The counter-espionage agency called Spider Web is already under intensive preparation.

Brett is convinced that the World Government will never stop its espionage work against Fish-Man Island.

Now that it is difficult to directly use force to invade, they will probably start to corrupt and win over the residents of Fish-Man Island regardless of the cost.

Especially the middle and high-level people on Fish-Man Island.

Brett is a very emotional person, but he also knows that emotions alone are not enough.

After all, it is impossible to require all residents of Fishman Island to be able to not be afraid of temptation and resolutely put safeguarding national interests first, right?

It's a stupid thing to test human nature.

So now that the honeymoon period with the government has passed, it’s time to be prepared.

After coming out of Dragon Palace City, Brett looked up at the sunlight shining on Eve above him and stretched out.

Let’s do this for now.

Before getting Pluto, Fish-Man Island will definitely have no choice but to choose strategic defense for the conflict with the World Government.

Therefore, we must first do a good job in defense.

Should we expand the army on Fish-Man Island?

Brett thought so.

There are only tens of thousands of people in the Exit and Entry Bureau. When they are just defending Fish-Man Island and checking the entry and exit of humans, this number of people is definitely enough.

Even with the equipped sea beasts and corresponding weapons and equipment, it is not difficult to launch a war in the ocean.

But if the opponent is the world government, this number seems a bit insufficient.

The World Government has ruled the world for eight hundred years, and they rely on more than just the secrets Marie Joa hides.

It is even more appropriate to say that during this long period of time, it is the basic strength of the government that has contributed a more important role to the rule of the world government.

For example, the navy, for example, the more than 170 participating countries under the government.

It can even be said that most of the world is on the side of the world government.

If the final war breaks out, ancient weapons will of course be the main combat force, but the forces on other battlefields cannot be left behind, right?

Brett thought about things related to military expansion, and then started his day's work.

Although it was said to be work, he actually didn't have much to do.

After all, to this day, the Immigration Bureau has become quite familiar with the management of order on Fish-Man Island. The people below can handle most things by themselves, and there is no need for Brett to use his own brain.

The meaning of his existence here is to serve as the sea-fixing needle of Fish-Man Island.

As long as the Emperor of the Deep Sea still sits on Fish-Man Island, no matter what kind of careerist he is, he will not dare to act recklessly on Fish-Man Island.

In the afternoon, Brother Aaron came to the headquarters of the Exit-Entry Administration and submitted a big list to Brett.

It was Brett who asked him to choose the initial personnel structure of the Spider Web Organization.

Brother Aaron's action efficiency is quite high.

However, Brett took a quick look and found that they were all guys he was not very familiar with, not even a cadre at the level of captain.

"Since it is a secretive underground work, it must be unobtrusive guys! There is no need to attach too much importance to the power of frontal combat."

Aaron said seriously.

Indeed, they don't want to go to sea anyway, they just work on Fishman Island. They only need to be responsible for investigation. When violence is needed, the Immigration Bureau will provide help.

"These guys were known for their wide connections when they were gangsters in Fishman Street, and—"

Aaron lowered his voice, "Like me, I hate humans!"

Brett nodded slightly.

Of course he knew very well that even today, within Fish-Man Island, the idea of ​​rejecting and resisting humans is still very prevalent.

Or it should be said that after Fishman Island became powerful, this trend of thought became more widespread.

Normally, this kind of thinking is of no use to the development of Fish-Man Island, and Brett still has to find ways to guide and weaken it.

But now, it's time to put it to use.

Fish people who pursue this idea can at least ensure that their resistance to humans is very strong.

Then, it would be perfect for them to take on the important task of spying on humans.

"That's it, I'll leave this matter to you."

Brett said, "I've already talked to Neptune about the funding, and it's enough for you to do it boldly and boldly."

"very good!"

Aaron waved his fist excitedly, "You will see the results soon, Brett!"

Brett quite believed in this.

It took most of a day to come up with the initial roster. Brother Aaron was not only very serious, but also very efficient.

"But there is one thing, Brother Aaron,"

Brett said seriously, "I hope that all you can do is fight against the government's espionage organization, instead of taking the opportunity to persecute the humans who come to Fish-Man Island."

"Of course I know that."

Aaron said solemnly, "The number of people on Fish-Man Island is still too small after all. If we want to build the Fish-Man Empire of our dreams, we need many, many humans as the cornerstone!"

It's still a little weird, but that's about it.

After seeing off the jubilant Brother Aaron, Brett took one last look at the summary of today's work report. After giving the instructions, the day's work was over.

It was still early after get off work, so Brett went to Miss Charlie's Mermaid Cafe as usual.

Before entering, I saw two little mermaids waving their little fists outside the cafe.

Brett smiled and said hello to the young but huge little mermaid.

"It's Brother Brett!"

Before Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom had time to reply, the little girl on the side had already happily waved her two small fists towards Brett and rushed towards him.

"Come and duel with me, I have become stronger now!"

Brett smiled, Nana had already begun to transform from a little girl into a young girl.

But his personality remains the same as it was a few years ago.

Apart from his age, the biggest change is probably that after taking martial arts classes at school, he kept clamoring to duel with Brett every day.

"You're not even close yet."

Brett casually stretched out his finger and flicked little Nana's forehead, causing the little girl to fall to the ground.

"it hurts!"

Nana covered her forehead, sniffed and said loudly, "Shirahoshi! Quick! Attack!"


The little princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom was a little at a loss.

Brett smiled and rubbed her head, then walked into the cafe.

"So, bullying little girls is very fulfilling?"

What greeted her was Miss Charlie's cold eyes.

"Don't say that,"

Brett smiled and said, "It's a duel."


Charlie hummed.

"That's right, Charlie,"

Brett sat across from Charlie and said with a smile, "Tezolo moved the company to Fish-Man Island. To celebrate, he decided to hold a public performance in three days. Let's go see it together?"


Charlie nodded slightly.

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