One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 276 A gift for Zefa

The tripartite talks have thus concluded.

The NEO Navy of Fish-Man Island and the Revolutionary Army have agreed to share important information with each other and help each other.

At the end of the meeting, all three people had cheerful smiles on their faces.

A very simple truth.

The combination of Fish-Man Island and the Revolutionary Army is already a subversive force. In this vast world, except for the World Government, no force can match them.

Moreover, although Mr. Zefa is still weak at this time, with only a group of young and immature students under his command, his own strength is also extraordinary. Coupled with his words, their united strength may no longer be possible. Much inferior to the Navy.

Not to mention Brett also has a bunch of allies like the Seven Angles Alliance. Although they may not all be reliable, they can at least be helpful.

The strength they have gathered here is already quite exaggerated.

Once the ancient weapons are in place, they will almost be able to compete with the World Government.


Both Dorag and Zefa saw hope.

Since everyone is happy, the next step is of course a banquet where guests and hosts can enjoy themselves.

Although the government's connection with Mr. Zefa is already very clear, the alliance with Dolag still needs to be kept secret, so the banquet was held in the headquarters building of the Exit-Entry Administration.

The scale was not large either, with only four people from Brett, Taizuo, Luoze and Fadorag participating.

The special food from Fish-Man Island made both Zefa and Dolag very happy.

The four of them were chatting about the upcoming work while having wine and food. The atmosphere of the banquet was quite harmonious.

When they were almost full, Brett wiped his mouth and said seriously, "Mr. Zefa, since we are all friends now, I have a gift for you."


Zefa was a little surprised, "Isn't the gift already given?"

It is true that gifts have been given.

Zefa is now very poor. Although he still has some manpower, it is naturally extremely difficult to raise a team with them. Recruiting soldiers and buying horses requires money.

Fishman Island is now quite wealthy, and sponsoring an army is not a difficult problem.

Of course, this kind of sponsorship will only last until Mr. Zefa establishes a firm foothold in the new world.

"It's different. The previous gift was for the NEO Navy, but this time it's for you, Mr. Zuofa."

Brett smiled.

"Give it to me?" Zefa was surprised. So, what kind of gift would Brett give him?


Brett looked at his good friend.

"Understood, people have been called over."

He turned around and left the banquet hall.

Zefa and Dorag looked at each other, neither knowing what Brett was up to.

A few minutes later, Tezzolo returned.

But this time he didn't come back alone, he brought another person with him.

"This is--"

Zefa looked at the little girl who was physically held in Taizolo's hand and said in surprise, "Little human race?"

And she is not an ordinary little human race, she is the princess of this race and a member of the idol group All Stars under Tai Zolo.

Dorag said this in his heart.

"The rest is up to you, Mansheli."

Tai Zuoluo lowered his head and said to the little princess with a smile.


The little princess nodded timidly, "I will, I will work hard!"

Zefa cast a doubtful look at Brett.

"Princess Manxili is a capable person."

Brett smiled.

"Ability user? What ability?" Zefa asked.

"Princess Manxili is a superhuman healing fruit user."

Tezoro said, "She has the ability to heal any disease or injury."

Zefa was startled for a moment, then looked surprised, "Britt, how did you know——"

"That's not important,"

Before Zefa could finish speaking, Brett waved his hand. Who doesn't know that you suffer from asthma that can occur when you exercise a little strenuously? "Anyway, Mr. Zefa, please accept this gift."

Zefa nodded solemnly, "Then I won't be polite."

If that damn Xiao Chuan could be cured, his strength would be greatly restored.

So what if he's missing an arm? Doesn't that red-haired boy only have one arm?

Zefa became confident and satisfied.

"It's your turn to perform next, Your Highness Princess."

Tezuolo held the little princess in front of Zefa.

The little princess sniffed, and then tears flowed down her big eyes.

"Healing Tears."

Tears fell on Zefa's body, causing the man's body to glow with a dull fluorescence.

"This is!"

Zefa's eyes widened.

The depression in the chest was quickly disappearing, and the smooth breathing that had not been experienced for a long time returned.

Zefa gasped for air, panting desperately, his chest was rising and falling violently, and he was trying his best to experience this unobstructed breathing.

"Amazing ability!"

Dorag couldn't help but admired.

The strategic value of this capability is simply immeasurable.

Brett chuckled.

In fact, this is not the limit of Princess Mansheli's ability.

She was even able to turn back time and regrow Zefa's severed arm.

But the price of doing so is to shorten the life of the little princess.

Brett couldn't let the little princess give up her life for her friends with peace of mind.

And it doesn't matter if Mr. Zefa doesn't grow an arm again.


"If it feels good, then prepare to accept the second gift, Mr. Zefa."

Brett smiled.

"Is there a second one?"

Zefa was really confused now.

Isn't Brett this guy too enthusiastic?

"What will it be this time?"

Dorag also became interested.

"Franky, come in."

Brett shouted toward the door. He had heard it just now. The guy he was waiting for had arrived.

"I'm coming!"

The door was pushed open, and a man wearing briefs and a blue airplane head walked in with a smile. He was carrying an arm, a gray-black, metallic arm.

"Hahahaha, who needs this SUPER arm?"

Franky's gaze remained stubbornly in the room, and then quickly focused on Zefa's hands.

Among the people in the room, only Zefa was missing an arm.

"Mechanical prosthetics?"

Zefa looked at the arm Franky was carrying in surprise.

Fishman Island also has such technological power?

"Mr. Zefa, aren't you missing an arm? It would be a huge disadvantage to fight in the new world in this state."

Brett smiled and said, "So, put this arm on. This is a mechanical arm that I specially asked our number one weapon master on Fish-Man Island to help you build."

"Using sea floor stone as raw material."

Zefa's eyes were completely wide open now and could not be closed.

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