One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 277 Wang Zhi’s misfortune

Outside a certain gate of the Exit-Entry Administration Headquarters, Brette Tezolo and Dorag were waiting.

"The technological strength of Fish-Man Island is indeed extraordinary."

Dorag smiled.

If you want to create a mechanical arm that can be used in battle, it doesn't mean just forging a rough shape out of metal.

The most difficult function to achieve is control, which requires users to control the external robotic arm in the same way as the original arm.

When building Zefa's robotic arm before, scientists from the Naval Science Corps spent some effort.

Dorag was impressed by this.

But actually it’s not that surprising.

Of course, Fish-Man Island also has strong scientific power. Otherwise, where did the powerful battleships displayed before come from?

"I'm very lucky to have found a very good scientist."

Brett smiled.

His luck was really good. If he had thought of Master Tom a little later, that scientist and boatman who was the number one among his compatriots would have been killed by the government.

"But, Brett,"

Dorag asked curiously, "Hailou Stone?"

This thing is a scarce resource on the sea.

Even if Brett could get so many sea floor stones, he could actually process the sea floor stones into this look?

"The mineral deposits of sea floor stone were discovered on Fish-Man Island."

Brett said casually.

Dorag's vagina shrank slightly.

Even a man like him couldn't help but feel shocked when he heard Brett's words.

That's a sea tower stone! The most precious mineral deposit in the world!

"As for processing technology, I have some connections with some people in Wano."

Brett chuckled.

"That's it."

Dorag nodded.

This will make it understandable.

Everyone knows that Wano is not only the main producer of seastone, but also has superb seastone processing technology.

"Well, Brett," he said.


He didn't even need to finish his sentence. Brett knew what he wanted to say, "We are allies. If you need sea floor stone equipment, just ask at any time."

"That's it. Thank you very much. I will pay according to the market price."

Dorag smiled contentedly.

Sea floor stone has always been very expensive, but the key is not the price, but the scarcity of supply. Even if you have money, you can't buy it.

He didn't wait too long in front of the door, and soon the door was pushed open.

"Hahahaha! I am indeed Super Super today!"

Franky strode out of the room with a smile on his face.

Judging from his smile, Brett roughly knew what was going on inside, "Is it going well?"

“It went very smoothly!”

This was Zefa's voice. He was a few steps behind Franky and walked out of the room.

He was constantly moving his brand new right arm.

Bend and straighten, rotate your arms in circles around your shoulders, shake your palms back and forth, bend your five fingers one by one and straighten them at the same time, clench your fists and open them again.

Zefa did not hide his admiration at all, "Even if the material is aside, the flexibility and adaptability are much better than the arm the navy made for me!"


Franky took it as a matter of course, "We spent several days working on this! It's a perfect masterpiece!"

"It has a built-in bullet launching device, capable of firing Hailou Stone bullets!"

"What's more important is that using cola as fuel can make your arms explode with amazing power!"

This guy is a genius at body modification.

In the original work, after being hit half dead by a sea train, he used scrap metal to transform himself into a cyborg.

Although the weapons he is equipped with are very crude, he does an excellent job in connecting external limbs.

Not to mention his teacher Mr. Tom, at least at this stage, Franky still cannot outperform his master.

The three masters and apprentices are currently only used to help Zefa make a mechanical arm, but they are overqualified and underused.

"So why is the fuel Coca-Cola?" Tezolo twitched the corner of his mouth.

This is too ridiculous.

"Many thanks!"

Zefa didn't care, as long as it could be turned into power, it didn't make any difference whether it was Coke or boiling water. He bowed solemnly towards Franky.

"Thank you, Brett."

Frankie waved his hand casually.

Then Mr. Zefa looked at Bright again, "I won't say thank you. Your kindness cannot be repaid with just a few words of thanks."

"Let's fight side by side next!"

Zefa patted his mechanical arm, "With it, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

Hailoushi's mechanical arm is a powerful weapon against ability users!


Brett nodded happily.

Isn't the purpose of painstakingly curing Mr. Zefa's disease and fitting him with prosthetic limbs so that he can regain his original strength and contribute more to the fight against the government?

Now this goal has been perfectly achieved.

The replaced robotic arm may still not be as useful as the original arm, but the material of the sea floor stone gives Mr. Zefa a great advantage when facing the ability users on the sea.

Xiao's asthma has also been cured, and his increasing age can be compensated for by Ain's ability.

Now, Mr. Zefa can almost be considered to have returned to the top.

Mr. Zefa and his disciples stayed on Fishman Island for a few more days, and then set off with several ships and weapons and equipment sponsored by Brett, and were escorted by the Entry and Exit Administration to the New World.

The next thing they have to do is to establish a foothold in the new world.

Dorag also left subsequently. He purchased a batch of sea floor stone products from Fish-Man Island, and then left by boat.

He also has to do what he should do, as Brett said, to awaken more people.

After they left, Fishman Island became peaceful again.

However, in the new world, this sea area has become unsettled.

Pirate Island, Beehive.

"Boss! Boss Wang Zhi!"

There was a pirate running excitedly on the sea, "Big harvest, this time it's really a big harvest!"

"Big harvest?"

The man called Wang Zhi, who was once a member of the Rocks Pirates, the overlord of the new century, and now the big pirate who occupied the island, walked out sleepily, "What's the big harvest?"

"We accidentally encountered a ship at sea, and it was full of treasures!"

"Oh? There is such a thing, go and see."

When Wang Zhi was a little happy because of the unexpected harvest, Wano Country.

"You said my money was robbed?"

The monster lowered his body.

The guy in white robe and mask in front of him trembled, "I'm sorry, that's Wang Zhi's person. Our power in the new world cannot get the money back. Moreover, the government can use the funds to trade with you." It’s also limited, so the payment may not be settled temporarily.”

"Okay, Kaido, let's make a deal."

"Uh-huh-huh! Is that Wang Zhi that idiot?"

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