One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 283 Goodbye Yamato

Suzuo, one of several regions in Wano.

The overall climate of this country is very strange.

There are areas where the birds are chirping and flowers are fragrant all year round, and there are areas where the sun is scorching all year round.

Bell Queen is an area that is in winter all year round. Snow is flying here all year round, and the mountains, rivers and buildings on the ground are covered with a thick layer of white snow.

Brett came to this area now.

Kuangshilang finally told Brett the information he wanted to know, and the person he wanted to see was in this place.

Taking the map given by Kuangshilang, Brett arrived at a small, dilapidated town in this area.

Snowflakes were falling, and in this dilapidated town, Brett saw only ordinary people with sallow faces and skinny muscles, which seemed to be no different from other places in Wano Country.

However, if you look closely, you will find that these residents are somewhat different from other Wano civilians.

Although they are also thin and thin, it is obvious that they are malnourished at a glance.

But there is light in their eyes and they are not numb.

It just looked like they were lying there waiting to die, but Brett could notice that they were observing him.

Before Brett could make any move, someone was already approaching him.

"Is it Mr. Brett?"

The man lowered his voice.

"it's me."

Brett nodded slightly.

"Then please come with me. Several adults are waiting for you."

The man turned around and led Brett deeper into the town.

Brett followed and asked softly, "Isn't this a little too hasty?"

If you see an outsider and ask him directly if he is Bright, wouldn't it be tragic if you meet Kaido or Orochi's subordinates?

The man whispered, "Master Hematsu drew a portrait of you, so you won't be mistaken for the person you are."


Brett nodded slightly.

This man took Brett into a dilapidated private house, and then carefully moved away the firewood piled in the corner.

He clicked on the somewhat tattered floor and picked up a board, revealing a dark hole underneath.

"Please, Sir Brett."

The man stepped back and made way for Brett.


Brett didn't bother to climb the ladder and jumped directly from the hole.

The hole was quite deep, and it took several seconds for Brett to fall to the ground. A rough estimate was that it was at least a hundred meters below the ground.

This is a simple hole in the ground. Only the excavated walls have been reinforced, and you can even clearly smell the fishy smell of earth.

But this cave was a bit big. Brett let go of his knowledge and heard a lot of sounds.

"Britt! Welcome!"

A figure was already approaching.

Although he is tall, he looks a bit short and fat because of his chubby body.

"I haven't seen you for a while, Hesong."

Brett gave him a warm hug.

This man was none other than the man whom Brett had rescued from the prison of Tuwan. He was a former retainer of the Kozuki family and one of the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes, Kappa Kawamatsu.

He is also a fishman from Fishman Island and a compatriot of Brett.

"Hesong is very happy to know the news of your arrival!"

A slightly older voice sounded, and another short figure came over.

"Uncle Leopard Goro, he looks much better than before."

Brett also said hello to him.

This old man who doesn't look amazing is the leader of the Wano Rongrants before the Crazy Death Wolf, Goro Goro.

"Hahahaha, in order to see the future of Wano Country, of course I have to work hard to live longer!"

The old man laughed.

Brett also laughed.


Finally we meet again!


Then there was a crisp, but explosive sound.

A certain guy also rushed over and couldn't wait to give Brett a hug.

Brett hugged her gently, then let go, looking down at the guy with a smile on his face. He smiled and said, "Yamato, you really made peace with them."

The most eye-catching thing about the beautiful woman is the pair of red horns on her forehead, and then the gorgeous long hair that gradually changes from white to cyan.

There is no doubt that she is Kaido's good daughter, Yamato, who was released from Onigashima by Brett himself.

"We heard that someone was being hunted by the Beast Pirates, so we went to try to contact her."

Kawamatsu smiled and said, "When we found out that Yamato was Kaido's daughter, all of us were shocked."

Brett couldn't help but chuckle.

What really shocked me was probably that Yamato was clearly Kaido's daughter, but she kept saying that she wanted to become Kozuki Oden.


Kaido's daughter chuckled, "This is a fateful meeting! I will lead everyone to victory like Oden, and then let this country be founded!"

Kawamatsu and Haogoro laughed loudly. It was obviously not the first time they heard Yamato say this.

"I know, I know, let's take back this country first." Hesong smiled naively.

Brett's smile was meaningful, and he could tell that neither Kawamatsu nor Haogoro had any objections to Yamato's declaration.

On the contrary, they seemed to agree with it.

After all, they probably don't know that Kozuki Momonosuke, the orthodox heir of the Kozuki family, is not dead yet.

Now they meet a Yamato who has inherited Oden's will, has a similar personality to Oden, and is equally powerful. It is normal for them to have such thoughts. Nekobelly Snake and Inuarashi also think so.

"By the way, Cat Viper came here once before, and he told us about your alliance."

Kawamatsu said that the alliance he was talking about was the anti-Kaido alliance established between Brett and the Fur Tribe.

"Come here at this time, Brett. Is the time ripe?" Hesong looked at Brett expectantly.

It is his lifelong wish to recapture Wano from the hands of Kaido and Orochi.

"not yet."

Brett shook his head, "It's just that I encountered some trouble overseas. Now I have to let Kaido return to Wano, so I come here to cause some trouble for him."

He answered very frankly.

The eyes of Kawamatsu and Haogoro became disappointed.

"Kicking Kaido out of Wano does not mean the end."

Brett said, "What's more important is that Wano must have the power to protect itself."

He looked at Yamato and said, "For example, wait until Yamato becomes stronger."


Yamato puffed up his chest confidently, "Leave it to me, I will become strong!"

Brett absolutely believes this.

"So," Kawamatsu asked, "this time the target is the big snake, right?"

"Yes, a little disappointed, right?"


Hesong shook his head, “I can’t wait for a long time!


If we talk about the persecution of this country, Orochi is not inferior to Kaido at all.

"Anyway, let's have a banquet before the official action, Brett! I haven't properly thanked you for my kindness before!"

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