One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 269 Emergency Rescue

Zefa stood on the bow of the ship that originally belonged to the pirates.

Behind him, the disciples were quickly moving towards the ship.

The plan went very smoothly.

Even during this period of martial law, there have never been fewer pirates in the Shampoo Islands.

For some reason, even though the navy headquarters is not far from this island, the world government has not strengthened its control over the Shampoo Islands.

It seems like they want to release the pirates to the new world.

Zefa was very dissatisfied with the government's decision in the past.

But now, he wants to thank the government for this policy.

It really helped a lot. If it weren't for this group of pirates, I really don't know how to complete the coating quickly and then go to the new world when the government didn't react at all.

"Are you ready?"

Zefa turned around.

"Preparations are complete and ready to go at any time, Teacher Zefa!"

Ain said loudly.

There was no need to even bring the supplies from the original ship. The ship of the pirates preparing to go to the new world was filled with all kinds of supplies.

Then, get ready to go!

Zefa breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as we can go to the new world smoothly, then everything is still possible!

The government is too corrupt and the navy cannot defy their will.

In this case, let me practice true justice!

Zefa thought so.

He waved his hand and said, "Sail out——"

The next moment, the former admiral of the Navy Headquarters suddenly widened his eyes.

He raised his head suddenly.

Almost as soon as he raised his head, a bright light shone in the sky.

A dazzling light bloomed in the night sky, even overshadowing the brightness of the moon.

"Oh oh oh, do you want to leave now? Teacher Zefa?"

The man's slow tone sounded in the air, "I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama."

Without even replying to Zefa, the light spots of opportunity were already falling in the sky.

“Damn it! Porusalino!


Zefa gritted his teeth and roared, his left arm turned dark, invisible waves wrapped around it, and then, the man struggled to punch the sky.

The armed domineering force spread out, and it was obviously just a punch, but now it turned into a range attack.

A large number of light bullets were directly shattered by Zefa's punch, but Kizaru had more to say than the attack range.

More light bombs were still falling downwards, sieving the outer perimeter of the ship in almost the blink of an eye.

The hull of the ship was punctured, and the membrane covering the ship was naturally not spared.

Zefa gritted his teeth.

This is going to be troublesome.

The coated ship was destroyed, making it impossible to go to Fish-Man Island.

What was worse was the guy who appeared in front of him at this time.

Although he had never dealt with this guy, Zefa knew very well how difficult his disciple was.

Now that they are caught by this guy, their chances of escaping are slim.

"Why don't you come back to Marineland with me now, Teacher Zefa."

The light fell from the sky, and then fell on the mast of the crumbling ship, re-condensing into the appearance of Kizaru.

The admiral of the Navy Headquarters sighed, "The government has long guessed that you might go to the New World, so it has asked me to wait here for a long time. Every coated ship is monitored. You can't just hide it from the sea like this." Chance."

"Besides, I have already notified the headquarters. Kuzan is on his way here. You should understand that you have no chance of winning."

Zefa's face was as gloomy as water, and his disciples also looked frightened.

As Kizaru said, all of them understood that the moment this monster appeared in front of them, they had nowhere to escape.


Zefa breathed a sigh of relief slowly, and then pulled off the suit on his body. His arms were now pitch black.

"Is that so?"

Kizaru sighed slightly, "If possible, I don't want to fight you, Mr. Zefa, but now,"

He clasped his hands together, and light bloomed between his hands. Then he held it with his right hand, and a lightsaber was already in his palm.

"The only choice is to fight, right!"

In the next moment, Kizaru appeared in front of Zefa with a flash of light, his long lightsaber clattering down.



Roaring, Zefa punched.


The battle begins.

"Let's help too!"

Ain shouted.

There were two groups of red flames condensing on her hands.

"do not come!"

Zefa took two steps back and shouted loudly without looking back, "Go back to the shore and get out of here first! Let me deal with this guy!"

Numbers meant nothing to this bastard.

Zefa knew this very well. As long as the bastard Porusalino was willing, he could kill all his junior brothers and sisters with just a few moves.

The two men started a fierce fight on the deck of this large ship.

The disciples who followed Zefa followed their teacher's orders and moved to the shore, but they were anxious.

Because they saw clearly that from the beginning, their teacher Zefa was at a disadvantage.

Although his right arm has been replaced with a mechanical arm made for him by the Science Department, it is still far inferior to the original arm. Both the strength and flexibility are far from being able to keep up with this level of fighting.

It didn't take long for Zefa's mechanical right arm to be chopped into pieces by Kizaru.

"What a pity, Teacher Zefa,"

Kizaru said with a smile, "This arm is still too fragile. If I get a mechanical arm made of seastone, I'm afraid I will also have a headache."

"Porusalino! Didn't I teach you not to talk nonsense in battle?"

The teacher roared angrily and once again rushed towards the outstanding disciple.

Even if you know you can't win, that's no reason to give up.

Never compromise!

Zefa insists on justice in his heart and is absolutely unwilling to compromise.


Kizaru sighed softly.

That's why I feel a headache.

"Then come, Teacher Zefa."

Kizaru held the sword with both hands.

This teacher always warned him not to rely too much on Devil Fruits.

So now he wants to prove that he's not just good at Devil Fruits.


Amidst the loud noise, a black arm flew in the sky, and then fell into the sea, causing a small wave.

Zefa's body flew backwards, crashed directly through the side of the ship, and fell to the shore of the Shampoo Islands.


Zefa groaned, turned over, lowered his head and looked at the empty part under his right shoulder.

Is that all there is?

"That's it."

Kizaru gathered his figure in front and spoke in a calm tone.

"If you want to capture Teacher Zefa, you must first step over our corpses!"

The disciples stopped in front of Kizaru, already in a fighting stance.

How could it be possible to abandon Teacher Zefa and leave like this!

"Then let us fight side by side!"

Zefa stood up, and he did not say anything like asking the disciples to leave.

Since this is their wish, respect them!

"What a headache."

Kizaru sighed, the lightsaber in his hand disappeared, and the next moment he reappeared in the sky.

"Then don't blame me -"



Not far away, huge waves suddenly exploded on the sea.

Under the moonlight, the fiery monster rose from the sea.

"Haha, it seems I came at the right time."

The monster lowered his head, smiled and spoke under Kizaru's astonished eyes.

"I'm here to save you, Mr. Zefa."

Then Zefa also widened his eyes.

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