One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 280: Joining forces vertically and horizontally

On an island in the New World, inside a temporary wooden house built on the coast.

Mr. Zefa, who has made some waves in the new world recently, is talking to someone on the phone.

"That's just the way it is,"

The man's voice on the other end of the phone was also a little distressed, "At this stage, the pressure is still too much to go to war with two emperors at the same time."

The man said, "I will talk to Charlotte Lingling about the territory we occupy now. But next, Mr. Zefa, try to shift the target towards Kaido's territory."

"This is not a compromise with the pirates, it is just a normal strategic choice."

As if to comfort Zefa, the man on the other end of the phone added this sentence.

"Don't tell me I'm just a fool, Brett."

Zefa snorted, "You said so, of course I know what to do. Now that the World Government is still watching with eager eyes and starts a war with two emperors at the same time, the result will definitely not be good."

Brett on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief.

I am really worried that Mr. Zefa will not compromise because he insists on his justice, and he will fight to the end with Charlotte Lingling.

"There's nothing wrong with me here, but you, Brett, can you really convince that guy Charlotte Lingling?"

Zefa was a little worried.

"Just give it a try,"

Brett smiled and said, "Don't worry too much, the world government doesn't dare to take action at will."

Brett is still very confident about this.

Unless they have a chance to kill themselves, the deterrent of dynamite rock is enough for the government to take action.


Zefa nodded.

Then let’s start expanding in another direction.

The location is Mariejoia, the central area of ​​Pangu City.

What happened in the new world made the five old stars ecstatic.

"That idiot Zefa did the stupidest thing. This is the best opportunity!"

The blond-haired Five Old Star laughed almost impatiently, "Now Kaido and Charlotte Lingling will be angered!"

"Zefa is not the key point, but using Zefa to lure Bright out is the key point!"

The bearded Wulaoxing also nodded repeatedly.

At least for now, that guy Brett is the biggest enemy of the World Government.

The most troublesome thing about that guy is not his great strength, nor even the explosive rocks he holds in his hands.

But on his Fish-Man Island in the deep sea, the World Government has nothing to do with him.

But things have changed now.

The government has confirmed that Brett and Zefa are indeed in alliance.

If something goes wrong with the alliance, then of course Brett will come forward, right?

"Contact Kaido immediately. He probably won't refuse the cooperation proposal this time!"

"You can also ask him to contact Charlotte Lingling! That woman must be angry now! It's time to try to get her to give up her alliance with Bright!"

In short, the world government is already complacent.

"That stinky old man Zefa is so courageous. He actually dares to attack my mother's territory!"

On Cake Island, Charlotte Lingling was indeed angry.

Although she doesn't care much about the countries under her command, even though she lends her flags to those countries just to get desserts.

But this does not mean that she will remain indifferent when her territory is invaded.

"How dare a homeless dog who is wanted by the government do something like this! Is it because he got the support of that bastard Brett that he became so unscrupulous?"

Charlotte Lingling said coldly.

Katakuri stood below with a cold face and said nothing.

The scarf he originally wore around his neck had been thrown away somewhere. Now, he calmly faced everyone with his original appearance.

Katakuri raised his lowered eyes slightly, a glimmer of light flickering in his eyes.

"who is it?"

Charlotte Lingling answered the phone, her tone was not good.

"My call came at the wrong time, Big Mom." The man over there chuckled.

Charlotte Lingling was stunned for a moment, and then her scarlet lips grinned, "No, Brett, your boy's call came at the right time!"

"I just wanted to ask you, what does that bastard Zefa mean? Don't think that I don't know your relationship with him!"

"What happened to Mr. Zefa was just an accident. You know he used to be a just marine. He couldn't sit idly by when he saw pirates attacking civilians."

Brett explained with a smile, "That's why I touched your territory unintentionally."

"You bastard, do you want to say that I need him to protect my territory?" Charlotte Lingling said angrily.

"That's why I have this phone call now. Mr. Zefa asked me to tell you that he is sorry."

The corner of Katakuri's mouth below him couldn't help but twitch.

Will that man Zefa say sorry?

"I don't want to hear such nonsense from you! Tell Zefa to get out of here, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Charlotte Lingling scoffed.

"Don't be so anxious. How about just using it as a place to sponsor Mr. Zefa? Big Mom, please listen to the terms I give you."

Brett smiled and said, "Didn't you ask me to help you ease the relationship with the giants before?"

Charlotte Lingling's boiling anger suddenly solidified at this moment, "Oh?"

Her biggest dream in life is to build a dream country where all races can live in harmony.

And the giant race is indispensable.

"Prince Loki of the Giant Kingdom has reached marriageable age, so I thought if I could introduce him to him."

"Mom, mom, Brett, you kid! You really made an offer that I can't refuse!"

Charlotte Lingling grinned.

Wano Country, Onigashima.

"Now is the perfect time!"

Government agents wearing white robes and masks once again came to the island, and once again came to the monster.

"You don't want to watch your territory being eroded, Kaido."


Kaido sneered, "The World Government actually asked me for cooperation. I really want to see what kind of expression the navy will show when they know this."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter. The point is that both Brett and Zefa are our common enemies at this time."

The agent solemnly said, "If we don't choose to cooperate, no matter which side we want to deal with, we will be unable to deal with them."

"If you can agree, then the warships, arms, resources, and treasures we promised will be sent to Wano Country immediately."


Kaido snorted coldly.

That bastard Brett stole the text of the road sign and history from him, let his daughter go, and even had the same abilities as him!

How can you tolerate the existence of that guy?

So, let’s collaborate!

"This time, Lingling, that smelly old woman, probably won't choose to refuse!"

Kaido dialed the number confidently.

"Cooperation? Stop kidding Kaido! Who do you think you are! Brett is my close partner!"

The phone hangs up.

Kaido fell silent.

That stinky old woman! He must have been bribed by that bastard Brett!

It doesn't matter.

He plus the power of the world government is enough!

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