Tezzolo felt restless.

Although the man sitting in front of him had a very warm smile and a kind attitude.

But this man is one of the most famous pirates in the New World today.

Apart from the three monster pirates called emperors, he is the most famous.

The bounty has exceeded two billion, and the cadres of the pirate group under his command are all extraordinary in strength. They are called the Iron Wall Pirates by the people at sea.

Everyone is saying that if there is a fourth emperor in the new world, it must be him.

This former intern on the Pirate King's ship is now a strong man that countless people look up to!

So Tezoro felt a lot of pressure.

The man's sword was put aside. Taizuoluo was really afraid that this guy would draw his sword and slash at him if he disagreed.

Although he was very confident in his own strength, Taizolo didn't think he had the strength to fight against this man.

This man's strength is very close to that of the emperors. If I have to make an analogy, he is probably similar to Brett last year. How could he win?

"So, red hair, why did you come to me specifically?"

Tai Zuoluo felt uneasy in his heart, but he refused to show weakness at all.

Just kidding, let him show his cowardice in front of others, it would be better to kill him.

Moreover, someone has already informed Brett, and that guy should be on his way here non-stop now.

Fishman Island is very close to Derosrosa, and at that guy's speed, he can get there in a few hours at most.

Let's stall for now.

That's what Tezolo thought.

"Ha ha ha ha,"

The redhead laughed and patted the armrest of the sofa, "Don't worry, don't worry, Tezolo, I'm not here to cause trouble."

"In fact,"

The man paused for a moment, and then said solemnly, "I came here this time to ask for your help with something."


Taizuoluo was surprised.

He didn't think there was anything he could do to help this guy.

After all, the red hair is a pirate, and he is a businessman. Is there any intersection between the two parties?

"Uta, this name, Tezolo, should be familiar to you by now." The red-haired man said.

Taizuolo Tongkong couldn't help but shrink.

So, is that girl actually related to red hair?

In other words, this man is actually a pervert, and he has a crush on the girl singer?

If that's the case, then we can't let him succeed!

That girl is a singer who can even surpass herself. How could she let such a treasure be destroyed by such a fuck?

Then try to delay as much time as possible until that guy Brett arrives.

Tezoro thought to himself.

Then, the next moment, the redhead said.

"She's my daughter."


Brett was flying across the sky.

He had transformed into a dragon-like form, with brilliant electric light blooming all over his body. He stepped on the clouds that were gathering under his feet and shot forward quickly, streaking across the sky like a meteor.

After receiving Tezolo's request for help, he set off without stopping.

But I don’t understand. Why would the red-haired guy go to trouble Taizolo?

Is there any conflict of interest between the two parties?

The red-haired pirates have always been alone on the sea. Although they also own some territories, they only provide shelter to those islands and ignore other aspects.

How could that guy Tezolo provoke them?

It couldn't be that they were assigned by the government to cause trouble.

Although there is indeed some unclear relationship between the red hair and the World Government, Brett does not think that this man will completely obey the government's instructions.

Forget it, there's no point in thinking about it now.

If the red-haired visitor is really evil, then I hope that guy Tezoro can try to delay it for a while.

Brett went full speed ahead.

He came faster than Tezuolo imagined. The existence of the flame cloud allowed him to walk on flat ground even if he was running in the sky.

This is no longer a moon step at all, but a true running forward at full speed.

It didn't take long for him to arrive above Delos Rosa.

Then release the ability and eject downwards.

If you can avoid exposing your abilities, then try not to expose them.

The target is the tower where Tezoro is.

But when he was falling, Brett's expression changed.

"This is"

At this time, there was a wide hall on a certain floor inside the tower.

Tezzolo was chatting and laughing with some man, or rather, many men.

At this time, this spacious and clean hall was crowded with a group of smoky pirates.


The red-haired man suddenly raised his head, "What is this?"

"What an exaggeration."

With a cigarette in his mouth, the originally lazy man became serious, "Captain, it seems like a real monster is coming!"

"Oh? Are you here already?"

Tezuolo also raised his head happily, "Then you can already notify the chef to serve the food!"


Brett flew in from the window in the hall, landed on the ground, looked around at everyone in the room, looked at the man with red hair, and then asked Tezzolo, "What's going on now?"

He didn't expect to come all the way here and see the scene like this.

This guy Tezoro is actually having a good time with the red-haired pirates?

"Hahahaha, misunderstandings, all misunderstandings!"

Tezolo laughed, "Mr. Shanks came to me for help."


Brett raised an eyebrow.

Now his thoughts are in sync with Tezoro's not long ago.

Is there anything that this red-haired guy needs Tezolo's help with?

"Who could have imagined it?"

Tezolo smiled and said, "That girl singer, the little girl Uta, is actually the daughter of Mr. Shanks."


Brett was stunned for a moment.

Red-haired daughter?

Memories from past lives suddenly come back to life.

It seems that there really is such a character.

It does not appear in the main comics, but appears in the spin-off movies like Zefa.

However, because the movie had not yet been released when the time traveled, Brett probably only knew that such a character existed.

"Although it's a bit hard to say, now I can only ask Mr. Tezolo to help me take care of the child."

The red-haired man said this.

So, I came here specifically to warn Tezolo, to let him know that there is no one behind the child.

However, even so, he has no intention of bringing the child back to him. It seems that there are still some unspeakable past events between him and Uta.

Brett pondered.

"Then just leave this matter to Tezoro."

Brett pulled up a chair and sat down casually. He was a little tired after a long journey.

"This guy is saying that this kid will become a top star in the world, and he wants to spare no effort to train him."

"Tezolo said the same thing."

The red-haired man smiled and said, "Anyway, I'd like to ask you to pay more attention."

"Leave it to me!"

Tezoro patted his chest.

He really meant what he said.

As Brett said, he really wanted to train the girl named Uta to become a world-famous star.

This is not a bad thing for him.

Moreover, I was planning to train Uta, and now I know that the girl is the red-haired daughter, which means that I can even build a friendship with the red-haired pirate. Isn't this a great thing?

"Hahahaha, anyway, let's have a party first!"

Tezoro laughed.

Shouldn't this be a joy?


The red-haired man also smiled, and he looked at Brett, "Just in time, we can also chat, Brett, I heard Tezoro say,"

"Are you Mr. Reilly's disciple?"

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