a sure thing that this kid can finally stand out?

But it's not that surprising.

The girl named Uta indeed has a beautiful singing voice that can shake everything.

Maybe that guy from Tezoro is also having a headache now.

The girl has such strength, if she still wants to force unwritten rules, I'm afraid the whole world won't agree.

It will be sprayed into a sieve.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

That night, Tezzolo poured out his bitter words on Brett on the phone.

"Who knew that a girl like this would suddenly appear and completely disrupt my plans!"

"Really, I don't know how to explain to Violet now. I obviously promised her that I would make her debut!"

The second princess of the Kingdom of Drosrosa, Her Highness Violet is an esper with the ability of a superhuman stare fruit.

This fruit is very powerful.

Not only can it see through people's hearts, it can also see scenes within thousands of kilometers like a super telescope.

He even has some fighting ability.

Tezoro was greedy.

Brett smiled and said, "So, Tezoro, you mean to make this kid the final winner?"

Tezoro was silent for a moment.

Then the man sighed, "I can't help it. Uta's singing makes me feel ashamed. Otherwise, I should give up singing and concentrate on acting in movies. I even had such an idea in my heart."

Tezzolo himself is an excellent singer, and he certainly knows the charm contained in Uta's singing.

"There is no way not to recognize her excellence."

"Is that an exaggeration?"

Brett didn't expect that Tezzolo's mentality had collapsed to this point.

"You're not good at singing, so you don't know how amazing that girl is!"

Tezzolo's tone was now full of admiration, "I will make her the number one singer in the world!"

"Then come on."

Brett chuckled.

He never paid much attention to these entertainment matters. This was the scope of Mr. Tezzolo's handling.

When Brett didn't know it, there was the East China Sea, the Goa Kingdom, and the Windmill Village.

"It's Uta!"

The boy wearing a straw hat was very excited. He waved the newspaper in his hand and ran towards the figure walking in front of him, "Ace, look! It's Uta!"


The boy who looked much taller and more mature turned around and said, "Is she the one you mentioned before, Shanks' daughter?"


The straw hat boy nodded happily, "Shanks didn't lie to me, she is really safe!"

"Hehe, as expected, Uta is still working hard towards her goal of becoming a singer! Okay, then I can't lag behind! I must scare her next time we meet! Go practice! Ace!"

"Hey, kid, why are your blood boiling all of a sudden?"

At the same moment, an island in the new world.

"Oh, haven't you given up on this dream yet?"

The red-haired man with only one right arm was sitting on the side of the boat. He was flipping a newspaper in his hand. On the newspaper was a photo of a red-and-white-haired girl with a bright smile.

"Seeing little Uta grow up healthily, boss, you must be very happy too!"

A big fat man with a chicken leg in his mouth was laughing on the side.

"But he's so cruel, Shanks."

The sniper with dreadlocks pretended to sigh, "I really haven't seen her since then. Little Uta obviously likes you the most."

"Do you have the nerve to say such things?"

Vice Captain Beckman rolled his eyes.

The bastard who abandoned his wife and children and ran to the sea is really shameless.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The man named Jesus Bu scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly.

"So, Captain, do you want to meet Uta now?" Beckman, the red-haired right-hand man and the second-in-command of the pirate group, asked in a deep voice, "She should be looking forward to seeing you again."


The red-haired man clenched the newspaper in his hand and raised his head, his eyes a little distracted.

"If I remember correctly, that guy from Tezzolo is in Deros Rosa, right?"


Beckman snorted coldly, "I never knew you could be so weak, Shanks."

"The meeting at this moment may not be a good thing for both of us."

The red-haired man looked at the sea in the distance quietly, his tone a little incomprehensible.


Then, the man who was already famous in this sea area called the New World turned around, and the familiar generous smile appeared on his face again.

"Well, anyway, let's go visit a certain guy now and ask him not to make our little princess sad."

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