Wapol is indeed a man who is very aware of current affairs. In the original work, he lost everything after being beaten away, and he also knows that he is not a completely brainless fool who relies on his ability to make a fortune by setting up a street vendor.

He knew very well that there was absolutely no way he could resist Bright now, so since he couldn't resist, he could only choose to obey.

Brett's evaluation of him was that although he was an idiot, at least he was an idiot who understood the situation.

Letting Tezolo go back to work on his new base, Bright took Wapol to the arsenal in the Forest of the Sea.

Now that the secret government on Fish-Man Island knows that Master Tom is there, there is no need to hide here anymore.

Brett planned to move the military project to another secret place in the future. After all, he felt that the World Government was likely to send someone to assassinate Master Tom.

The matter involves Pluto, and those guys can probably do anything.

"Brother Brett, who is this guy?"

Master Tom asked in surprise as he looked at Wapol, who was brought by Brett with a smile on his face and a naive look.

"I brought this guy to help you, Master Tom."

Brett said, "He is a superman with the ability to swallow fruit. He can reassemble everything he eats."

Master Tom was stunned for a moment, before he could figure out what this meant.

So Brett glanced at Wapol and said, "Demonstrate your ability."


As if he had been electrocuted, Wapol immediately tensed up, stood upright, and responded loudly, fearing that his tone of voice might offend Brett and bring bad luck.

He immediately began to use his abilities.

Wapol looked around in the arsenal, and then walked to a pile of iron blocks.

Then, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed all the iron pieces in one gulp.

"Ah! This guy has a great appetite!"

Frankie couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene.

My teeth hurt just by looking at it.

The power of the Devil Fruit is absolute, even Steel Wapol swallowed all the iron pieces in two or three mouthfuls.

It was obviously a pile of iron blocks that was taller than his body, but after he swallowed it, his stomach didn't even bulge.

Then, Wapol's mouth became very big. He opened his mouth and spat out a huge metal block.

"This is!"

Espagu's eyes widened, and he carefully approached the metal block and looked at it, "It turned into a steel ingot!"

Franky also came over with a surprised look on his face and slapped the huge steel nail, "The iron block really turned into a steel block!"

"Such ability?"

Master Tom looked at Wapol with surprise, as if he had seen some incomparable treasure.

"With your abilities, you can probably make any alloy."

Brett smiled and said, "Even if there are drawings, the raw materials can be directly made into finished products."

"Right?" he asked Wapol.

How can I do that?

Simple things can also be too complicated. You haven’t learned anything at all!

Wapol was anxious.

But he thought it would be even worse if he let Brett down.

So he nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes."

"Oh! Like this!"

Master Tom's eyes really shined, "It's a big help! It's a big help to send this gentleman here specially, Brett!"

He said solemnly.

“It’s really nice to be able to help.”

Brett smiled.

Then he thought for a moment and lowered his voice, "Master Tom, I want to talk to you."

Master Tom was startled for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

The two walked to a quiet part of the arsenal and looked at Brett's serious expression. Master Tom probably knew that Brett was going to say something important to him.

"Because the current situation is not good, I have to speak frankly."

Brett said seriously, "Master Tom, the situation facing Fish-Man Island is quite serious now."

Brett always felt that Master Tom was already at Fish-Man Island anyway, and sooner or later he would come up with Pluto's design.

But it is too early to fall out with the government, and we cannot wait any longer.

Brett decided to show off his cards to Master Tom.

"A serious situation?" Master Tom blinked.

So Brett told him what happened at the World Conference.

"So, now Fish-Man Island and the World Government have completely turned against each other?"

Master Tom said in shock.

"On the surface, the original relationship will be maintained, but secretly, ha,"

Brett smiled and said, "Now as long as I appear on the sea and the government seizes the opportunity, there is no doubt that they will immediately usher in their full crusade."


Master Tom nodded, he already somewhat understood what Brett meant.

This is a very upright man, but he is not stupid. "So, Brett, what do you mean?"

"I need Hades."

Brett looked Tom straight in the eyes.


Master Tom was silent.

"Britt, you should know, right? What kind of weapon is Hades?"

He said.


Brett nodded, "One of the three legendary ancient weapons, with the power to destroy the world."

"Destroying the world may be an exaggeration, but destroying an island with one shot is not difficult."

Master Tom said seriously, "Is it really a good thing to resurrect such a weapon?"

"If it's for change, to overthrow the decadent world government, bring the world to a new era, and allow Fish-Man Island to exist upright and brightly under the sun!"

Brett said, "Then, I think it's a good thing."


Master Tom was silent.

Brett knew that this was Master Tom's fear that Pluto would bring great destruction to the world after his resurrection.

"Britt, can I trust you?"

Master Tom finally raised his head and looked at Brett seriously.

"No matter what I say, it's meaningless. Master Tom, what do you see?"

Brett said, "What have you seen in the past two years since you returned to Fish-Man Island?"

Master Tom was stunned for a moment, then a smile bloomed on his face, "Yes."

What are you still doubting about now?

He looked at Brett.

This man who wholeheartedly wants to make Fish-Man Island a better place and has gradually done so, what else is not worthy of trust?

"I see."

Master Tom nodded solemnly, "If it is really an indispensable part of the change, then it is up to me to revive it."

"Then, please!"

Brett beamed.

Although the original Pluto is still sleeping under Wano Country, wouldn't it be better to have one more?

"To make Hades, you need a lot of scarce materials."

"Leave this matter to me, no matter what materials it is, I will get it together for you."

"That's it. Mr. Wapol's arrival may greatly shorten our construction period, but it will definitely be a short period of time."

"It doesn't matter, the government can't do much in a short period of time."

Thus, the countdown to Pluto's resurrection began.

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