One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 235 The Five Old Stars of the King’s Navy

The bubble ship slowly docked at Mariegioa's port.

There are already world government officials waiting here.

When falling from the sky, the city can be seen clearly.

The entire city is clearly divided into two parts. One part is near the port, with numerous buildings, and the other part is separated by a high wall and a huge door, which is clearly a super high-end residential area.

That's where the Tianlong people gather.

"it's beautiful!"

The little princess looked around excitedly. Coming from a desert country, all she saw in her eyes was yellow sand.

Now coming to such a lively and prosperous city is indeed an unprecedented novel experience for her.

Brett remained silent.

He released his domineering energy, and then, various sounds from all directions reached his ears.

Some came from the surrounding navy guards, some came from the government officials who came to greet them, and he could even hear clearly the impatient voice of Aokiji.

But what I heard more were desperate roars and painful whines.

After arriving here, Aokiji left, and the government officials who greeted Bright and others took them on a path of automatic advancement.

"Are you actually moving forward on your own initiative?"

King Neptune was amazed at this.

"It is a world government after all," King Kobra said with a smile. "Their technology has always been ahead of the world."

Brett sneered.

Leading the world?

He heard very clearly that a large part of those desperate and painful voices came from under this road.

This road has never run automatically. It can carry people forward automatically not because of machinery, but because

Below this road, people in ragged clothes, with sallow faces and dark eyes are pushing the road non-stop in a numb and mechanical way.

Brett quickly stopped seeing and hearing, he was afraid that the voices that reached deep into his heart would make him take some drastic action.

World government is indeed the last thing that should exist in this world.

At the end of the road is the tallest and most magnificent building in the city.

"This is the center of the world government, a place called Pangu City!"

A veteran who has participated in many world conferences, Kobra enthusiastically introduces this building to Neptune.

"In the next week, we will hold a world conference in this very place."

"Oh! It looks really good!"

Neptune looked up at this towering building and sighed.

It is as huge as a small town. Compared with it, my own Dragon Palace City is really far behind.

Brett also sighed in his heart.

The final boss you will face after coming to this world may be here.


Above the five old stars, the supreme leader of the Celestial Dragons, the true ruler of this world, is like the mastermind hiding in the darkness and manipulating the world.

Even Doflamingo probably didn't know anything about the existence of that guy. After all, during the previous talks on Onigashima, he didn't hear any information about this guy from him.

"Please, Your Majesty the King, and Mr. Bright."

The government officials who led the Brett people here had a friendly smile on their faces, "Although the World Conference has not officially started yet, many kings have already come here, and you can have a good exchange with them. "

Pangu City's gate dynamics, Brett and others stepped into it.

This building is full of government and navy guards, and many intersections are blocked, making it impossible to pass.

Also, the kings of the participating countries do have a transcendent status in the world government, but this does not mean that the world government will really submit to them.

One thing that must be made clear is that more than 170 franchised countries jointly constitute the world government, but this world government is above each franchised country.

The government officials took Brett and others along the way and passed a spacious palace.

There is a high throne like a tower on the high platform.

There are a bunch of swords stuck in front of the throne.

"That's the Throne of the Void."

The World Government officials introduced with a smile, "That is the center of the world. This throne that no one can ascend symbolizes equality."

"Even the five elder stars with the highest power cannot sit on it. The meaning of its existence is to tell the entire sea that no one can be king in the world government."

"Oh! Is that so?"

Neptune nodded repeatedly.

Brett scoffed.

This throne neither symbolizes equality, nor does it mean that no one can ascend it.

It's just the government messing with people in the lake.

Not long after walking further, we arrived at a spacious banquet hall. Many people had gathered here, and kings from various countries chatted with each other here.

The atmosphere at the scene was quite lively.

"King Neptune! Mr. Bright!"

Someone came over immediately.

They are all old acquaintances.

King Riku, Yinli Zabailuo II, and the kings of several countries surrounding their two countries.

"Oh! You guys have arrived early!"

Neptune laughed.

They are all old acquaintances.

The countries commanded by these kings are the ones that previously formed a free trade zone with Fish-Man Island, and are allies with Fish-Man Island.

Of course, Neptune often communicates with these kings, and they have already been friends with each other for a long time.

"let me introduce."

Neptune is preparing to introduce his new friend Kobra to his old friends.


"Oh! Is King Kobra here too?"

King Riku smiled and greeted Kobra.

"It's been four years since I last saw you, King Riku!"

Cobra also laughed.

We have attended many world conferences together, so of course it is impossible not to know each other.

Neptune was stunned for a moment, then laughed and joined in the pleasantries.

Brett chuckled.

Although it is the first time for Fish-Man Island to participate in the World Conference, thanks to its previous preparations, it seems that it will not be left out in the cold.

While Brett was chatting with the kings along with Neptune, General Aoki Pheasant, who had escorted them to Mariejoia, had also arrived somewhere in the city and met with his two colleagues.

"So, Kuzan,"

Lying on the table as if he were boneless, the man in a yellow striped suit asked with a smile, "What do you think?"


General Qing Zhi pulled up a chair and sat down. His back was pressed against the back of the chair and he couldn't let go. His head was tilted back at an astonishing angle, as if his neck was broken.

He said, "It seems to be a bit exaggerated. If a battle breaks out here, it will be very troublesome."


General Kizaru said with a smile, "As expected, I still hope that the negotiations between the government and Fishman Island will go smoothly."


The man wearing a crimson suit and a navy hat crossed his arms and snorted coldly, "The three of us are being transferred here this time just for him. I hope he can negotiate with the government quickly."

"Hey, hey, Sakaski, this is not okay,"

Kizaru shook his head and said in a tone that said he hated iron and steel, "How can we hope that the government's plan will fail?"

Akainu snorted.

At the same time, deep in Pangu City, among the powers.

"That guy has arrived. Is it time to notify the other side to start taking action?"

"Wait a minute, don't you think we should meet him first?"

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