There is definitely someone behind the situation today!

Things have developed to this point, and Jinbei, no matter how slow he is, can confirm such a thing.

The timing of the pirates' attack was just a coincidence, the location of the pirates' attack was just a coincidence, everything was just a coincidence.

But is it really possible to be such a coincidence?

If everything is such a coincidence, it only means that it is not a coincidence.

Is it the government?

Jinbe gritted his teeth, "Immediately support Uami no Mori! We must not let the pirates run wild!"

No matter how you think about it, there is only one world government in this world, right?

Besides them, who else would know that Fish-Man Island has secret existence in these two places?

Who else but the government could mobilize such a level of power as if nothing had happened?

Do you want to take advantage of Brett's absence to explore the reality of Fish-Man Island?

If this is the case, then the current situation is very troublesome.

It's okay here on Fish-Man Island. If there are just some pirates, it will be easy to deal with them.

But what about Brett and the others?

Once the situation on Fish-Man Island is exposed, it is almost inevitable that the government will fall out with them. They are now in Mariejoia.

These pirates must be stopped.

Jinbei quickened his pace.

Faster than him was the team from the Entry and Exit Administration Bureau. Led by the sea beasts, the distance was also closer, and they were soon heading towards the surrounding sea forest.

Of course, the pirates did not attack the Forest of the Sea from the inside of Fish-Man Island, they came from the outside.

Several pirate ships moved forward menacingly along the bottom of the sea.

The teams patrolling near the Sea Forest have already gone to stop them.

Deep in the forest of the sea.

"Pirate attack?"

Franky, who was tinkering with new weapons, said excitedly, "You've come just in time, just in time to test out my new weapons!"

"Don't act rashly, Franky!"

His senior brother Espagu immediately stopped him, "If our whereabouts are exposed, it will bring a lot of trouble to Mr. Bright!"

"That's right,"

Master Tom also smiled and said, "Leave the important things of resisting pirates to the soldiers of Fish-Man Island!"

"The weapons they used were the same resounding weapons we made!"

The most respected teacher said this, Franky could only sigh helplessly and sat back down again.

It felt good that the weapons he made could exert great power, but if possible, he would of course want to test the weapons himself.

Neither the master nor the disciples noticed that outside the arsenal where they were located, in the coral jungle, several murlocs were approaching.

Following them were several humans.

Taking advantage of the chaos, these guys carefully bypassed the warning and went all the way deep here.

"There is indeed something!"

One of the humans lowered his voice, "Then, let's act according to the plan!"


One of the fishmen leading the way grabbed one of them and said, "We have already made an appointment, right?"

"rest assured."

The man said solemnly, "You don't have to come forward at all, leave everything to us."

"What you have to do, apart from bringing us here, is to report everything you see to the contact person."

"You will not be short of a penny in reward."

The fish people nodded excitedly.

Then, they slowly faded deeper into the forest.

The humans who stayed here took a deep breath after looking at each other.

What they are going to do next is life-threatening.

"Then, let's go!


They rushed out of the coral pink forest with weapons in hand. Although they relied on bubbles to move in the deep sea, their speed was not slow.

It can be seen that these are guys with good strength.

"who are you!"

Although most of the capabilities have been transferred to resist the invading pirates, there are still a large number of warriors staying here.

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect there was something here! Rush in!"

The leading human changed his previous calm demeanor and laughed wildly.

He led his companions directly into the huge bubble surrounding the arsenal, and then the man breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, he could at least exert his combat effectiveness.

This is how the battle begins.

The strength of the incoming guys is very ordinary. Many troops have been transferred away, and now they are fighting in a bubble. It is very difficult for the soldiers who stay here to resist.

Suddenly, screams and cries of pain could be heard.

"You actually invaded here?"

Inside the arsenal, Espagu was a little anxious.

"And the fish people seem to be unable to resist it anymore!"

Franky looked at his teacher with burning eyes.

"Then let's have a big fight!"

Master Tom laughed.

At this point, there is nothing to hesitate about. We can't just watch the murlocs who protect them die heroically one after another!

The three masters and apprentices picked up their weapons and rushed out of the arsenal.

As long as all the invading pirates are eliminated, their identities will not be exposed, right?

However, none of the three masters and disciples, who were not proficient in seeing, hearing, and domineering, noticed that outside the battlefield, in the coral jungle outside the bubble, there were several fishmen who were always watching this side.

When Jinbei arrived here, the battle was already over.

The strength of these pirates was not too weak, but after the three masters and apprentices took out newly developed weapons and reinforcements arrived, they did not hold out for long, and they were all captured soon.

"Who are you?"

Jinbei asked in a deep voice.

"Of course it's a pirate!"

One of the guys in the lead still looked high-spirited even after being caught. He was really full of pirate style. "With that guy Brett not here, I thought this was my best chance!"

"I'm really unwilling!"

The lake is making a fool of itself.

Jinbe remained calm and threw these guys into prison.

Now there is one most important question.

Jinbei looked at Tom and his apprentice, who were still completely unaware of the situation.

Has their information been exposed to the world government?

Brett was still in the middle of the meeting when he received a call from Brother Jinbei.

Fortunately, everyone was still very noisy at the meeting, and even the sudden chirping of the phone bug didn't seem out of place.

Walking out of the meeting hall with the phone in hand, Brett listened completely to Jinbei's explanation of what happened on Fish-Man Island today.

Of course, in order to prevent eavesdropping, Jinbei did not directly mention key words such as Hailoushi and Tom. He only mentioned in detail the place that was invaded.

Of course Brett already understood everything.

"What a headache."

Brett sighed helplessly.

Just very helpless.

It is obvious that at least at this stage, he wants to strive for peace.

"So, Brett, what are you going to do?"

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