One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 241 Unexpected Situation

"Just wait and see what happens."

Such a voice came from the mouth of the phone bug, which was much smaller than its kind and was covered in pitch black.

The five old men surrounding the phone bug had different expressions on their faces.

"What a brazen idiot!"

The bald Wulaoxing sneered, "Even now, are you still hoping that we haven't discovered anything?"

"Maybe he thinks that with his own strength, even if we want to do something to him, we can't do anything to him, right?"

The blond Wulaoxing, who seemed very friendly when he met Bright last time, was also full of ridicule in his tone, "It seems that the government's concessions in the past two years have given him a great illusion."

"I have long said that the disappearance of Fishman Tom is inseparable from him, and now it seems that it is indeed the case."

Wulaoxing, who was wearing a white robe and holding a sword, said in a cold voice, "He can no longer be allowed to survive! Even Fish-Man Island must be properly cleaned!"

The progress of the men was much smoother than expected. Although the people who carried out the operation were basically dead and caught, at least the results were achieved.

The bribed murlocs said that they saw a tall and fat murloc with yellow skin in the arsenal of the Forest of the Sea.

After showing them several pictures of Tom the Fish-Man, they identified him one after another.

Then, everything is very clear.

Tom the fishman represents Pluto's design, which is something that should never be taken lightly.

Now that it is confirmed that Tom, the fish-man, was hidden in Fish-Man Island by Brett, the next thing to do is to capture him, and then erase Brett and everything else related to Tom.

There must be no leakage of the news about Pluto.

"What a bold guy. He's been treating us like a lake of fools."

The bearded Five Old Star also sneered, "Have you been preparing to confront the government from a long time ago?"

"Even the Hailou Stone Mine was discovered on Fish-Man Island!"

The blond Wulaoxing said, "In this case, we can't let the island escape our control! We must hold it firmly in our hands!"

"Yes, who would have thought that besides the country of Wano, there would be a second place that could produce a large amount of sea tower stones!"

The bald Five Old Star said excitedly, "If we can capture Fish-Man Island, then we won't have to make deals with that guy Kaido anymore!"

No matter which force in this world, Hailou Stone is a very cherished resource.

"Then I think there will be no objections."

The bearded five constellations finally summed it up in words, "So, the next question is, how to deal with that guy."

"Although the three of Sakaski and the others have already gathered in Mariejoia, if we take action directly, I'm afraid there will still be a big commotion."

This is a critical moment for the World Conference, and the kings of the most important franchise countries under the World Government have gathered here.

Moreover, not far from Pangu City is the gathering place of the Tianlong people. If the monsters are really allowed to fight in such a place, it is difficult to say that it will not cause any huge and irreversible damage.

"Didn't that guy say he wanted to wait and see what happens?"

The blond Wulaoxing suggested, "Then let's just let him wait and see what happens."

"You mean to wait until the World Conference is over before you settle things with him?"

The bearded Wulaoxing said hesitantly, "But now this guy has got the news. Although he said to wait and see what happens, there is no telling when he will change his mind and take Neptune away." Got it!"

"Although the Red Earth Continent is very high, it is also very wide. If that guy's strength is to lead people to escape, it may not be easy for us to catch up with him."

"Then don't let him have this chance."

The bearded Wulaoxing said solemnly, "Zero, there shouldn't be any problem in leaving this matter to you, right?"

In the dark corner of the room that was not illuminated by the lights, a white figure slowly emerged. He nodded gently, "Then, please leave this matter to me, Lord Wulaoxing."

"Keep an eye on him first, but if that guy does anything strange, don't hesitate to attack immediately!"

The five old stars in white robes said with a firm voice, "No matter what, we must not let that guy leave Mariejoia!"

Fishman Brett, that guy is really too dangerous.

It already has the strength of a monster, and now it has formed an extremely powerful alliance with many minority races.

He even secretly kidnapped the fish-man Tom's plan to obtain Hades!

This guy may have been planning to fight against the World Government a long time ago.

He must not be allowed to survive anymore.

The next thing the government has to do is to completely destroy the original power structure of Fish-Man Island, and then completely take the island into its hands.

On Brett's side, when the meeting ended successfully, during dinner, Neptune, who was very excited, was telling him how many new friends he had made today. When he raised his own issues later, there would definitely be a crowd of responses.

Then Brett could only smile helplessly.

"Now is not the time for leisurely friendships, Neptune."


His Majesty the King of Dragon Palace City still looked a little confused.

Brett told him what happened on Fish-Man Island today and the situation they might face next.

Neptune's expression suddenly changed, and he almost screamed.

But fortunately, he remembered that he was not in Ryugu City now, but in Mariejoia.

Neptune immediately lowered his voice, "Then what should we do now? Find a way to escape immediately?"

"Do not worry."

Brett's lips curved up slightly, revealing a confident smile, "As I said before, I have made some small preparations to deal with the worst possible situation."

Neptune was slightly startled.

"Since the government has no intention of taking direct action now, we can continue the meeting with peace of mind."

Brett said leisurely.

To be honest, Brett doesn't really want to completely break up with the government at this time.

Again, if this happens, the development momentum of Fish-Man Island will definitely be interrupted.

Brett still felt a little lucky.

Anyway, don’t worry about being unable to escape. Let’s see if the government is really ready to turn its back.

He just needs to be inseparable from Neptune during this time.

Brett thought so.

But the next morning something unexpected happened.

"Where are the guys from Fish-Man Island!"

In the luxurious restaurant prepared for your kings and majesties, a guy stormed in aggressively.

Wearing a white spacesuit-like coat and a glass cover on his head.

Celestial Dragons.

Um? What's the meaning?

Brett was stunned for a moment.

Is it possible that the Five Old Stars want to come and touch porcelain?

First force him to attack the Tianlong people, and then use this reasonable reason to attack him?

How despicable, Wulaoxing!

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