One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 263 Movies, Government Actions

Brett's days on Fish-Man Island became quite peaceful.

There is nothing special to do every day, that is, take care of official business, and then go on a date with Charlie.

During this period, the construction of the spider web organization progressed rapidly.

Aaron has already pulled up the general framework, and the staffing has been completed.

Now it has begun to develop offline across the island.

The secret front has gradually taken shape, so should publicity on the surface also begin?

Let the residents of Fishman Island build up their awareness of counter-espionage and people's war. This is the most critical means to fight against government infiltration.

However, direct publicity would be too explicit and might put residents into panic.

This is what Brett doesn't want to see.

Isn't the purpose of deliberately threatening the world government to maintain the superficial harmony so that the development of Fish-Man Island will not be interrupted, so that the people can be stable?

So Brett had an idea.

"Make a movie?"

In the palace of the new headquarters of Tezolo Company, Tezolo looked at Brett who came to him with a surprised look on his face.

"Through this method, the people of Fishman Island will know the harm of spies to this country."

Brett said, "Subtlely cultivate their counter-intelligence awareness to resist the infiltration of government agents."

Before it was too popularized for entertainment, film and television art had a huge impact on people's spiritual world.

Many people even directly substitute what they see in movies and TV shows into reality.

And that's exactly what Brett was aiming for.


After a brief moment of astonishment, Tezoro nodded clearly, "This is a good idea!"

"So I have to ask you for the next step."

Brett said, "This time Fish-Man Island will support you even more fully."

"Then I won't be polite!"

Tezolo laughed, "It just so happens that fans often write letters urging me to make new movies!"

"A spy movie? It sounds good too!"

"Then it's settled."

So the preparatory work for the movie began.

The first thing to determine is of course the script.

There must be a solid enough script so that when the film is actually shot, the audience will not feel abrupt and out of touch with reality.

But Brett doesn't need to worry about this aspect at all. Tezzolo has a professional team of screenwriters, all of whom are excellent writers hired with high salaries, so there is absolutely no need to worry about script issues.

While Fish-Man Island is still preparing for a new movie, the undercurrent of the new world has quietly begun to surge.

In the back part of the new world, there is a special island. This is a pirate island where there are no civilians and all the residents on the island are pirates.

The name of the island is Beehive.

Many years ago, this island had an overwhelming reputation in the New World.

Because this was once the residence of a certain pirate group.

This is the residence of perhaps the strongest pirate group that has ever been born in this long history.

At this time, the person who occupied the island was also a famous pirate.

Although he is not as famous as those invincible emperors in the new world, this guy is still one of the few strong men in the pirate world today.

His name is Wang Zhi.

Only a handful of people who knew something about that distant past knew that this man was a member of the pirate group that was once known as the strongest.

At this time, on this island where pirates gathered, in a dimly lit room.

"So, what are the intentions of the people from the government looking for me?"

The man whose appearance was unclear said in a low voice, "I don't remember doing any business with you."

A guy wearing a white robe and a mask covering his face stood at the door. The light falling from the window just illuminated his lower body. "The government has sent an invitation to you, Wang Zhi."


There was a hint of joking in the big pirate's tone, "It's interesting, let's talk about it. I'm also a little curious about what the government wants to invite me to do."


The messenger from the government responded, "The government invites you to become a member of the Shichibukai."

"Haha, Shichibukai?"

In the dark light, the man stood up.

The government agent couldn't help but take a step back.

"I thought you had something to say, but it turned out to be such a boring thing."


There was a muffled sound in the room, and then there was the sound of something falling to the ground.

"Throw this guy into the sea and feed it to the fish!"

Such a sound came from inside the room.



The pirates gathered outside the room began to cheer.

On the sea outside this island, an ordinary-looking ship floats quietly here.

On the deck, several guys also wearing white robes looked at the white paper placed on the deck that had been burned by the flames that came from nowhere.


"As expected, Wang Zhi is not the kind of guy who will be easily won over."

"Then it's time to think of ways to disrupt his peaceful life."

Almost at the same moment, another corner of the new world.

"CP0? What do you want to do?"

The short, exaggeratedly dressed old woman looked at the man in black robe standing in front of them with a serious tone.

Behind her, the silly son, holding a long naginata in both hands, tilted his head, still confused about what was going on.

"Don't get me wrong, Ba Jin,"

The leader, a man in white robe, said calmly. He knew very well that although the mother and son were very different in strength, the old woman had always been the one who made the decision.

"This time I appear in front of you to bring you a great thing."

"Good thing?"

The old woman sneered, "I don't think the government's lackeys can bring me any good news!"

"Listen and see how it goes first, and then decide whether to refuse."

The white-robed man said, "The government would like to invite your son, White II, Edward Weible, to become the new Shichibukai."

The government agent saw that there was something going on, so he quickly continued, "From now on, you will no longer be pursued by the navy and become legal pirates protected by the government."

"Hahaha, it seems like it's really good news!"

Ba Jin grinned.

It just so happened that the mother and son were very weak, so if they could get protection from the government, that would certainly not be a bad thing.

It seems that there is no reason to refuse at all.

"So, Ba Jin, what is your answer?"

The agent asked solemnly.

"Hahahaha, what's my answer?"

The old woman laughed.

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