"What? Wapol was kidnapped?"

When Wulaoxing got the news, it was already half an hour after Mr. Major General woke up.

"what's going on?"

they asked.

Could it be that some blind pirate ran to attack?

The Navy Headquarters on the other end of the phone gave them a detailed introduction to what happened to the Major General.

The unknown monster used its overlord color to knock out everyone on the ship, and when they woke up, Wapol was gone.

"It's Brett!"

As soon as the call ended, the bearded Wu Laoxing couldn't wait to name the prisoner in their minds.

"It's definitely that guy!"

The bald Five Old Star nodded repeatedly, "There are not many guys with that level of overlord color in this world. The three monsters in the new world, even if there is a red hair, they are all still in the Red Earth Continent. Stay on the other side!"

"Furthermore, that guy Brett and Wapol also had a conflict during the World Conference!" The blond Five Old Star added, "Although I don't know why that guy is so vindictive this time."

"It wasn't because of that one conflict."

Wulaoxing, who was holding a sword in a white robe, said calmly, "When will that guy Blake do such boring things!"

"I ran over specifically to catch Wapol, probably because Wapol was of some use to him."

"What's the use?"

The bald Wulaoxing squinted his eyes and thought, "Is it possible that he is coveting the medical technology of the Drum Kingdom?"

That country's medical technology is indeed among the best in the world.

"I'm afraid not."

The bearded Wulaoxing shook his head and said, "Is it possible that that guy Brett is here for Wapol?"

"Wapol is indeed a fool, yes, but don't forget that guy is at least an ability user."

"You mean, Brett is eyeing Wapol's ability?"

The blond Wulaoxing frowned, "Do you have the ability to swallow fruits?"

"The ability to combine objects at will after eating them——"

The bearded Wulaoxing suddenly widened his eyes, "It's Pluto! That guy Brett wants to use Wapol's ability to help him create Pluto!


It’s so convenient to be able to create it using submitted manuscripts!


So what if you know?

The five old stars fell into awkward silence.

Even if it is known that Brett's danger has further increased, Pluto may reappear soon. What can the five old stars do?

There was nothing we could do with that guy.

"Intensify your efforts to send spies to Fish-Man Island!"

It can only be the.

It is impossible to start a war with that country and that guy Brett for the time being.

But at least we need to figure out the situation on Fish-Man Island, right?

As for Brett, he had successfully returned to Fish-Man Island with Tezoro and Wapol, and it only took him half a day to go back and forth.

I have to say that Bright Air’s speed is absolutely trustworthy.

Then, it's time to wake up the sleeping King.

In the darkness, Wapol felt someone tapping his face.

who is it?

What bastard dares to disturb his sleep?

Thinking like this, even in his deep sleep, his anger was rapidly building up.

Then the rage drove him through the darkness.

Wapol opened his eyes.

"Oh, you're awake?"

The first thing he saw was a man wearing a pink suit with green hair, looking down at him with a wanton smile.

I know this guy Wapol!

Isn't it the same Taizolo who became famous all over the world with a movie last year?

Wapol himself followed the entire election he held before.

Why did Tezoro appear on the warship?


Then Wapol realized that he didn't seem to be on the warship now!

After looking around for a while, Wapol found that he was now in a room with a simple decoration. He was lying on the hard floor of the room. No wonder he kept feeling cold on his back.

He turned his head almost in horror, and then saw a familiar face behind a table on the left.

Wapol jumped up instantly, and then fell to the ground again. His round body bounced back like a ball until he hit the wall with his head.

He squirmed back desperately, even though his back was already pressed against a solid wall.



Like a robot whose language module failed, Wapol yelled for a long time before he could barely call out Brett's name.

"We meet again, Wapol, although I may not be too happy about it."

Brett leaned on his large chair and said leisurely.

"You, you, you, what do you want to do!"

Wapol shouted in horror, "I am the king of a country that joins the government! If you dare to attack me without permission, aren't you afraid that Fishman Island will be attacked by the government!"

This guy is a monster that he absolutely cannot match, and Wapol knows this very well.

If you want to intimidate this guy into not acting rashly, you can only rely on the World Government.

"Haha, Bright," Tezoro laughed, "This guy is threatening you with the World Government."

"This is the Fish-Man Island 10,000 meters below the sea."

Brett said, "The navy cannot attack here, and the world government cannot interfere here, so you should understand your current situation, Wapol."

Wapol, who always looked high-spirited, looked pale at this time.

He almost wanted to cry.

What does this guy want to do?

If it was because of the conflict last time, then it would be too cautious. There is no need to go to this level!

"Please work for me from now on, Wapol."

Brett smiled and said, "Your ability is very useful."

Can I say no?

Wapol wanted to say this, but after looking at Tezzolo's kind expression, he still didn't dare to say it.

"You, what do you want me to do?"

For the first time, Wable realized his cowardice. Facing this aggressive man, he could only say this in a low voice.

"very good!"

Brett smiled while stroking his hands, "I've been worried that if you don't cooperate, I might have to use a little violence, but it's great that you are so sensible now."

Wapol was very happy to hear this. Fortunately, he chose to cooperate, otherwise he would have been in bad luck.

"Don't worry, I'm not asking you to do anything difficult,"

Brett smiled and said, "I'm just asking you to use your expertise and your ability to help."

Is that so?

Wapol was relieved to hear this.

If you just use his abilities, then it's fine.

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