"What? Brett, you said you wanted to cooperate with Zefa?"

On Fish-Man Island, in Brett's office, Mr. Tezolo couldn't help but slapped the table and stood up after listening to Brett's words.

"Have you forgotten the relationship between you and the navy?"

Of course I won't forget it.

At the beginning, I didn't have the ambitions I have now.

After recovering his memory, he just wanted to return to Fish-Man Island and live a stable life.

Marry Charlie, have a few kids, and wait until the Straw Hats change the world.

Brett originally thought so, but unfortunately, that rear admiral changed everything.

"But hasn't Zefa betrayed the navy now?"

Brett sat comfortably on his soft office chair, crossed his legs, and crossed his fingers on his knees.

"He is the enemy of the navy, and I am also the enemy of the navy. So after all that, isn't he my friend?"

"Don't say stupid things,"

Tezoro dismissed Brett's remarks, "I guess I know that Zefa defected to the navy because Weibull became the new Shichibukai! Do you understand what this means!"

"This means that if that guy is for justice in his heart, he is not even willing to compromise with the navy or the government!"

Who are you?

Where does he have the nerve to let Zefa violate his principles for you?

This is probably what Tezolo meant.

For Zefa, in the final analysis, Brett was just a criminal who killed the navy, but he was protected by the government before, so he got away with it.

Even if we now have full power and are at odds with the government, it is just dog eating dog.

"You have to give it a try."

Brett smiled and said, "Our enemies are stronger than imagined, so any strength is worth fighting for."

Although Zefa is getting older and had one of his hands chopped off, there is a high probability that he has now been replaced with Xiao Chun, which will greatly affect his combat status.

But he is still a rare strong man on the sea.

Anyway, this man also regards the World Government as his enemy, so why can't he be drawn into his own camp?

Of course, as Tezzolo said, it won't be easy.

Zefa only looked calm and steady on the surface, but what happened in the second half of his life left a fire in his heart.

And now this flame has finally been completely released.

This man has become crazy, driven by hatred for pirates, the navy and the world government.

It should be quite difficult to win him over.

But Brett wanted to give it a try.


Tezolo shrugged, "Anyway, I'm just living under someone else's roof now. No one will care about anything I say. Alas, I'd better help Mr. Brett make that movie honestly."

Brett rolled his eyes.

"Help me investigate where Zefa is."

"You'd better ask Morgans about this matter. You know, when it comes to intelligence, I can't compare with him in any way."


Now let Mr. Tezzolo concentrate on filming the movie.

That guy Morgans probably wouldn't refuse at all.

After all, as long as he heard what Brett asked him to help, he could guess Brett's wishes.

And that guy is always worried about the world being in chaos and wants to make big news the most.

While Brett was taking action, the first half of the Grand Line was on a certain sea area in Paradise, on a little-known desert island.

Two days ago, a navy warship landed here quietly, but the people who came on this warship were no longer the navy.

On the coast, the bonfire was already burning brightly. The fish that had just been fished out of the sea and the animals hunted from the forest were cleaned up and then skewered and placed next to the bonfire, roasting deliciously. Sizzling.

A certain man and the people who followed him gathered around the bonfire, their cheeks turning red under the light of the bonfire.

"There should be no problem in the short term. As long as we avoid landing on inhabited islands, it will be difficult for even the navy to detect our traces."

He has taken off the cloak of justice that he has been wearing all the time, and even combed his soft purple hair upside down. The gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose have also been replaced by sunglasses. Compared with before, he seems to have completely changed. Zefa's voice was solemn.

"But we still have to go to the New World as soon as possible. The Paradise government and navy are too powerful. If our whereabouts are exposed, our situation will become very difficult."

The new world has been in chaos for a long time, and now it has almost become out of control in the past few decades. The existence of the three pirate emperors has reduced the government's control over that sea area to the minimum.

If you can enter the new world, you don't have to worry so much about being hunted by the government.

"But, Teacher Zefa,"

Miss Ain, who left the navy with her teacher, said with some worry, "Now we can't go to Mariejoia. If we want to go to the new world, we can only pass through Fish-Man Island."

And Fishman Island is Brett's territory.

Zefa said, "If we don't land on Fish-Man Island, we don't have to accept the search by the Entry-Exit Administration. In this way, we can go to the new world smoothly."

The students nodded collectively.

That's right, that guy Brett is quite principled.

He will not forcefully search ships that are unwilling to be searched, but will not allow them to land on Fish-Man Island.

"After we go to the new world, we need to organize a team!"

Zefa said seriously, "Since the navy can no longer protect justice, leave it to us!"

"We want to cleanse the sea of ​​all evil!"

"Pirates, bandits, and even the corrupt military and government!"

The man stood up, and his disciples raised their heads simultaneously, looking at the man they were willing to follow their entire lives with admiration.

"We are the NEO Navy! The NEO Navy that represents true justice and brings peace to this world!"


Everyone responded excitedly, with longing for the future and proud smiles on their faces.

Since the government and navy have betrayed justice, let them enforce real justice!

"Let's take a short rest before heading to Fish-Man Island!"

Zefa said loudly.

Little did Brett know that the person he was looking for was about to arrive at his door.

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