One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 262 About Shichibukai

Tezzolo decided to stage a grand public performance.

Although I knew that the headquarters was being relocated this time because I was afraid that the government would come looking for trouble, strictly speaking, it was like running away like a lost dog.

But of course you can't say that on the surface.

Tezzolo wants the outside world to know that this relocation is entirely based on business considerations and is a correct and wise decision.

So, of course, there had to be a grand celebration.

Whether it was because of the friendship between the two parties or because of his status on Fish-Man Island, Brett was naturally invited.

"Brother Brett is going too?"

The little princess said happily while eating, "We want to go too! Finally we can see mother's performance again!"

Of course Princess Otohime's idol group will also perform at this show.

"Eh? That's great."

From the side came the voices of the mermaid ladies who seemed to be envious or sighing, "We've all been invited. We also want to see that show."

Brett smiled and said, "Don't worry, of course there will be enough tickets this time."

Tezzolo's attentiveness is no joke, this time he also gave Brett a bunch of tickets.

"Great! Brett, we love you so much!"

The mermaid ladies cheered and almost threw themselves into Brett's arms.

The key factor that limited their cheers to verbal cheers was, of course, the cold eyes of the cafe proprietress.

Brett smiled at Charlie.

Charlie turned away.

“This time I can finally hear Uta’s singing up close!”

The mermaid ladies said expectantly.

"Yes, I have been looking forward to it for a long time!"

"Just watching the live broadcast, I already felt that her singing was so touching. I don't know what it will be like to listen to it with my own ears!"

Although Princess Otohime's singing voice is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, they attended the audition of Fishman Island every time. Of course, they are more looking forward to the singing voice of Uta, who is already famous all over the world. .

"Sister Uta, my mother brought everyone from All Stars back to Dragon Palace City last night!"

Princess Bai Xing said happily, "She said sister Uta will be my sister from now on!"

"Eh? Is there such a thing?"

The mermaid ladies were greatly surprised.

"Yes, I heard that Uta is an orphan. Has Princess Otohime decided to adopt her?"

"Hmm! As expected of Princess Otohime! It's so amazing!"

While the conversation was going on, Charlie cast a questioning look at Brett.

Brett nodded slightly, "The relationship between Princess Otohime and Uta is indeed very good."

After receiving Brett's confirmation, the mermaid ladies were even more surprised.

"Is this the mutual sympathy between outstanding singers?"

In any case, three days later the show in Tezzolo began.

The location is of course still at Jide Kaolong Square, and there is no other place on the island that can accommodate a large number of spectators like this one.

The video phone bug used for broadcasting has already been set up and will broadcast the entire performance live to the world.

The audience started arriving two hours before the show started.

"Ah! Donald! You guy is here to watch the show again!"

"Of course, I am a loyal fan of All Stars!"

"But having said that, there are quite a few people here tonight. I thought that after the previous news, it would be somewhat affected because of Kaido."

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is Fish-Man Island, a place 10,000 meters below the sea. What can even Kaido do!"

Most of the humans who came here at this time thought so.

What about the strongest creature? What about the Pirate Emperor? Can you come to this deep sea to challenge the emperor who rules the dark seabed?

Right above the Fish-Man Island, at the top of the Red Continent, between the white town of Mariejoia and the power of Pangu City.

The five old stars are also watching this live broadcast.

On the screen projected by the phone bug, the darkness was suddenly torn apart by the light projected from above, and a man named Gilder Tezzolo appeared.

Then there was the audience cheering, and even watching the live broadcast, the sound made by the phone bug still made people feel noisy.

The blond Five Old Star sighed, "I originally thought that Fish-Man Island would at least have some martial law, but it seems that neither we nor the Beast Pirates have any deterrent effect."

"That guy Brett is so confident."

The bearded Wulaoxing snorted in displeasure, "I'm sure we don't dare to attack the fish-man island in the deep sea."

However, what is lamentable is that this is indeed the case. The World Government is indeed unable to attack the Fishman Island located in the deep sea.

The Five Old Stars could only feel helpless about this.

"Then just try to contact Kaido!" The blond Wu Laoxing snorted, "That guy must be quite annoyed with Brett too!"

"We need more power!"

The bearded Goro Hoshi said, "Although he still occupies the title of Shichibukai, that guy Jinbei has joined Bright and stood on the opposite side of the government."

"Indeed, the Shichibukai were not full to begin with, and now there is one less person. Whether it is used to defend against Bright or not, they should be supplemented." The bald Five Old Star nodded with deep approval, "Do you have any recommendations? ?"

"How is Wang Zhi?"

The blond Goroixing suggested, "There are not many pirates in the sea who are qualified to become the Shichibukai."

"Wang Zhi?"

The five old stars holding the sword frowned and said with some hesitation, "That guy was once a member of Rocks. Although he didn't make as much noise as Whitebeard and the others, he who occupied Beehive Island probably didn't make that much noise either. It’s easy to give in to the government.”

"Then find a way to give him a reason to have to rely on the government."

The bearded Wulaoxing said, "I have another candidate here."

"who is it?"

"Edward Weibull! That guy had a conflict with Brett, and he is very strong. He is a very suitable candidate!"

"That guy? Are you kidding! Don't forget, Zefa's arm was cut off by him! The Navy will not allow such a thing!"

"When is it the Navy's turn to speak? They also know what kind of situation the government is facing now. Why do they make a little sacrifice in order to deal with Brett! Sacrificing for justice is what the Navy has always emphasized!"

There is some quietness among the powers that be.

Fishman Island.

The show has begun.

The idol group that was finally formed from various races was performing on the stage.

Singing and dancing, the wonderful music flowed to every corner of the world, and the thunderous cheers also rose one after another in the square.

Brett and Charlie were sitting in the front row, next to Neptune and Jinbe, the top leaders of Fish-Man Island.

"When I listen to her singing, I can't help but sigh, it's so beautiful."

Charlie was praising Uta's singing voice, "But it's not just her singing voice that's amazing about this child, right?"

Brett was startled, "Charlie, have you seen anything about the future again?"

He himself has no idea what kind of abilities Uta has.

"It's not very clear, but maybe at some point in the future, she will greatly affect the direction of the world."

Is that so?

Brandt looked at the girl on the stage with a big smile and a melodious singing voice.

Then Princess Otohime, come on, you must really turn this girl into your daughter.

"Now is not the time for you to think about this."

Charlie hugged Brett's arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

Brett smelled the refreshing fragrance and smiled, "That's right."

It's date time.

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