On Fish-Man Island, Brett is reading the script.

The screenwriters under Tezolo were really very efficient, and they had already sent the script to Brett in just one week.

"This is already the third edition."

There was some sleepiness on Tezuolo's face, "In order to help you, I stayed up all night for several consecutive nights."

"Thank you very much."

Brett's eyes and attention were focused on the script in his hand, and he could only reply with a perfunctory sentence to Tezolo in his busy schedule.

It's quite exciting. It mainly tells the story of an ordinary resident of Fish-Man Island who by chance got involved in the conspiracy of a spy from an evil organization. Finally, he used his intelligence and the great director and handsome brother Brett. With the help of Mr. Tezzolo, the enemy's ruthless plot was thwarted.

Excluding the scenes for himself and Bret, the overall plot of this story is smooth, the rhythm is tight, and the logic is reasonable. Based on these alone, you can tell that it is a rare and good script.

Of course, as a film that functions as political propaganda, Bright is more concerned with promoting counterintelligence ideas.

This part also happens to be the essence of the script.

The screenwriters spent a lot of space to create the villains in the film, namely the agents, and described in detail the despicable methods of this group of evil outsiders.

Use coercion and inducement, use various methods to win over and coerce the residents of Fish-Man Island, and then ask them to help steal the secrets of Fish-Man Island, and finally break into Fish-Man Island by cooperating inside and outside.

Audiences who watch the film can clearly appreciate the pervasiveness and terrifying methods of the spies through the film.

"Not bad, or rather, very good."

Brett nodded slightly. Although it was a political propaganda film, it would certainly be better if the quality was outstanding.

"of course."

Tezoro raised his chin arrogantly. He was obviously shorter than the sitting Brett, but he was looking down at him.

"This project, Fish-Man Island, has been approved." Brett said with a smile, "When can we start filming?"

Can't wait.

"How could it be so fast?"

Taizolo snorted, "The script has been completed. The next step is to confirm the actors. Hmph, thank me very much, Brett. I have given up the protagonist of this movie to the people from Fish-Man Island."

It’s not that Taizolo doesn’t want to be the starring role, it’s just that if the protagonist is a human being, it will be difficult for the residents of Fish-Man Island to have a sufficient sense of involvement.

Only the battle of wits and courage between the protagonist, who is also a fishman, and the evil spies can make the residents of Fishman Island more sympathetic.

"Please eat--"

Brett turned his head and looked at the office door.

The next moment, the office door was pushed open, and a fat blue man rushed in quickly.

"The latest news!"

Jinbei held up a newspaper in his hand, with a look of disbelief still on his face, "Big news!"

"Big news?"

Taizolo said in surprise, "What kind of big news?"

"The new Shichibukai is born!"

Jinbei opened the newspaper in his hand so that both Brett and Tezoro could clearly see the large and clear photo on the newspaper, "Look who he is? Are you shocked?"

"No way!"

Tezoro was indeed startled. His eyes almost widened in astonishment. He quickly walked to Jinbei, took the newspaper, and looked at it carefully.

"How could such a thing happen? Is the world government crazy?"

Tezoro confirmed that he knew the guy in the newspaper. He knew that this guy was indeed very strong and definitely qualified to hold the position of Shichibukai.

But the problem is not the strength, but the guy himself.

Bright's lips curled up. Should he say that this guy became a Shichibukai so much earlier than in the original work?

"Hey, hey, are they really not afraid of the navy riot?"

Taizuolo was shocked and then laughed, "How dare you let this guy be the Shichibukai?"

Why not?

Brett smiled and thought, when has the world government ever taken care of the marines? How do they feel?

In other words, it has been 800 years since the World Government was established. When has the navy been able to defy the will of the government?

"It's going to be fun now."

Brett chuckled.

Although it’s seven years ahead of schedule, what choice will you make?

In the first half of the Grand Line, there are many places like Paradise, Navy Headquarters, and Marin.

In a certain laboratory, Zefa the Black Arm is testing his new arm.

This is a black mechanical arm. From a pure appearance point of view, it is not much different from an ordinary arm except for the color.

"Although it is impossible to use the original arm as well,"

The scientist from the science force who was specially transferred to design Zefa's arm pushed up his glasses and said seriously, "But the technology contained inside it also gives it extraordinary power, which should be enough for the time being."

The man who once served as the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the Chief Instructor of the Navy Headquarters, known as Black Arms, had a calm expression, and the palms of his robotic arms were closed and opened.

The robotic arm using nerve connection technology can move as he wishes. Although it is also unconscious, it is much easier to use than ordinary prosthetics, not to mention the internal power system that gives this robotic arm enough power. strength.

It's barely usable.

Zefa thought so.

At this time, the door to the laboratory was pushed open by Dong, and a beautiful female navy woman with blue hair hurriedly ran in.

"Teacher Zefa!"

Navy Ain ignored the scientist at all. She handed the newspaper in her hand to her most respected teacher, "Look."

Zefa was stunned for a moment. He saw the panic and anger in his disciple's eyes, and he subconsciously took the newspaper.

Then, with just one glance, his penis widened.

"What a joke!


The strong mechanical arm pinched the thin newspaper in his hand and cracked it. The muscles on the face of the former world government's top combat power were twitching. This man had not been so out of control for a long time.

"Ain! Let's go to the marshal's office!"

With that said, he kicked open the laboratory door and strode away without looking back.

Looking at his leaving figure, the lips of the scientist who remained in place moved, and he suddenly felt panic in his heart.

He saw the picture in the newspaper.

So he knew that something big was going to happen soon.

But what does this have to do with him being a scientist in the scientific force?

It's better to return to the science force as soon as possible.

Zefa was striding forward.

The legs are always opened as wide as possible before taking another step, faster and faster, faster and faster!

It was like the anger in his heart was becoming increasingly uncontrollable.

“Warring States!

What the hell is going on!


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