One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 279 Katakuri calls

Brett is watching a movie.

Tezzolo's shooting speed was really fast. In less than a month, the movie was basically completed.

After all, this movie does not have as big a scene as the previous movie.

Even the final battle is just a one-on-one battle between the male protagonist and the villain spy, and neither party is a top player in the setting, so the fight is just for fun.

The focus of this movie is to promote the brutal horror of spies and to enhance the counter-intelligence awareness of moviegoers.

The focus is on the competition in literature and opera.

In this regard, I have to appreciate Mr. Tezzolo's casting ability.

Although the film industry is still a desert-like field in this world, it does not mean that there is no drama in this world.

On the contrary, even in Fish-Man Island, there are a group of professional drama actors. It was from this group of people that Tezoro selected the main actors of this drama. Facts have proved that the effect is quite good.

In the specially built reading room, Brett looked at the movie images projected onto the white curtain by the phone bug.

The movie is slowly playing out.

Let’s start by saying that there have been recent disappearances of residents on Fish-Man Island.

The protagonist is an ordinary soldier on Fish-Man Island. Due to a series of coincidences and curiosity, the hero discovered the conspiracy, and gradually came into contact with the mastermind behind all this, a spy organization sent to Fish-Man Island by a certain organization.

In the process, he was also targeted by the enemy and was repeatedly hunted and framed.

Tezzolo shot the scene in which the male protagonist is persecuted in great detail.

This guy used a lot of pen and ink to focus on describing the enemy's insidiousness.

They used various means to guide public opinion to frame the male protagonist, making him a traitor on Fish-Man Island and being hunted by all parties.

The final climax is that the male protagonist is captured in the secret base of the spies, and then witnesses the brutal atrocities of these spies here.

A large number of fish-man island residents were secretly captured and persecuted here.

In the end, the hero fought back with wit and led the captured compatriots to resist.

After a fierce confrontation with the enemy leader, the group of people managed to break through, finally contacted the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau, and finally defeated the enemy.

The plot is not complicated, but the great thing about Taizolo is that the filming is quite compact, without any sloppiness. In the early stage, the horror atmosphere is created very well. The audience who takes on the role of the male protagonist will feel a sense of as if in the early stage. The fear of being haunted by a ghost.

You don't even know who the enemy is, they are hidden invisibly.

"How about it?"

Tezzolo, who was sitting next to Brett, grinned, and his smile looked a little proud.


Brett nodded heartily.

As a political propaganda film it is more than adequate.

This movie can make the residents of Fishman Island deeply realize how pervasive and terrifying the spies of the World Government are.

"Wait a little longer, there are still some things that can be adjusted."

Tezzolo said.

Brett didn't care either. He was an amateur in this regard, so it was better to leave it to the professional Tezzolo.


It was at this time that the phone in my pocket suddenly rang.

Brett raised an eyebrow.

He took out his phone and connected it.

"it's me."

A deep and steady man's voice came from over there.


Taizuolo turned his head in surprise, "Who is this voice?"


Brett smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a while. Why did you call me specifically this time?"

It’s Mr. Katakuri from all nations, a good friend I made when I went to the Kingdom of Giants.

"Zefa is your companion, right, Brett."

The man over there had a dull voice.


Called me suddenly to tell me about Zefa?

It's not that I'm questioning how Katakuri knew this. After all, there's no doubting the Charlotte family's intelligence capabilities.

But, this time?

In this case, Brett already has something to worry about in his mind.

"The information is really good."

Brett smiled and said, "That's right, so Katakuri, do you have any advice?"

"If that's the case, then let that guy be more honest."

Katakuri said, "That guy took his students to seize the family's territory in the New World, and my mother was very angry about it."

Sure enough, it was because of this incident.

Brett was not too surprised.

Mr. Zefa respected his advice very much and began to occupy territory after entering the new world.

The navy needs the world government and the support of the participating countries, so of course the NEO navy also needs the support of some countries.

He went to those non-franchised countries who were helpless in the new world and proposed to establish an alliance of non-franchised countries.

Although some are not interested in them, there are also some who are willing to accept Zefa's protection.

After all, compared to the unreliable pirate emperors, the promises given by Zefa are much more tempting.

Zefa said that he would establish a branch in each country like a navy to protect countries that are willing to join.

Many non-franchised countries who have been harassed by the New World Pirates are tempted.

But the problem is that the new world belongs to the sea of ​​monster pirates.

Zefa's behavior undoubtedly violated their territory.

Katakuri is Brett's friend, but before that, he was a member of the Charlotte family.

Even though he now has some inappropriate thoughts about his old mother's position, it does not mean that he is willing to harm the interests of the family.

"That's it."

Brett said, "No problem, I will tell Mr. Zefa and ask him to try his best to expand into the sea area ruled by the Beast Pirates."

After all, the New World is so big, and the Charlotte family only rules a piece of the sea.

"As for the territory that is now occupied, I will contact Lingling later and have a good chat with her."

Brett said so.

The Charlotte family is also friends of Fish-Man Island. There is no need to fall out with them directly if it is not necessary.

And if they fall out like this now, Katakuri will not be able to maintain their friendship.

"This is not as easy as you think,"

Katakuri said, "Kaido came to see mom before and they talked about you."


Brett raised an eyebrow.

No way, a man like Kaido actually wants to find someone to join forces to deal with him?

"Although mom didn't directly agree, you know, mom and Kaido's friendship."

In other words, it’s not easy to convince Charlotte Lingling, right?


Brett nodded slightly, "So, I will make an offer that she can't refuse."

Katakuri hung up the phone without comment.

"So, what are the conditions?"

Tezoro turned his head with interest.

Brett just laughed.

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