One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 232 Prelude to the World Conference

Is this woman out of her mind?

Probably everyone who saw Princess Otohime's performance at this time had this thought in their minds.

But that definitely doesn’t include Tazzolo.

He had already learned about the abilities possessed by Her Royal Highness from Brett.

He has the same insight into people's minds as that bastard Brett.

Maybe he heard something in the girl's heart.

Tezoro looked at Uta who was hugged tightly by Otohime and looked very panicked.

So, is it true?

This girl who clearly has a singing voice as natural as nature sounds, but her heart is filled with pain when she sings?

Redhead, what's going on with your guy's daughter?

Tezoro suddenly remembered that Brett had told him to be careful about this girl.

Did that guy expect this?

Could it be that he read some news from the red-haired heart through the color of his sight?

"I have no idea what you're talking about!"

The girl singer finally pushed Otohime away and said angrily, "Is there something wrong with your brain?"

"Is it because the shame of being dirty has made your brain go crazy?"

Princess Otohime took a deep breath, and then she raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"It is adults' fault that children cannot grow up happily. We have not created a gentle world."

She said so.

Everyone looked confused. What was she saying suddenly?

Only Uta's face suddenly turned red, and his childish hole almost shrank to a point, "Stop being so self-righteous!"

"What adults! What children! Why are you so condescending and arrogant?"


There seems to be a story here?

Taizolo looked at Uta's sudden rage and couldn't help but wonder, could it be that the red-haired guy abandoned the girl and left her with severe psychological trauma?

I can't tell that the red-haired man with an upright face is actually such a person.

"Anyway, let's listen to my singing."

Princess Otohime drooped one hand and took the microphone from Uta's hand with the other hand.

She took a deep breath and started singing.

He and Uta sang the same song, but their technique and timbre were completely different.

If Uta's singing voice is as flawless as white jade, then Princess Otohime's singing voice can only be said to be like a piece of iron.

I can’t say it’s useless, but it doesn’t have many merits.

However, it was such a crude singing voice that made everyone here change their expressions.

"This, what is this!"

Apu's eyes widened in almost disbelief.

This made him evaluate the singing voice that had almost no merit, but it seemed to come alive at this time, and every syllable continued to penetrate deep into his heart.

It doesn't sound very nice, but it is so moving.

There is no technique, it is full of emotion.

It's obviously the same song, but when Uta sang just now, people were amazed at her skills.

But now, this woman's singing made Apu feel more moved than ever before.

For no reason, it moved him indescribably.

What's going on with this woman? What happened to her singing?


The singer from the Snake Neck Clan was so moved that his eyes sparkled, "Real music must be so moving! I finally know why Her Royal Highness the Princess is unrivaled in the competition on Fish-Man Island!"

At this time Uta was completely stunned.

She felt it more intensely than anyone else here.

After all, Princess Otohime's song is largely sung for her.

I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all, what’s going on with this woman’s singing voice?

Uta's legs felt a little weak, so he pulled away and tried to step back.

She felt unprecedentedly panicked at this time.

Because there were strong feelings bursting in her heart.

It's like a volcanic eruption, unstoppable.

It was the warmest emotion, soft and caring, as reassuring as being hugged by a mother.

It made her want to cry.

This is a feeling I haven't experienced for a long, long time.

"Stop singing!


Uta suddenly screamed, “Shut up!


Don't let me recall the happy and joyful mood at that time.

The singer who moved people's hearts with her singing was almost collapsed by the singing of another person.

Princess Otohime stopped singing, she just looked at Uta quietly.


Uta was stunned.

The mermaid woman didn't say anything, but he seemed to have a spiritual connection with her.

You can feel the care and tenderness conveyed in her heart.

Like, mom.

The girl singer staggered back. What on earth is going on with this woman?

"I have four kids in total."

Otohime smiled and said, "Everyone is very cute and cute. I hope to watch each of them grow up healthy and happy."

Uta gritted his teeth, completely confused about this woman's abilities, but the strong and almost indestructible love came through.

Her heart was almost overwhelmed.

"So, I also hope that every child in the world can grow up healthy and happy."

Princess Otohime said this, her eyes were extremely soft, and she walked closer to Uta, "I hope you can sing happily and grow up happily."

Uta didn't even dare to look at her.

She was afraid that her heart would melt in that look.

She just stepped back in panic, no longer as confident and arrogant as before.

Princess Otohime hugged her again, "It's okay to feel pain and sadness. From now on, let me make you happy."

What the hell is going on with this woman!

Why can you say this so naturally when you first meet someone? Wouldn't it be embarrassing? Wouldn't it feel awkward?

And why do I seem to be looking forward to this very much?

Uta was at a loss.

This kind of warmth bursting out from her heart made her almost irresistible, and she couldn't help but think back, as if she had returned to that time.


Tezoro gasped.

What a terrifying ability!

I already thought that Brett's behavior was perverted enough, but I didn't expect that Her Royal Highness the Princess would be even more exaggerated!

It really destroyed a person's psychological defense line before saying a few words!

It is unjust for such a person not to become an idol!

Anyway, let's have someone put the dislocated arm back into place for Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Bright was contacted by Tezzolo the next night.

Tezuolo told him exactly what happened before.

"Now Miss Uta no longer dares to meet Princess Otohime. She just walks around when she sees her." Tezoro smiled happily.

"Isn't this great?" Brett also laughed.

All I can say is that it was a match made in heaven.

Now it seems that Miss Uta is very lacking in fatherly and maternal love, and it just so happens that what Princess Otohime lacks most is love.

"I feel so too,"

Taizuolo said, "Sooner or later, Miss Uta will be captured by Her Royal Highness the Princess. Using their relationship as a bond, the relationship with the Red-haired Pirates will also be greatly improved."

He is really a utilitarian guy. Abandoned by his father, the girl who lacks love is redeemed by a gentle mother. What a touching story this should be.

But this guy Tezoro only wants to get closer to the red-haired pirates.

It's amazing.

Anyway, a few days later, the idol group named AStars by Tezolo held their first performance.

It is no exaggeration to say that it was a huge success.

It is said that the entire Deros Rosa was almost packed that day.

Enthusiastic fans from all over the world electrified the whole country.

There were even some pirates who wanted to cause trouble, but were killed directly by some powerful guys among the fans before they had a chance to take action.

But Brett couldn't pay too much attention to the performance.

Because, the time for the World Conference is coming.

The government has officially extended an invitation to King Neptune to attend this year's World Conference in Mariejoia in a week's time.

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