One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 282: Return to the Country of War

Suddenly, the entire new world was in turmoil.

The actions of Zefa and the NEO navy he commanded have been covered in numerous newspapers.

Everyone is looking forward to the reaction of the Pirate Emperors and the Navy.

And now, this reaction has come.

Whether it is the attack of the Beast Pirates or the sailing of the navy, it is no secret.

A certain world-leading news leader had already published the news in the newspaper as soon as possible.

Although this new world is chaotic, it has not experienced any major disturbances for many years, and it is finally going to become lively.

People began to wait, waiting for the war to come.

What will this new world look like next?

People living in this sea area are worried.

At this time, somewhere in the new world, the NEO Navy is temporarily stationed.

"The enemy is the Beast Pirates plus the navy's large fleet!"

The man who was dressed in flashy clothes like a ninja from Wano and carried a long sword on his back had a panicked expression, "Teacher Zefa, if we face a head-on confrontation, we have no chance of winning!"

The Beast Pirates alone are terrifying enough, let alone the navy with all its elites at this time.

Judging from the information coming from Fish-Man Island, three generals were dispatched at the same time this time!

If they were to fight head-on, they would probably be crushed into powder in an instant.

"No need to panic, Binz,"

Zefa was very calm. He said, "The enemy is indeed very powerful, but we are not fighting alone."

The flamboyant man, Binzi, is also one of Zefa's disciples and a user with the superhuman-type lush fruit ability.

"You're right."

At this time, the door to the makeshift conference room was pushed open, and a tall man stepped in, "So I'll be here right away."

"Mr. Bright!"

Binz was overjoyed.

"It came so quickly."

Zefa also breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, "Then stop talking nonsense, Brett, what can you do?"

If you choose to hide in a corner of the sea like a bereaved dog and remain anonymous, you don't have to worry about the enemy's attack.

But if you choose this way, what's the difference between that and death?

"Mr. Zefa, please deal with the navy first and don't confront them head-on."

Brett said, "Help me delay for a while. Don't worry, you don't have to worry about not being able to escape the navy's pursuit due to intelligence reasons. Our intelligence capabilities are not weak either."

Tezolo, Morgans, and Charlotte Lingling, who at least has a good relationship at this stage.

Even if the three people combined are still not as good as the World Government, they should be enough for now.

"It's okay to delay, but Brett, what are you going to do?"

Zefa asked.

"Let's persuade someone to retreat first," Brett said. "If everyone swarms over, the battlefield will become too chaotic."


Brett did not stay longer at Zefa's place. After eating a meal, he had transformed into a long dragon and lifted into the sky.

Watching his leaving figure, Ain couldn't help but sigh, "Who would have thought that he would be such a man before actually coming into contact with him."

Zefa also nodded lightly.

Yes, who would have thought that the guy who was treated as an enemy at first would now be the most solid and reliable partner?

Brett turned into a fiery dragon man again, stepping on the clouds and dragging long lightning bolts across the sky.

His speed was as fast as ever.

It didn't take long for him to reach his destination this time.

Looking down from the sky, the huge island has come into view.

This huge island is surrounded by towering walls, and inside the walls is an inland sea suspended above the sea.

The name of this country is Wano.

A country ruled by the Beast Pirates.

Now that Hyakju Kaido is sailing out with his pirate group, it's a great time to steal.

I came here just to give Kaido a reason to return.

The navy is already troublesome enough, so don't let Kaido get involved in this war.

Brett thought so.

I had already been to Wano Country once before, so I wasn't worried about not finding the place. Brett flew over Wano Country with sparks and lightning all the way.

Soon, a relatively prosperous city appeared in his eyes.

The capital of flowers has arrived.

So should we make a big fuss directly next, or should we find someone first?

The night in the Flower City is quite prosperous.

The rest of the country has almost been reduced to ruins, but here alone, the city where the general of Wano is located still maintains its original appearance.

Although people living here are cautious, they ultimately live happier lives than people in other parts of the country.

At least even when night falls, the city has not rested yet and is still bright and colorful.

In a certain area of ​​this city, there is a fairly prosperous mansion.

This mansion is the residence of Kusushiro, the famous ronin of Wano Country and the first samurai under General Orochi.

The night was already very late, and Kuang Shilang, who had been drinking till late at night in the tavern in the city with his gang, staggered back to his home.

I just closed the door and was about to go to bed.

"You've really kept me waiting for a long time." Such a voice suddenly came from the darkness.


The smell of alcohol all over his body disappeared in an instant, and a cold air rushed from the soles of his feet to the sky.

Completely unaware.

If this person had malicious intentions, then he would probably be dead and unconscious at this time.

His right hand was directly pressing the handle of the long knife at his waist, and the powerful Liu Ying was wrapped around the blade.

"Don't be nervous. If I wanted to kill you, I would have killed you last time."

The man walked out of the darkness, and the flowing moonlight illuminated his appearance.

"Who are you--"

Kuangshilang's narrowed eyes couldn't help but widen at this time.

He knew this man.

It would be better to say that it is unforgettable in this life.

As this man said, if he wanted to kill himself, he would have done it last time.

Therefore, Kuangshilang's tense muscles relaxed slightly at this time.

Because he knew that if nothing else happened, this man was not his enemy.

"It'll be good if you calm down,"

Brett smiled and said, "I have a question for you, where are your people?"


Kuangshilang did not answer, he was hesitating.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you again this time. Kaido is not in Wano Country now, so the best opportunity has come."

Brett smiled and said, "Although we can't expel Kaido from this country for the time being, at least we can take action on someone first."

Kuangshilang's eyes widened.

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