One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 271: Heaven is coming! Talkative

Brett possesses the adaptability derived from the giant tardigrade.

This adaptability allows him to adapt to the thunder, thereby detonating thunder and lightning in his body to perform current-driven moves.

This adaptability allowed him to adapt to high temperatures, and swimming in magma helped him find the whereabouts of Pluto.

Of course, this kind of adaptability will allow him to adapt to low temperatures, thereby ignoring the blue pheasant's freezing power to a large extent.

"This guy!"

Zefa looked up in confusion.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, this guy Brett has indeed shown strong and exaggerated strength.

His two proud disciples, the two admirals who served as pillars to support the advancement of the navy in this era, were suppressed by this guy!

"So hot, so hot!"

The blue pheasant, covered in flames, fell onto the ice, causing the flames to spread on the ice.

"This is the fire that burned Sakaski, he is so difficult to deal with!"

Qing Pheasant exclaimed.

Then, ice instantly covered his body, and the flames were frozen in the ice.

But even so, the flames are still burning, burning inside the ice.

The ice covering the surface of the body shattered, and the flames also separated from the body.

Qing Pheasant then exhaled a breath of hot breath, "It was almost cooked."

Although he said that, the clothes on his body were burned to tatters, and even his skin was burned red.

"I just want to say that the strength is really exaggerated!"

A ray of light shot into the sky, and then a reflection fell next to Aokiji. The somewhat gray-faced Kizaru scratched his hair and said helplessly, "It seems that he is no match at all."

Behind Zefa, Ain exclaimed uncontrollably.

Are there actually such powerful people in this world?

It's really unimaginable.

"End this!"

Brett raised his head and roared filial piety.

Thick dark clouds swept out with him as the center, covering half of the sky in the blink of an eye.

The bloodline of the giant fog fish gives Brett the ability to release clouds. Coupled with the flame clouds that Brett's ability can originally release, Brett can already create all kinds of clouds at will.

After the dark cloud is created, lightning is injected into it.

"Thousands of thunders!"

At this moment, heaven comes!

The strong electric light in the dark clouds began to jump, and the next second, thick thunderbolts fell from the clouds like light beams, pouring towards the two generals.

The entire sea area is covered by dark clouds and lightning!

Suddenly, a scene like the end of the world began to unfold on the sea outside this side of the Shampoo Islands.

"What's this!"

Kizaru was instantly struck into a point of light by the thunder, and he exclaimed, "Does Kaido have such an ability!"

"As expected! This guy's ability is an enhanced version of Kaido! What a terrible thing Dr. Vegapunk has made!"

Facing the thunder in the sky, Aokiji couldn't be as leisurely as Kizaru.

Thunder cannot break the light, but it can melt the ice.

When the two generals were restrained by the thunder falling from the sky, Brett lowered his body.

"Let's go, Mr. Zefa, it's time to go to Fishman Island."

Brett exhaled slightly.

He spit out a huge bubble, which directly enveloped Zefa and others.

Then the flame cloud swept out, enveloping the ground where Zefa and others were standing, and then dragged it downwards.

This coast is broken directly.



Even a well-informed man like Zefa couldn't help but exclaim at this time.

All of them were caught in the bubbles and dragged to the bottom of the sea by the clouds.


The giant dragon was swimming around the bubble, "Let's start this wonderful journey into the deep sea."

Brett carried the bubbles all the way down.

"Don't even think about running away!"

As the thunder struck, Kizaru crossed his hands on his chest.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

The sky-wide light bullets penetrated the sea water, threatening to tear the fragile bubbles apart.

"It's a real struggle."

Brett turned around and opened his mouth.

"Practice blank ammunition!"

The strong wind gathered in the mouth, and then spit out a substantial wind mass.

This wind mass is even entangled with invisible fluctuations.

The strong wind whipped up the sea water all the way up, instantly exploding all the light bombs in this area.

The strong wind carrying the seawater even penetrated the seawater all the way up, turning into a majestic waterspout that shot straight into the sky!


Kizaru pulled away in a blink of an eye, and was almost caught in the waterspout just now.

"Ah, it's all over now,"

In the thunder that filled the sky, Kizaru landed next to Aoki who was resisting the thunder. "He was run away by Teacher Zefa."

"Get ready to write a review."

Qingzhi waved his hand and created a huge ice shield to block his head, and he sighed.

Both generals were feeling a little depressed.

Are times changing too fast and they can no longer keep up?

There are actually people in the world who can almost ignore the two of them, and then take Zefa and his party away openly.

"The title of the strongest man in the world can almost be replaced, right?"

Qing Pheasant said so.

Under the sea, Brett, Zefa and his team were heading to the Fish-Man Island.

Their speed was very fast, and they were already in the deep dark sea.

"No, nothing will happen!"

Zefa's disciples looked at the thin layer of bubbles that isolated the sea water with fear.

If this thing breaks, then all of them will be buried under the sea.

What made them almost breathless was the huge monsters that swam by in the deep sea from time to time. As long as each one had a slight scratch with them, they could only be shattered into pieces.

Zefa was Bright swimming in the deep sea outside the bubbles with a solemn look on his face.

Even though he already knew what was special about Brett, Zefa was still deeply shocked when he saw that he actually used his ability to transform into a dragon but was still able to swim in the sea.

This man overcame the flaws in his devil fruit powers!

"I saved you again, Mr. Zefa."

Brett turned his head, chuckled and said, "Then can you have a good chat with me now?"

"...I will repay your kindness sooner or later."

Zefa was silent for a moment, and then he said, "But I don't think there is anything to talk about between us."

"do not talk like that."

Brett smiled and said, "Want to hear my story? Mr. Zefa."


Zefa frowned.

What are you saying all of a sudden?

"We're still some distance away from Fish-Man Island, so we can slow down a little bit,"

Brett smiled and said, "Then let me tell you my story, and then talk about the world."

At this time, you have to rely on your ability to talk.

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