One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 260 Intelligence Agency

Brett has always known that even within the same race, they may not always work together.

Rather, internal struggles are a common problem for all races.

It was impossible for him to unite all the fishmen residents to his side. There would always be those who opposed him and those who wanted to be his enemies.

After the Sun Pirates disbanded in the original work, several guys even became human traffickers, specializing in selling their compatriots to humans for profit.

They were once members of the most glorious pirate group in the world, the Sun Pirates. They were the people who followed Brother Tiger and fought for liberation.

Even the same environment will produce all kinds of different people.

Brett had this realization very early on.

However, when there was a betrayer among his compatriots and someone stabbed him in the back, he still felt a little depressed.

No matter what, he has been fighting for this country and this race.

Reason told him that this was not a big deal, but emotionally, he still couldn't accept it.

"Kill them!"

Aaron saw Brett's hesitation, and he suggested with a sneer, "Then inform the entire island and let everyone know the fate of those who betray their compatriots!"

It's not far away from the goal that Brett once promised him to build an unprecedented murloc empire!

Aaron will never allow anyone to destroy his dream!

"It's better to throw it into the mine."

Brett thought for a while and then said.

"Britt! You guy!"

Aaron slammed the table angrily, then realized that this matter should not be made public and quickly lowered his voice, but even the low volume still could not conceal his anger.

"Why are you so merciful! Those traitors don't deserve forgiveness at all, and they don't deserve forgiveness either!"

Aaron was very puzzled by Brett's decision, "If it doesn't create enough deterrence this time, then this kind of thing will definitely happen again in the future!"

"No, this is not forgiveness. Since they like money and take risks to get something for nothing, then let them work hard all their lives without getting any reward."

Brett shook his head, and then said, "Besides, announcing this matter will only increase the panic on the island and the suspicion among the compatriots, and will not do any good. Moreover,"

"Mere deterrence is not enough."

He said, "As long as the benefits are sufficient, greedy people will always ignore all risks."


Aaron gritted his teeth.

Although he was unwilling to give in, he knew that what Brett said was the truth.

As a person who once regarded wealth as his life and is now very greedy for money, he knows very well how important wealth is to some people.

"Then what should we do?"

Aaron whispered, "You can't just do nothing."

"As long as the opening of Fish-Man Island to the outside world does not change, the World Government's infiltration will not stop."

Brett said seriously, "What we have to do is not only call on our compatriots not to be deceived, but more importantly, we also need to establish an anti-infiltration organizational structure."

Aaron's eyes lit up, "Yes! This should have been done a long time ago. How can we let those bastards from the government do whatever they want in our territory!"

As the saying goes, a pair of underwear and a tissue have their uses.

And now is when Brother Aaron comes in handy.

"Leave it to me?"

Brother Aaron looked a little flattered.

"It's best for you to do this."

Brett said, "I allow you to select a group of capable personnel from the Exit and Entry Administration to form the initial organizational framework, and then go to Fishman Island to develop grassroots members."

"Grassroots members?"

"That's right, those guys who have the most frequent social activities, are the most well-informed, and have the deepest contact with all religions and religions."

Brett said so.

"I understand when you say that!"

Aaron said excitedly, "We need to weave a net on Fish-Man Island! Then all the mosquitoes that fall on the net have nowhere to escape!"

"That's what I mean."

Brett said.

Although it is absolutely impossible to engage in an intelligence war with the World Government on a global scale, the World Government's eight hundred years of operation cannot be challenged by the current Fish-Man Island.

However, this is Fishman Island!

Just like Brother Aaron said, this is the territory of fish people and mermaids. How can it be the turn of government agents to run wild?

It is impossible to compete with the government on a global scale, but at least on Fish-Man Island, in this own base camp, I can still fight against it.

"Then leave it to me!"

Aaron patted his chest. He liked this kind of job of fighting wits and courage with human beings.

As a famous gangster on Fish-Man Island, he was also very good at dealing with all kinds of religions.

"Anyway, you go ahead and organize the manpower, Brother Aaron,"

Brett said, "I will apply for funding from Neptune."

The most indispensable thing on Fish-Man Island now is money.


Aaron nodded, "I won't let you down."

He stood up and was immediately ready to get to work.

However, something suddenly occurred to him, and he turned around and asked seriously, "So, Brett, what is the name of this organization?"

That's right, giving the organization a good name can be considered a good start.

Brett didn't think much about it and said directly, "Let's call it spider web."

Didn’t Brother Aaron say that?

A net must be set up on Fishman Island to catch all the mosquitoes that sneak in.


Aaron nodded, "What a good name, then, I, the spider, will take action now!"

Aaron left in a hurry.

I left happily and very excited.

Brett was in no hurry to leave.

Simply forming a counterintelligence organization is not enough.

We also need to raise the counter-intelligence awareness of our compatriots.

Although it is not good to directly say that some compatriots have betrayed, it does not mean that we cannot instill in our compatriots the idea of ​​being vigilant.

Brett thought so.

Now the conflict with the government has completely intensified, and war may come at any time.

Before the war officially begins, the rear area must be stabilized.

Brett immediately went to Dragon Palace City and told Neptune about his idea.

"That's it."

Neptune was somewhat silent.

He knew this new agency, called Spider Web, wasn't just for government spies.

The residents of Fishman Island who are involved with them are also a target group.

Neptune did not want to see such a scene. Conflicts between compatriots were something he never wanted to see on Fish-Man Island.


He nodded after all.

"Okay, don't worry about funds! Don't worry, Brett, Dragon Palace City will never hold you back!"


Brett smiled and nodded.

The enemy is indeed very powerful, but fortunately, he has a group of the most solid and reliable comrades.

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