One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 268 Night at Shampoo Land

Brett went to see Tezzolo make a movie.

The preparations for the film went very smoothly.

Not long after the script was completed, the selection of actors was also completed. After a short training, the official filming began.

In a dark room that had just been built, villains in white robes and masks were torturing the officials of Fish-Man Island who had been secretly captured by them.

To be honest, this shape can no longer be said to be a hint. Anyone who knows a little bit about the sea will know where this shape comes from.

This scene mainly shows the cruelty of spies. Anyway, there is no review agency in this world, so Tezzolo decided to use a lot of bloody scenes without any scruples to show the cruelty of the villains.

But of course, it’s the cruelty in the film, not really the cruelty to the actors.

All wounds were treated with makeup.

"Is there no news from Zefa yet?"

Although he did not play the leading role this time, Taizolo, who was a guest director, turned around and asked Brett in a low voice during his busy schedule.

"No news."

Brett said, "It seems they are hiding very well."

"Isn't that natural?"

Tezoro said casually, "If that guy was really that easy to find, I'm afraid he would have been thrown into the Impel Down City by now."

Brett chuckled.

This is indeed true.

Of course, the government's search was more intense than our own.

That guy Morgans' intelligence ability is indeed very strong, but compared with the World Government, it is of course far inferior.

If Morgans can find the traces of Zefa and his party so quickly, then the World Government will only be faster.

It can even be said that it is a good thing that there is no trace of Zefa and others now.

Because Brett felt that Zefa and others must be going to the new world.

It is too dangerous in Paradise and the world, and the government is too powerful. The only thing that can allow them to develop in peace is a chaotic new world.

Since they are going to the new world, of course Fish-Man Island is the place they must pass.

There is a high probability that Brett only needs to sit on Fish-Man Island and wait until they come to his door.

Brett had even said hello to the Chambord Islands through merchants.

Once someone who is suspected of Zefa's group comes to coat, Fish-Man Island will get the news immediately.

However, Brett guessed that the government had probably made the same preparations.

It depends on who reacts faster.

Brett was not in a hurry and quietly watched Tezzolo filming.


"That guy Zefa knows too much about the navy. It is very difficult to find him through the navy branch! He can easily avoid all naval bases."

A guy in a white robe mask is making a report to Mr. Strongest Shield, "But if we rely solely on the power of our CP, then finding him is like finding a needle in a haystack."

"So, what's the result?" Strongest Shield asked.

"We decided to wait and see."

The man said, "The power of the government and navy is the strongest in Paradise."

Of course, the three major organizations under the World Government are all in the Paradise Sea. This sea area has been the place where the World Government has spent the most time managing for eight hundred years.

"That guy Zefa will definitely want to leave the park, most likely to the new world, and Sihai cannot ignore it, so we have deployed controls at every key node in the park to the new world and Sihai, waiting for him to arrive. Got it!"


Mr. Strongest Shield nodded slightly.

This is the only way to go now.

Time goes by like this, day by day.

On this day, a sea ship came to the Shampoo Islands.

What looks ordinary is not a pirate ship. What hangs on the mast is a flag of a certain chamber of commerce.

After the ship docked at the port, a few guys disembarked immediately wearing cloaks and putting hoods over their heads to hide their identities.

They went to the Chambord Islands to replenish supplies.

While buying things, they also walked around the island.

If someone were to count their wandering routes from a God's perspective, they would find that these people were not wandering aimlessly. They were observing the activities on the island, especially the conditions of several coating shops.

The recent situation in the Shampoo Islands is indeed a bit tense, with naval soldiers patrolling everywhere.

The navy seemed to be searching for something.

The men returned to the ship from which they had come.


In the dim light of the inheritance, Zefa murmured in a low voice, "It won't be so easy for us to go to the new world."

"Then what should we do, Teacher Zefa?"

Ain was a little anxious, "If I go to the master for coating now, it will be easily exposed, right?"

Since the World Government has sent people to keep an eye on this island, it will be almost impossible to coat it.

Coating is not a job that can be completed in a few clicks. If you want to coat a ship with a layer of bubble film that is enough to sail in the deep sea, it will take several days.

There is absolutely no way it could have been delayed for such a long time without being discovered by the government.

"Have you completed the coating and are you ready to set off for the pirate ship to Fish-Man Island?" Zefa said in a deep voice.

Ain's eyes widened, and then she said in surprise, "I understand!"

Since the risk of coating yourself is very high, how about just grabbing it?

Johnny the Hyena is a pirate with a bounty of 78 million, which is pretty good in this sea called Paradise.

He wants to join the Beast Pirates and become a member of Kaido's command.

After all, he is also an animal-type ability user. Even that monster Kaido won't refuse to absorb him, right?

In this way, Johnny the Hyena came to the Shampoo Islands with great ambition, spent a few days coating, and now, all the preparations have been completed.

"lets go!"

It was late at night, and Johnny the Hyena stood on the bow of the ship in high spirits, waving his right hand, "Go to Fish-Man Island!"

Before heading to the new world, of course you have to visit the Fish-Man Island, right?


"Captain, a ship is approaching!"

The lookout on the mast suddenly shouted, "It looks like a merchant ship!"

"Merchant ship?"

Johnny the hyena scratched his head in surprise.

Why do merchant ships dare to take the initiative to approach pirate ships these days? Are you really not afraid of death?

"Someone! Someone is coming!"

Suddenly, the lookout exclaimed.

Johnny the Hyena turned his head, and then he saw a figure flying past in the night sky, and then landed lightly on his deck.


After all, he has been hanging around in the park for many years, so of course Johnny the hyena knows the World Government's signature moves.

Then, he saw the man's face clearly.

“You-you-you are!


The pirate captain's mouth trembled. How could such a monster appear in front of him?

"Get out of here."

Someone said.



The pirate captain, who was so high-spirited just now, was now as terrified as a mouse.

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