One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 227 The final moment

After hearing the red-haired man's words, Brett couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Tezoro.

You talk a lot.

Tezoro gave Brett a proud smile in return.

This is a good opportunity, Brett!

This guy is a much more reliable pirate than Charlotte Lingling. Since we already have such a connection, we should quickly seize the opportunity to build a good relationship with him.

Brett could hear this meaning from Tezolo's eyes.

That’s indeed a good thing to say.

Now it seems that there is indeed a wonderful connection between the red hair and himself and Tezolo.

Tezuoluo won't say anything anymore. The red-haired daughter will be working under him next, and as for herself, the connection may be closer.

After all, Teacher Rayleigh was this guy's vice-captain back then.

Then Brett smiled and said, "Rayleigh gave me a lot of guidance on Haki."

"That's not surprising."

Ben Beckman, the vice-captain of the red-haired pirates, said calmly, "Before this, everyone was curious."

Brett smiled slightly, was he curious about where he jumped out of?

The strong men in this world often grow up in fierce fighting, just like raising poison.

But there are also some special guys who are already very powerful when they first appear on the scene.

In this case, it is mostly because someone is teaching behind your back.


The red-haired man looked very nostalgic, "Mr. Reilly also taught me a lot when I was on the captain's ship," he laughed, "Looking at it this way, we can be considered students from the same school, Brett! "

That should be the case for now.

"Hahaha, then you are completely one of our own!"

The obese man, although he doesn't look amazing, is actually the chef Lachilu, one of the top cadres of the red-haired pirate group, and shouted with a smile, "Then let's have a banquet together!"

"Oh! Banquet banquet!"

The red-haired man laughed excitedly and couldn't help patting the armrests of the chair, making noise like a child, "Bring me the wine!"

"Hey, hey, I'm the host today, right?"

Tezolo pretended to be sulky, and then couldn't help but laugh, "Tanaka, let the chefs serve the food! Make sure to prepare enough all kinds of fine wines."

"Yes, Lord Tezolo."

The big-headed doll exposed half of its head from the wall, and then immediately retracted it.

Needless to say, the next step is naturally the enjoyable part of the banquet.

Banquets have a deep foundation in this world. Whether they are navy or pirates, civilians or noble officials, everyone always likes to hold banquets when they encounter something happy.

This time is certainly no exception.

Tezoro is indeed a good person to liven up the atmosphere, and the pirates of the red-haired pirate group also seem to hold banquets frequently.

So, it was another banquet with great conversation and harmonious atmosphere.

Brett was chatting with the redhead.

The intersection between the two parties was Rayleigh, so a lot of topics surrounding the old man arose.

Red Hair talked about a lot of things that happened in the past, and Brett also talked about a lot of things that happened recently.

"I feel relieved knowing that Mr. Reilly is in good health."

The red-haired man was very nostalgic, "The last time we met was several years ago."

Brett knew that it was time to return to the New World from the East China Sea.

At that time, the red-haired man told Rayleigh about the Straw Hat junior with an excited look on his face.

"If you have time, go have a drink with that old man."

Brett smiled and said, "No matter how powerful the old man is, he will eventually feel a little lonely."

"Hahaha, is that so?"

The red-haired man shook his wine glass with a smile, "But now is not the time to leisurely visit the old man."


Tezzolo, who had been listening to the situation with sharp ears and looking forward to a good relationship between Brett and the red-haired man, turned his head and asked, "Mr. Shanks, do you have any special opinions on the current situation in the sea?"

The red-haired man just smiled, swung his wine glass and burped, "Well, hahahaha, no, it's just a sigh."

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth, this guy is also a Riddler.

He obviously knows a lot of things, but he just doesn't say anything.


The red-haired man looked at Tezoro solemnly and then at Brett, "You two, Uta is leaving it to you."

Tezolo straightened his back and nodded solemnly, "Of course! Just leave it to us!"

What does it mean to leave it to us?

Shouldn't I say I'll leave it to you?

"It won't be long before you see your daughter becoming famous all over the world and becoming a big star that everyone admires!"

"Hahaha, really? It sounds good too!"

The redhead laughed.

Then, his expression became a little more solemn, "Then, in return, if you encounter any trouble and need help, please feel free to contact us."

"Then I won't be polite!"

Tezoro grinned.

It should be considered a smooth progress. Although there is no alliance with the red-haired pirate, at least a little bond has been built with Uta as a link.

But obviously that's all, that is, the relationship where the red hair can help.

He didn't even ask about the relationship between Brett and Kaido Charlotte Lingling.

Should I say open-minded or should I say I don't care?

Anyway, the red-haired pirates left like this.

"it's a pity,"

While watching them leave at the port, Tezoro glared at Brett with hatred, "Why can't you seize this opportunity?"

There is obviously a chance to further develop the relationship with the redhead.

"Don't say stupid things."

Brett said casually, "That man is not so easy to win over,"

To be honest, the redhead's stance is really unpredictable.

Even Black is not sure whether he is really on the opposite side of the government.

How to win over such an unpredictable guy?

"never mind,"

Tezuolo could only shake his head helplessly, "This is not bad now!"

The promise of help from the red-haired pirates is already good.

There is no need to rush to take the next step immediately. With Uta as the link, as long as you treat the girl well, the relationship between the two parties will get better sooner or later.

That's what Tezolo thought.


Suddenly, Brett said, "Be careful when getting along with that girl, Uta."

"Of course I know."

Tezoluo grinned, "I decided to teach her myself and make her my disciple."

"No, that's not what I meant."

Brett shook his head, "There's probably something wrong with that girl."


When Brett traveled through time, the movie about Uta had not yet been released.

But there is also some vague information circulating.

Brett had heard of that girl, a girl named Uta. She seemed to be the villain in the plot?

In any case, this year, the big draft held by Tezzolo made the whole world excited.

With the end of the audition stage, each ethnic group has entered the main competition stage one after another, and the popularity accumulated for a long time has completely exploded.

Each of the different players has achieved extraordinary popularity with the help of the World Economic News, and their fans have fierce arguments and debates about who will advance to the next round.

Such quarrels increased the popularity of the whole event, and even the most ignorant and closed-minded people on the sea became familiar with it.

Then, no matter how long the years are, they will eventually come to an end.

The draft of each race finally ushered in the final chapter.

Next, it’s time for the final victory.

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