"This is our first meeting. From now on, I will escort you to Mariejoia."

Wearing an eye patch on his forehead, a tall man with fluffy black hair stood lazily behind the side of the warship and said lazily.

"Oh, you are" Neptune's eyes widened in surprise.

"General Qing Pheasant."

Brett stood next to Neptune, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, "Although kings who go to attend the World Conference will be protected by the navy, it must be the first time for an admiral to personally escort them, right?"

The man who appeared in front of the two people and said that he would escort them to Mariejoia was undoubtedly one of the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters.

Qing Pheasant Kuzan.


The lazy man raised his hand and scratched his fluffy hair, "Because you are distinguished guests."

King Neptune from the Dragon Palace Kingdom is nothing special. Although he is a giant male mermaid, to the government, he is just an ordinary king of a franchised country.

But Brett who came with him was different.

This guy is a real monster.

Aokiji knew very well that the government sent him here not to help them protect them, but on the contrary, to stop this guy when he wanted to cause trouble.

The government is really worried that this guy will cause some trouble at this critical moment of the World Conference.

Of course Brett also knew very well what the government and Qingji were thinking.

But he didn't care either.

"That's really nice."

Brett smiled and said, "Having the Admiral of the Navy escort us is something I have never thought of before."

The corner of Qingzhi's mouth twitched.

"Anyway, lead the way, General Aokiji."

Brett said.

Aoki just nodded, probably too lazy to reply to Brett's words, so he turned around and walked back to the deck.

The navy's warship immediately turned around and headed towards the distant red continent, and Brett also asked their ship to follow.

Fish-Man Island is really close to Mary Joa. Following the navy warship, they had not gone far before they arrived at a huge base under the Red Earth Continent.

On both sides of the Red Earth Continent, in Paradise and the New World, the government has a base.

This is the base used to connect to the Mariejoia above.

There is a bubble ship in the base, which uses bubble technology to float into the air and travel to Mariejoia.

Brett and Neptune disembarked here. Neptune had a circle of bubbles around his waist, and there were a group of guards behind them.

The guards were composed of several captains selected from the Entry-Entry Administration Bureau by Brett, plus a group of elites.

Of course, none of them were former members of the Sun Pirates, nor were they former slaves imprisoned in Mariejoia.

These gangsters from Fishman Street are now outstanding soldiers. They all have a straight face and their hands on their weapons, maintaining a state of vigilance.

Qing Pheasant glanced at them for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, these guys are not ordinary fishmen.

The strength is extraordinary.

Really, the current Fish-Man Island is too strong.

"Kuzan! What a coincidence?"

Laughter suddenly came from behind.

Following the sound, Brett turned his head and saw a navy man with the rank of lieutenant general on his shoulders approaching with a group of people.

Brett raised his eyebrows.

Among the group of people following the marine, there were some he was familiar with.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a long, square beard. He was holding a little girl in his hand who was looking at Neptune curiously. The little girl had brilliant blue hair as beautiful as the sea. hair.

It looks like a father and daughter.

Behind the father and daughter were two other guards. One was wearing a white robe, with a long sword at his waist, and his face was as pale as white paper.

The other one was wearing a coat and a long knife on his waist. His black hair hung down from both sides of his face, like drooping ears.

Brett knew them.

The father and daughter from the Nefitaruli family in Alabasta and their guards.

King Kobra and Princess Vivi, as well as Bell the Falcon and Jaka the Jackal who were guarding them.

"Ah la la la, has King Kobra of Alabasta arrived too?"

Qing Zhi bowed slightly to greet the visitor.

Theoretically speaking, the status of the kings of the participating countries is still slightly higher than that of the admirals.

"You're welcome, General Aokiji. We were able to arrive successfully this time, thanks to the help of the navy."

King Kobra was a very kind man. He smiled and greeted Qing Pheasant.

"This is the responsibility of our navy." Qingzhi also smiled slightly.

It would be great if Fish-Man Island was as easy to get along with as this king.

"Who is this"

King Kobra set his sights on Neptune, "King Neptune from Fish-Man Island, right? And"

He looked at Brett again, his expression and tone were solemn, "Director Brett."

Brett smiled and nodded.

"This is our first meeting. Please take good care of me from now on, King Kobra."

Neptune also smiled and greeted me kindly.

"Hahahaha, I'm the one here."

Cobra laughed, "Everyone in the sea now knows the power of Fish-Man Island."

"But after all, this is also our first time to participate in a world conference." Neptune's smile did not diminish.

The two of them just chatted.

Brett lowered his head. The little princess, who was being held by her father, was looking at him curiously.

Brett smiled at her.

The little princess timidly hid behind her father.

Then soon, she poked her head out again.

Cobra noticed this and said apologetically to Brett, "Sorry, Director Brett, this kid really likes watching your movie."


So it feels amazing to see the characters in the movie appear in front of you, right?

"If that's the case, then I'll help the little princess ask Taizolo for an autographed photo." Brett said with a smile.


The little princess, who was a little shy just now, excitedly jumped in front of Brett and clenched her two little fists together in front of her chest.


Brett chuckled.

"Very good!"

The little princess sniffed happily, "I will definitely show off to Kosha when I get back!"

This is the lively Princess Weiwei in the original work.


On the side, Aokiji scratched his hair helplessly, "Let's go to Marigioa first."

Take back the exclamation just now.

Fishman Island is already troublesome enough. If they are allowed to connect with more franchised countries, it will be really difficult for the government to deal with them.

"That's right, there will be more time to communicate properly later." Neptune smiled, "King Kobra, let's go up and talk."


His Royal Highness the King of Alabasta nodded happily.

His Majesty, the King of Fish-Man Island, is surprisingly easy to get along with.

Everyone got on the upward bubble boat and went all the way up the steep mountain wall of the Red Earth Continent.

Until deep into the clouds, until above the clouds.

Then, they finally reached the top of the red continent, and at this time, what appeared before them was a white city.

Marie Joa, here we are.

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