One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 270 Adaptability!

Of course, it's not just the World Government that's paying attention to the Shampoo Islands.

The people on Fish-Man Island have also been watching.

Therefore, when the fighting here started, Brett was quickly woken up by a phone call from his sleep.

Then he immediately headed to the Shampoo Islands. Fortunately, the Shampoo Islands were not far from the Fish-Man Island. Now it seemed that he arrived in a very timely manner.

"Oh, Emperor of the Deep!"

Although Kizaru's tone was still long, there was already a little sweat on his forehead, "Teacher Zefa, I have never heard you say that you still have a relationship with this man!"

This is the worst possible situation!

Brat is the strongest enemy the government faces now. If Teacher Zefa gets involved with him again, it will be really fun.

But of course, Zefa is actually confused now.

He also had no idea why Brett came to save him.

The only intersection between the two was the last time they were attacked by Edward Weibull, when Brett came to the rescue under the assignment of the government.

You can't be indifferent to the person who is being helped, but the guy who lends a helping hand is kind to you, right?

However, Zefa realized that at the moment of Brett's arrival, a hint of joy arose deep in his heart.

Of course he didn't want it to end here, and he didn't want his disciples to follow him into eternal disaster.

However, if he accepts Brett's help because of this, it will also make him feel painful.


"Britt! I didn't know we had such a friendship before!"

Zefa looked up at Brett, who had transformed into a dragon and was hovering in the sky, and sneered.

"There's no need to be so outspoken, Mr. Zefa,"

The clouds were entwined with the fiery red dragon, and Brett was dragging up the sky. He just smiled and spoke, and his voice already shook the sky like thunder,

"I just feel like we have the same enemy, so why can't we work together."

"Ha, cooperation?"

Zefa was unmoved, "Do you want me to cooperate with you, the criminal who killed the navy?"

As Tezolo said, this old man is really like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard.

After all, isn't it true that you are also betraying the navy now?

But Brett didn't care.

He just smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to cooperate. As long as you are still an enemy of the government, you have already helped a lot."

"Tsk, this is really..."

Kizaru also had to sigh, should he be called Brett? This pattern is really big.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense here."

Brett turned his head, and the shining light was reflected between the two children.

"General Kizaru, should I send you away, or should you go away by yourself?"

Brett swallowed the wind and clouds, and the sea surface was blown up by the strong wind. The tops of the huge mangroves supporting the Shampoo Islands were also shaking.

"What a domineering man?"

Kizaru scratched his head in distress, "But," he raised his hand and pulled down the sunglasses on his forehead, blocking his eyes, "Teacher Zefa taught me that justice does not allow retreat!"

"Asshole guy!"

At this moment, Zefa felt a little inexplicable in his heart.

Kizaru was undoubtedly his enemy at this moment, but at this moment it was hard for him not to appreciate Kizaru's decision.

"That's right, Porusalino!"

A steady voice came from a distance, and along with the voice came a rapid drop in temperature.

The sea was completely frozen in an instant, and the waves that were turbulent just now condensed into rugged hills.

A blue figure flew from a distance.

"You came at the right time, Kuzan!"

Kizaru laughed, "Maybe today is a good opportunity!"

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

The light spots all over the sky were already pouring towards Brett like a torrential rain.

Brett's huge body was unable to escape from such intensive attacks.

But there is no need to dodge at all.


Above the fiery red scales, dazzling blue lightning jumped up.

The violent thunder spread out with Bright as the center, and then collided with the light spots all over the sky.

Amidst the continuous explosions that obscured the entire sky, a figure jumped up.

"Freeze moment!"

Strong freezing air came towards him, and before Brett had time to react, his body was already frozen into ice.

Even the flame cloud that enveloped him and allowed him to fly in the sky was frozen.


Aokiji slowly let out a breath of cold air, stretched out his right hand and pointed it at the frozen Bright, "Ice cube—explosion mouth!"

The huge blue ice bird roared in with the cold air that froze the world. Behind it, a hailstorm fell in the sky.

"Lightspeed Kick!"

The dazzling light from the other side gathered, and Kizaru's right leg, as bright as a little sun, also hit Bright's head.

However, the moment the two generals took action at the same time, the ice on Brett's body shattered.

"Hot breath!"

He breathes fire.

The blazing pillar of fire directly engulfed the ice bird that spread its wings.

At the same time, more clouds surged out from his body, catching Kizaru and smashing him down.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Zefa, are you just looking at me like this?"

Brett was swimming leisurely in the sky, "If you let me be killed, you won't be able to run away."

"Killed? Are you kidding me, Brett?"

The light shot upwards, and Kizaru regrouped his body in the sky, "We are the ones who are going to be killed, right?"

"Ice Age."

The ejected Aoki swung his right hand.

The freezing air, which was even colder than before, once again froze Brett into a big lump of ice.

But this time, Bright broke through the ice faster. When Kizaru waved the lightsaber in his hand and struck it down, his long tail had already swung over.

The jet-black lightning wraps around the tail that is already sputtering with thunder, and the Overlord uses the technique of internally destroying the domineering energy to wrap around and radiate out. This is the ultimate attack power on the sea!


The collision between laser and Haki caused a violent explosion.

Then, a ray of light shot out from the fireworks.

The ray of light hit the Shampoo Islands behind and hit a mangrove tree.

A more violent explosion occurred, and the mangrove tree was blown apart, and the upper half fell downwards.

"What an exaggerated power!"

Most of Aokiji's body had turned into ice. When Bright knocked Kizaru away, he was almost stuck to the surface of Bright's body.

"Freeze it for me!"

The ultimate freezing power was activated, and the hovering Brett was frozen into a coil of mosquito coils.

so cold!

The cold air reaches directly into the body, and it seems that every cell is frozen.

However, the cold is fading quickly. No, it’s not that the cold is fading, but——

"Starting to get used to it."

Brett said to himself.

His body twisted, and the ice covering the surface of his body shattered.

"Ah la la! What the hell is this-"

Qing Zhi twitched the corner of his mouth in surprise.

Does his ability not work at all?

"It's cold, asshole!"

Brett opened his mouth towards the blue pheasant, and the blazing flames instantly covered the green pheasant and sprayed it away.

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