Based on what this guy said just now, Brett determined that the Draco who was looking for trouble probably came here because of Muse Garrod.

This guy probably wanted to appear in front of himself and others with a reasonable reason, and then give a warning to himself and others.

"The secret news I just received is that Wulaoxing's family is ready to divide the property of Fish-Man Island."

This is what the man said, "Get ready to escape quickly, I will help you."

Brett was moved by him.

Is it too much to say that Princess Otohime’s brainwashing skills are too exaggerated?

Or is it true that kindness is engraved in the genes of the Don Quixote family, and now this man has simply changed his mind?

If Wulaoxing really plans to take action against Fish-Man Island, and this guy cooperates with him and others to escape, once he is exposed, the situation he will face will be very bad.

Even so, you can still muster the courage to come forward.

I was really almost moved.

"Anyway, hurry up."

After saying these last words, Muse Garud slowly left by dragging the feet of the Celestial Dragon he had knocked away.

The CP0s could only catch up at a loss.

Brett looked up at Neptune.

Neptune happened to be looking at him too.

So what should you do next?

Brett heard this voice from Neptune's heart.

It seems that Wu Laoxing is really planning to break up with each other. It's really embarrassing that the luck he held out was shattered to pieces so quickly.

In this case, the only choice is to run away.

"Gather your men and prepare to retreat."

Brett smiled.

“Is this really the only way to go in the end?”

Neptune sighed helplessly.

Originally, it was planned to establish cooperative relationships with more other kingdoms, and Fish-Man Island would be closer to the world.

Neptune said, "But this will arouse the vigilance of the world government, right?"

"So don't be too anxious,"

Brett was very calm, "It seems that the World Government has no intention of taking action immediately. If it is too anxious, it will bring trouble to Muse Garud."


Neptune nodded, "And it will take some time to gather people quietly."

If it was just the two of them who came to Mariejoia, they could leave now.

But this time I came with a lot of guards, so I couldn't just leave them behind.

between powers.

"What is that guy Musgard doing?"

The bearded Five Old Star frowned, "Do you really regard the guys from Fish-Man Island as your benefactors?"

"I'm more concerned about what he said to Brett and the others after that."

The blond Wulaoxing said in a condensed voice.

"At least now Brett and the others don't have any special reaction."

The bearded Wulaoxing said.

"But before we really capture Bright and defeat the Fish-Man Island, we must not take anything lightly and let people keep an eye on Muse Garud."

Wulaoxing, who was wearing a white robe and holding a sword, said calmly.


Brett and Neptune continued to stand still, and time quietly came to the second day of the World Conference.

The kings were still noisy, still bickering over each other's issues.

But now Neptune no longer has the desire to speak on stage, he is just watching quietly.

The guards have all gathered together and are now waiting in the area outside the conference room.

Are you almost ready to start taking action?

Brett thought so.

"How about a free lunch at the end?"

Brett said leisurely.

"So, are we going to make a head-on breakthrough?"

Neptune smiled bitterly, "I originally thought he would leave quietly and lurking."

"The government will not give us this opportunity."

Brett replied.

After letting go of the domineering power of seeing and hearing, you can clearly hear that there are many sounds that are constantly appearing and disappearing around them in the periphery.

There was another one that was somewhat familiar, having heard it in Wulaoxing's office before.

If you want to sneak away secretly, there should be no chance.

In this case, I can only leave with the government's farewell.

"Well, I just had a nice chat with my friends."

Neptune said, "It should be very difficult to meet again after this."

you do not say.

After falling out with the government today, it will be impossible to reconcile the conflict between Fish-Man Island and the World Government.

Then dealing with the government-affiliated countries is not that easy.

After the morning meeting it was lunch time.

Brett let go of his stomach and feasted. It might be a bit lively next, so he couldn't do it without replenishing his physical strength first.

Neptune was holding a glass of wine and chatting with old friends.

Next time I want to have such a happy conversation like now, I don’t know how long it will take, or rather I don’t know if there will be a chance.

Friends did not notice anything strange about Neptune, after all, he was a passionate person.

After a hearty meal, Brett sat on a chair and rested for a while.

Then, he stretched and stood up.

"Is it time to leave?"

Neptune said.


Brett nodded, "Go back."

"Hurry up and rush out at once!"

The two left the restaurant, gathered all the guards together, and then walked out.

Just walk out along the corridor openly.

"King Neptune, Lord Bright, is the World Conference not over yet?"

They didn't go far when someone came to stop them.


Brett kicked the guy away, "Don't block the way, the playing house is over."


Among the powers, the five old stars got the news immediately.

"You want to leave so unscrupulously?"

It's not that I haven't speculated that Brett escaped, but such a rampage is too arrogant, right?

"Zero, mobilize people immediately to stop them!"

The bald Wulaoxing said urgently.

"No! Wait a moment!"

The bearded Wulaoxing's voice was louder than his, so it naturally attracted more attention, "There can be no fighting in Pangu City!"

"The kings cannot be harmed, let alone-"

"Disturbing that adult's sweet dream!"

"Let them leave Pangu City first! Put the battlefield in the square outside!"

Brett and his group just rushed forward like this. After he kicked Pangu Cheng's huge door away, they came to the outside world.

Then, a guy in a white robe came out from the side and stood in front of Brett and his group.

"King Neptune, fishman Brett, where do you want to go?"

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