One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 231 Otohime and Utachi Part 2

Strictly speaking, the gender composition of the final winners of this draft is somewhat unbalanced.

Three men, five women.

There's no way around it. Audiences who have the right to vote during the draft are naturally biased towards beautiful and moving women.

The only three exceptions, the three winners of the Long-Handed Clan, the Long-Legged Clan, and the Snake-Neck Clan, were promoted successfully because of Taizolo's shady actions.

If I had known about it and started a girl group, I wouldn’t have had to worry about being criticized for the gender ratio issue.

Not all places in this world are open-minded, and some areas are relatively conservative.

Anyway, there were eight people in total, three men and five women, and the group was about to open for business.

And now, it’s the first meeting of these future stars.

Princess Otohime showed considerable enthusiasm, making the red and white haired girl singer tire of it.

After harassing the singer Uta, Otohime turned her attention to the only three men in the team.

They all happened to have arrived.

Needless to say, Apu, the default champion from the Changshou Clan, is the musical instrument player of the team.

The champion of the long-legged tribe is a very handsome man. He has a pair of excessively long legs and is very knowledgeable in dancing. Tezoro means that he should focus on women and be the main dancer of the team.

The victor of the snake-neck tribe also looks pretty good. His singing voice is very moving. Although it is probably far inferior to Uta, it is at least several orders of magnitude better than the two swords like Otohime. He is the male vocalist.

Otohime smiled very familiarly and came over to chat with them.

The champions from three different ethnic groups treated Otohime respectfully.

Everyone knows that this woman represents Fishman Island, and Jinbei from the Shichibukai is standing at the door! And behind them is the emperor who rules the deep sea.

Finally it is.

"Ah, you're so cute! Your name is Manxili, right? You are the princess of Dongtata Kingdom!"

Princess Otohime walked around the petite girl with golden hair, with an intoxicating smile on her face, "Little human race, I didn't know there was such a cute race in the world before!"

The little princess covered her face shyly.

"The little humans have been friends of King Drosrosaliku's family for generations,"

Taizuoluo smiled at this time and said, in fact, the winner of the small human race he originally planned should be Leo. He and Taizuoluo have a good relationship, and after all, that kid is also a person with abilities, and the ratio of four men and four women is better. suitable.

But the little princess didn't know what was going on. After seeing Leo sign up for the draft, she signed up too.

There's nothing we can do about it. It won't be a loss if we can bring this healing fruit user to our side, right?

Leo? Really unfamiliar.

To be honest, Princess Mansheli is not as good as Otohime in all aspects, but it doesn't matter, she just needs to be cute.

She is the kind of team mascot who is silly, knows nothing, and needs the care of her brothers and sisters.

"They live like elves in the Greenbit next door. To be honest, this time I have hesitated for a long time just because of whether to expose them to the world."

Tezolo said with a smile, "Blett said that instead of letting them come to the sea and encounter the discrimination and contempt that other minority groups have encountered, it is better to let them live in their hometown without fighting against the world."

The expressions of Apu and the others changed slightly.

Almost all of them have never left their hometown, but they still hear about what happened to their tribesmen on the sea.

Even the singer Miss Uta frowned slightly, wondering what she was thinking.

Princess Otohime suddenly turned to look at her in surprise.

“But it ended up getting them into the Seven Corners League and this draft.”

Tezuolo said with some pride, "Because we already have enough power to protect them!"

He added, "Enough to protect everyone!"

"Oh! As expected of President Tezolo! It's so touching!"

Apu led the applause.

He was almost killed by Brett, so of course he knew how terrifying the man Tezoro relied on was.

"Anyway, the last two members should be arriving soon,"

Taizolo clapped his hands and said, "Let's get acquainted with each other a little more, and then we can start formal rehearsals. The performance won't be long, so we have to hurry up."

"Please wait a moment, President Tezolo."

The singer, who had been acting very coldly from the beginning, now spoke up, "There is another question. Although we are all colleagues in the same team, who is the main role? Who will be the lead singer?"

This question made Tezoluo a bit confused.

If it was before the red hair came to the door, then he must now answer that he must respect his seniors, and young people still need to sharpen their skills, so the C position must be taken by the oldest Princess Otohime.

Just kidding, although you, little girl, are indeed gifted, my good brother is Brett, and Fish-Man Island is my most solid partner.

But the problem now is that this girl is a red-haired daughter.

This way you have to consider a little more.

There is no one in the world who is better at observing people's emotions than Princess Otohime. Even Brett can't compare to her. This woman smiled casually and said, "Then let's have a try!"

"Whoever performs better will be the lead singer!"

Apu and the other three didn't dare to speak at all. Your Highness, Princess, just say so.

Little Princess Manxili blinked in confusion, not yet entering the situation.

"How dare you say that!"

Uta sneered, "Then of course I will accompany you to the end!"

What a woman who doesn’t know how high the sky is.

Think I haven't seen your game?

Do you dare to challenge yourself at this level?

Tezolo shook his head helplessly. The red-haired daughter was not very friendly.

He nodded and said, "Then it's decided! Anyone who is willing can participate."

Of course, no one wants to participate except Princess Otohime and Uta.

Soon, the remaining two members arrived. They were a beautiful giant from the giant tribe, who was strong and brave, and a girl from the fox fur tribe from Zuowu. She was tall and covered with snow-white fur. Her popularity Among all the players, he is second only to Uta.

None of them were interested in competing with their companions, so in the end, only Princess Otohime and Uta competed.

Both of them are determined to win the lead vocal position.

So now let’s decide the winner with singing.

In the recording studio dedicated to Taizolo, the two stood opposite each other.

"Then, just use this song, is that okay?"

As a manager, Taizolo certainly acted as the referee and assigned a song to the two contestants.

Neither of them had any objection.

Miss Uta picked up the microphone first and gave Otohime a sideways look.

"Get ready to feel what despair means!"

The little girl is very arrogant.

Princess Otohime just looked at her with a smile.


After Uta realized that the provocation was useless, he snorted, held the microphone tightly, closed his eyes, and took a breath to think.

Then the next second, the most beautiful music in the world flows through the microphone.

Everyone couldn't help but smile on their faces for the first time.

There is no doubt that this is a song that goes straight to the heart and is enough to move anyone.

"It's really amazing!"

The singer from the snake-neck tribe couldn't help but feel ashamed, "It makes people desperate, it's really not a joke!"

This little girl is only a teenager. If she continues to grow up, which singer can not feel despair in front of her?

Taizolo couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Otherwise, you really should stop singing in the future, right?

After the song ended, Uta, who devoted himself wholeheartedly to singing, noticed everyone's reaction.

It was exactly as she expected.

She glanced at her rival. Her Royal Highness the Princess had tears streaming down her face.

Oh, were you actually moved to look like this?

Now you know, the weight our songs carry is different!

I want to make the whole world happy with my singing

A warm embrace enveloped her in it.


Uta blinked in surprise.


Princess Otohime hugged the girl tightly with her hands, and she was crying loudly.

"Hey, you guy! Let me go!"

Uta struggled hard.

She heard a crunching sound on the woman's arm, probably because it was dislocated.

How fragile is your body? And since it's already dislocated, why don't you let go?

Princess Otohime sobbed and said, "Isn't it painful?"

"Every time you sing, it's painful, right?"


Little sister Uta's eyes widened.

What is this woman talking about?

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