One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 225 Red Hair Comes to the Door

In the year 1514 of the Hainan calendar, if people in the future are asked what impressions they have of this year, then there may be two answers.

The first is that the revolutionary army finally took action. They overthrew the rule of several countries in succession, shocking the world government and its affiliated countries.

The second one is of course the world's No. 1 draft held by big star Taizolo in conjunction with the World Economic News Agency.

In the future, many people will say that this is the first year of world entertainment.

A man named Tezzolo brought the concept of drafting to the world for the first time, and also created a group of superstars who later became famous all over the world.

Diva Uta is the most famous of them all, but not the only one.

The spectacular draft is still in progress.

The audition live broadcast on the human side has come to an end for the time being, and next is the fur tribe side.

This is another huge breaking point.

For people on the sea, the fur tribe is too mysterious.

Before this draft, even most people in the sea knew nothing about this race, or even their existence.

And now, Tezolo and World Economic News have brought this ethnic group to everyone and unveiled their mysterious veil.

It was very difficult to shoot on the back of Elephant Island, so Tezolo had already discussed it with the two kings of cats and dogs of the fur tribe.

He provides remote guidance, and other pre-draft preparation matters are left to the fur tribe themselves.

Therefore, when the live broadcast started on this day, everyone felt that the style had changed drastically.

"This is Zuowu, welcome to the fur tribe."

When the host appeared on the screen, Brett couldn't help but smile while watching the live broadcast.

It's Pedro.

Cat Viper and the others really thought about letting such a serious man be the host.

Pedro is a tough guy with an awkward look on his face.

"Anyway, Zuowu's audition starts now."

Then, it started.

The auditions on the furry side highlight one joy.

Probably the judges and the contestants are all acquaintances, everyone is smiling, the atmosphere is very harmonious, everyone is talking and laughing loudly, it looks like a lively market.

The talent display of the contestants is even more bizarre.

Probably the fur tribes don't understand what kind of person Tezoro wants. They think that talent display is to show off their advantages as much as possible.


"My performance is peeling an apple with one hand!"

"What I'm going to do is smoke through my nose!"

"I want to eat while standing on my head!"

Brett's expression was very subtle.

These skills are indeed very powerful, but are they inappropriate for this show?

Fortunately, there is no shortage of truly versatile people among the fur tribe.

Outstanding singers, outstanding dancers, and outstanding performers took turns on the stage, but this did not turn this talent show, which the fur tribe had put in so vigorously, into a farce.

It even got a good response because of its specialness.

The joyful and unique style of the fur tribe is admired by many people.

In the next two days, it will be the turn of the giants and small humans, who are the real finale, to perform.

The reason why these two races are placed at the end is because the contrast between them is very strong. One is the giant race and the other is the small human race. Their staggered appearance should be very effective in the program.

Facts have proved that Tezolo's little idea is also very correct.

Whether they are bold and powerful giants or petite little humans, when they appear on the live broadcast, the whole world is amazed.

Again, people know too little about races like giants and small humans.

Mysterious, this word is like a magic potion that enchants people's hearts.

But of course, the singer is still grabbing the headlines in newspapers now.

Although she only made a brief appearance, her heavenly singing voice is still unforgettable for the whole world.

In short, the auditions are proceeding in an orderly manner in various places. As time goes by, the audition becomes more and more popular, and more and more people pay attention to this activity.

After the live broadcast of the giants and small humans was completed, it was the turn of the Fish-Man Island again.

People on the sea became excited again.

Other races will certainly make them feel fresh, but to be attractive, of course they have to be the mermaid ladies.

The whole world was in an uproar because Tezzolo had staged the event on a whim.

Deros Rosa.

On the tall tower that stood in the city, Tezzolo stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looking down at the city below with contentment.

Since the start of the draft, this country has become more and more lively, and people from all surrounding sea areas have begun to gather here.

As the headquarters of Tezolo Company, Deros Rosa is of course one of the registration points for the human competition area, and because Tezolo himself is based here, this country still has the largest number of applicants.

Perhaps people thought that Mr. Tezzolo would be lenient to the locals.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Tezoro suddenly laughed like crazy.

He felt that he could really create a new era, an era of entertainment.

People in this world really have a hard life, so they are probably obsessed with things that can temporarily provide them with some mental pleasure.

Tezolo felt really proud.

One Piece ushered in the era of great pirates, and his great era of entertainment doesn’t sound like a loser.


"Lord Tezolo!"

Suddenly, the big-headed doll Tanaka appeared out of thin air on the floor behind him.

His expression was very strange, and his forehead was already covered with sweat.

"What's wrong, Tanaka?"

Tezuolo noticed something was wrong with his old subordinate's mood and turned around in surprise.


Tanaka's face could not hide the panic, "There is a man who wants to meet you."

"See me? Tell him to get lost!"

Tezoro raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Didn't you tell him that he needs to make an appointment first if he wants to see me?"

President Tezolo is very busy at work, and it is impossible for everyone to see him if they want to.

Even if a prominent figure in the New World wants to see him, he must make an appointment in advance.

"But, Lord Tezolo,"

A smile that was even uglier than crying appeared on Mr. Tanaka's face, "I think it's better for you to meet him, because the man who wants to meet you is special."


Later, Tezoro knew why Tanaka said special.

"Please don't mind your visit, President Tezolo."

The red-haired man sat on the soft sofa in Tezolo's office and smiled broadly.

"You guy"

Tezoro was really shocked.

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