One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 242 The Tianlong people repay their kindness

To be honest, this is a very feasible strategy.

Even if the World Government wants to take action against its affiliated countries, it still needs a reasonable excuse, let alone a very important country like Fish-Man Island.

But it would be different if the matter involved the Celestial Dragons.

The Celestial Dragons are the most important political correctness in this world, and all matters involving the Celestial Dragons are the top priority of the world government.

Even the all-powerful Rocks Pirates were killed by the Navy and the Roger Pirates after they launched an attack on the Celestial Dragons in the Valley of Gods.

If this Tianlong was allowed to try, the government could really declare war on Fish-Man Island right away.

We really have yours, Wulaoxing!

Brett stared at the Celestial Dragon, and the domineering power of seeing and hearing had been activated at this moment. Brett already understood the inner feelings of the guy who was shouting and looking around.

There is only anticipation and excitement in my heart. It is unclear whether he was assigned by the Five Old Stars.

But let’s think so for now.

You have to prepare for battle first.

Fortunately, the key props are carried with you.

"Are you here to find us?"

Neptune was a little stunned. He couldn't understand why the Dracos came to them.

But immediately, he reacted.

Is it possible——

He thought the same thing as Brett.

"Shall we hide for a while?"

A good friend from Alabasta, King Kobra came over and whispered, "If the Celestial Dragons are provoked, the worst situation will happen soon."

"But it seems it's too late."

Brett said calmly.

Although most of the people gathered in this restaurant are royal families from various countries, their status is still far behind those of the Tianlong people.

It is better to say that it is these people who stand at the pinnacle of their respective countries who understand more clearly what a terrifying group of people the Tianlong people are.

Then the Tianlong man immediately walked towards this side with excitement on his face.

"King Kobra, stay away."

Brett told him what Cobra had just said, "Now is no longer a situation that you can get involved in."

"That's right, Kobra,"

Neptune also took a deep breath, and his eyes became solemn, "Get away, don't let this matter affect you."

"Don't worry about us, Brett said. Whatever happens next will be fine."

Brett smiled.

His Majesty the King of Alabasta gritted his teeth, and then finally stood aside.

Looking as worried as him were King Riku and the kings of several surrounding countries. There was a true friendship between them and Neptune.

Within a few words, the Tianlong man had already run over in a menacing manner.

He looked at Neptune with disgust, like a housewife who saw a fish she didn't like to eat at the market.

"Hey, you are the king of Fish-Man Island, right?"

Neptune glanced at Brett vaguely, and Brett nodded towards him.

Perhaps this gave him courage, and Neptune's panic suddenly became calmer. He looked down at the Celestial Dragon from a high position.

"I'm right. Your Excellency Tianlongren, I don't know what advice you have."

"Hahaha, I wish it were you!"

The expression of the Tianlong became very distorted, wantonly greedy and hungry, like a wild dog that had been hungry for several days and suddenly saw a piece of fat meat.

"I have been watching that talent show before! Hahahaha, that woman! That mermaid Otohime suits my taste very well!"

Neptune's fists clenched instantly.

Brett was slightly startled.

Of course it's not at all because this guy actually fell in love with Princess Otohime.

Instead he heard another voice.

"Since you are the king of that country, then hand over that woman to me!"

The Celestial Dragon said matter-of-factly.

Naturally, Neptune was asked to hand over his wife as his plaything.

Behind the Tianlong people, the CP0s in white uniforms who were responsible for protecting him took a step forward.

The leader was wearing a mask, so his true appearance could not be seen clearly.

"This is the request of the Tianlong people, and you have no right to refuse!"

That's what he said.

To this world, the Celestial Dragons are as noble as gods.

Their declaration is like an oracle, and no violation is allowed.

The surrounding kings all cast gloating looks at this side.

Many kings who could not wait to have relations with Nippur before have now stayed away.

The situation that had been anticipated for a long time turned out to happen faster than expected.

"Hahahaha! That arrogant and arrogant guy is also silent now!


Wapol, who had been knocked unconscious by Brett's overbearing look before hiding in a corner, laughed.

Of course he couldn't wait to watch Brett and others suffer misfortune.

Although he doesn't dare to provoke Fishman Island now, the Tianlong people can!

Resist it! Resist it! Come on and resist!

Wapol shouted with great anticipation in his heart.

But Brett had no intention of taking action.


"Hey, why don't you speak?


Tianlongren's expression became even more distorted, and he said viciously, "Are you pretending that you didn't hear what I said!"

"CP0, give it to me——"


The next moment, the Celestial Dragon flew out.

The glass cover on his head was smashed, and the expression on his face became even more distorted.

He fell to the ground with a plop, rolled around twice and stopped moving.



After a brief silence, everyone exclaimed in disbelief.

Take action against the Tianlong people!

Someone actually took action against the Tianlong people!

Where did this lunatic come from?

Then they saw the person doing it.

He was also a guy wearing a white spacesuit and a helmet like a glass cover on his head.

Oh, he’s also a Tianlong, so that’s okay.

"Who are you--"

Neptune looked at the other Celestial Dragon appearing in front of him in shock. He knew this person.

"Saint Musgard!"

"Long time no see, Neptune."

The man named Muse Garud completely ignored the Celestial Dragon who was beaten away by him, as well as CP0 who was rushing to rescue the Celestial Dragon. He threw away the big stick in his hand and said solemnly, "That year B Princess Ji saved me, now it’s time for me to repay her kindness.”

"Is that so?"

Neptune sighed in his heart. He really didn't expect that Otohime's move that everyone was questioning back then would help them today.

Brett looked a little strange.

Because what echoes in Muse Garud's heart is the joy of the success of the plan.

what's the situation?

"By the way, King Neptune,"

The Tianlong man approached and lowered his voice, "You are in a very dangerous situation now!"

Did you come here specifically to talk about this?

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