One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 233 Departure amidst the surging undercurrent

The quadrennial world conference is finally about to begin.

Some time ago, royal families from various countries who had been invited by the government had already set off under the escort of the navy. After all, the distances to Mariejoia were different and it was impossible to set off at the same time.

As the closest country to Marie Joa, Fish-Man Island was not in a hurry.

The World Conference is held in a week, so even a day in advance is more than enough.

At this time, the three giants of Fish-Man Island gathered together again.

Although I had decided to attend the World Conference long ago, specific matters still needed to be discussed.

"The current Fish-Man Island has become too powerful,"

Jinbei sighed, "The world government is probably full of fear of us. I'm afraid this world conference will not go well."

You can tell with your toes that the World Government will definitely want to further suppress Fish-Man Island.

"Probably thinking that it would be great if we could use us to control the giant fur tribe, something like that."

Brett sat lazily on the sofa, his eyelids drooping, and said lazily.

The current relationship between Fish-Man Island and the World Government is like an enhanced version of the relationship between the government and the Shichibukai. Brett himself thinks so.

If the World Government wants to strengthen its control over Fish-Man Island, it is best to completely control it.

What Fish-Man Island wants to do here is to just use the power of the government but not let the government's plan succeed.

The two sides are engaged in this back-and-forth game.

"So, I must go to this world conference." King Neptune sighed slightly.

"But if you don't go, I'm afraid it will be a time to completely break up with the government."

Jinbei said solemnly.

If they refuse to participate in this world conference, they may immediately be understood by the government to mean that Fishman Island wants to completely break away from the government camp.

After all, Fishman Island itself now represents a powerful force.

Moreover, Fish-Man Island is completely different from the Pirate Emperors in the New World, and it is too close to Mariejoia.

The World Government will never allow Fish-Man Island to break away. It is too dangerous for them.

As for Fish-Man Island, there is no need to break up with the government yet.

After all, if that happens, it means that the world government will fully target Fish-Man Island, and economic and political sanctions will definitely take turns.

Even if it is able to withstand the military offensive of the World Government with its own strength and the help of its allies. However, economic and political sanctions are bound to interrupt the current vigorous development momentum of the fishmen.

This is not a situation Brett wants to see.

Now there is a revolutionary army to directly attract the firepower of the World Government, and the pirate emperors of the New World also bear the main artillery fire of the navy.

What Fish-Man Island needs to do now is to seize the time for development and continue to become more prosperous and powerful.

Not a single ancient weapon is in place yet, so it's not the time to start a head-on war with the World Government.

Brett thinks so.

"Anyway, Brett, I will leave Neptune's safety in your hands this time as we head to Mariejoia."

Jinbei said solemnly.


Brett nodded slightly.

This time he was also invited to the World Conference.

The government's reasons are somewhat interesting.

They say that Neptune is the king of Fish-Man Island under the sun, and Bright is the ruler of this country in the shadows.

That's enough. Brett felt very speechless at that time. Even in the current situation, he did not forget to sow discord. Should he really be worthy of being a world government?

However, since the government wants to test Fish-Man Island, it will respond with the strongest attitude.

Since the government wants to go there by itself, let's go there. It just so happens that Brett is also worried about what will happen to Neptune in Mary Joa.

Just because you don’t want to break up with the world government now doesn’t mean you’re afraid of it.

"You must be careful no matter what," Jinbei said. "Britt, you are indeed very strong, but that is the government that has ruled the world for eight hundred years. It is not surprising that they have any trump cards!"

“Everything must be done with caution!”

"Do not worry."

Brett smiled and said, "I will also bring a secret weapon. Even if there is a conflict, I will ensure that they will not dare to act rashly."

So Bright and Neptune were ready to go.

At the same moment, directly above Fish-Man Island, Marie Joa, the five old stars who rule the world government are also holding a formal meeting about Fish-Man Island.

"The guy has accepted the offer and the opportunity has come."

Wulaoxing, who was wearing a white robe, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and holding a long knife in his arms, said with a cold voice, "Now that he has left Fish-Man Island, we can take slightly drastic measures."

"Remember to disguise yourself as a pirate!"

The bearded Five Old Star said solemnly, "If it turns out that there is no problem with Fish-Man Island in the end, it will also prevent the two sides from breaking up."

"We have already contacted several pirate groups in the New World," the bearded Five Old Stars said. "They happen to be very interested in the wealth of Fish-Man Island."

"Make it clear to them that there are two main goals,"

The bald Wulaoxing said loudly, "The sealed areas in the mines of Fishman Island and the depths of the Forest of the Sea are places where ordinary fishmen are prohibited from going."

During this period of time, the agents of the World Government did investigate a lot of things on Fish-Man Island.

After all, in the past two years, there have been more and more humans on Fish-Man Island, which has further facilitated the World Government's espionage work.

"It's okay if there's no news about Dynamite Rock. We must find out what is hidden in these two places!"

In any case, a few days passed amidst such undercurrents,

Bright and King Neptune are ready to go.

"Just leave Fish-Man Island to me!"

When leaving, Jinbei patted his chest confidently, "I won't let anyone make trouble!"


Brett also had full confidence in Jinbei.

Probably the only person in this world who can defeat Brother Jinbei in this deep sea is himself.

With him in charge of Fish-Man Island, this place is safe.

Then Bright and Neptune set off.

He was riding a warship from Fish-Man Island, which appeared on the sea surface of the paradise in just half an hour.

Then the warship moved in a certain direction until it saw another warship appearing on the sea ahead.

Navy battleship.

"Ah la la, here we come!"

On the warship, a man lying lazily on a deck chair basking in the sun lazily opened his eyes.

"The emperor of the deep sea has an extraordinary aura."

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