One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 284 The Death of the Big Snake

In the heart of the Flower City, in the castle tower of Shogun Orochi, a banquet was going on lively.

Such banquets will be held every once in a while. General Orochi is a very cruel and cold man, but at the same time he is not stingy with his subordinates. He often invites senior officials of his shogunate to attend banquets.

At every banquet, Orochi would invite many geishas from tourists in the city to perform for the entertainment, and together with his officials, he would enjoy the clean and rich food that the people of Wano country dreamed of.

It was the same today. Carefully selected geishas were dancing in gorgeous kimonos.

Although he is tall, but his limbs are still short and fat due to his body shape, the big snake is enjoying the singing and dancing with great joy. His arms are hugging a heavily made-up geisha and caressing her.

Among all the dancing geishas, ​​Orochi's eyes were only staring at one of them greedily.

It was a woman wearing a fox mask, with hair as blue as the sky tied into a bun.

Even among the carefully selected geishas, ​​her dancing posture is the most moving. Her waist is as soft as the clouds in the sky, and the slender legs that appear when she dances are even more breathtaking.

The big snake almost drooled just looking at her. The greed in his eyes overflowed like water and he couldn't hide it at all.

When the song ended, Orochi stood up impatiently and waved to the geisha, "Xiao Zi! Come here quickly! Come to my side!"

Xiao Zi is the most famous geisha in the Flower City. Everyone in this city knows that the General Ambassador is his loyal admirer, and she will be invited to every banquet.

This time is certainly no exception.

"Please don't be anxious, General. I still have a song I want to dedicate to you."

The masked geisha swayed her waist lightly, walked to the side and picked up a handful of shamisen, then knelt down on the cushion.


The music played by Xiao Zi? "

Orochi was so excited that he almost danced, "Then I have to look forward to it!"

Anyway, the banquet will last for a long time, so there is no need to rush it.

Xiao Zi's slender, green-white right hand held the neck and began to strum the strings.

Quiet and pure, simple and melodious strings sound.

But the next moment, this melodious string sound suddenly became urgent.

Xiao Zi's hands were playing with the strings like a violent storm, and the sound of the piano became fierce.

“It’s completely different from what I usually play!”

Orochi frowned and said loudly, "Xiao Zi, I still prefer to listen to the music you usually play!"

He is the general of Wano. Even if he dotes on a woman and is willing to please her, it does not mean that he has to grovel.

"I think this song is just right!"

Someone opened the paper door of the banquet hall and Shi Shiran stepped in.

The big snake was stunned for a moment.

Someone actually dared to disturb his banquet. Did he not want to live anymore?

The big snake, who was about to get angry just now, saw the face of the visitor clearly.

The next moment, the general of Wano fell to the ground, food and drinks were scattered on the floor, and he seemed to have a soy sauce shop on his body.

"You, you, you are!


The big snake was almost speechless because of fear.

He knew the man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Not just because I read about him in the newspapers.

It was also because this guy had appeared in front of him before and made him run away in embarrassment to seek Kaido's protection.

"Meet the big snake again."

Brett used Overlord Color to knock down all the guards, and slowly came here. Brett smiled and greeted the general of Wano Country.

"I won't let you escape this time."



The big snake had screamed.

Why does this monster appear here?

"Don't worry, your opponent is not me this time."

Brett chuckled, "Anyway, let's clear the place first."


The violent energy spread out.

Irrelevant personnel, all the shogunate officials and the invited geisha all rolled their eyes and collapsed to the ground.

Except, Xiao Zi is playing.

But at this time, the big snake didn't notice that much anymore.


The wall exploded, and two figures ejected, heading towards the big snake.

One is Kawamatsu holding a sword, and the other is Haogoro whose arms have turned pitch black.

"Lord Orochi!"

Fu Lu Shou jumped out from behind the big snake and hurriedly wanted to help his master resist the sudden enemy.

However, a dark mace came towards him.

Fu Lushou, who didn't react at all, was hit on the head with a stick. He flew backwards, hit the wall and flew out.

At the same time, the mace flew backwards and was held by a slender but powerful hand.

"Don't make trouble,"

Yamato put the mace on his shoulder bravely, "Now is the revenge time of the Kozuki family!"

Guangyue, this name is like a dream demon, instantly making Orochi sweat profusely.

At the same time that Fu Lushou was knocked away by Yamato's stick, Kawamatsu and Hao Goro had already rushed in front of Orochi.

Leopard Goro reached out and grabbed the big snake's neck and pinned him to the ground.

And Kawamatsu's sword blade had already pierced the big snake's heart.


Brett smacked his lips lightly.

Orochi is probably the weakest phantom beast type user.

To be fair, the power of the Yamata no Orochi fruit is really not weak, but the Orochi guy is really a loser.

"Is this the end?!"

Yamato was a little unbelievable.

Is the guy who took over this country from Oden so weak?

But it's not over yet.


Roaring, the big snake, whose heart had obviously been pierced, and which would have been dead long ago by ordinary people, suddenly screamed and roared.

His body expanded, growing eight heads, and at the same time, his mouth opened wide and bit at Kawamatsu and Haogoro.

Beside, Xiao Zi's performance continued, and the sound of the piano echoed like the sound of swords and guns.

Hesong's face was sullen, and the sword blade in his hand turned dark, entangled with invisible fluctuations.

“It’s time to atone for making this country what it is today, Orochi!


"Destroy Nanmochuan!"

Hesong held the knife in his backhand and shot up.

He was swimming as leisurely as if he were swimming in a river, but the blade in his hand was as sharp as a torrent!



The big snake screamed, and its eight heads were slashed with huge gaps at the same time, and blood was splashing.

His body fell to the ground again, and his heart stopped beating.

But it's not over yet, far from it.

His heart began to beat again, blood continued to flow throughout his body, and he came back to life again.

However, what greeted him was the palm of Leopard Goro. The palm wrapped around the powerful Liuying hit Orochi's chest, causing his chest to explode and his heart to be broken again.

Brett nodded slightly.

Although it seems that the Yamata no Orochi fruit does not have any terrible combat ability, the ability to resurrect from the dead is terrifying enough!

This is a true resurrection from the dead!

Brooke can only be resurrected once.

"But, this guy is too weak."

Yamato pouted.

It's a complete waste of this ability.

"It has ended."

Yamato said.

Yes, it's over.

He Song grabbed the hair of the newly resurrected snake and pulled him up.

"Forgive me, please forgive me, as long as you don't kill me, all my treasures can-"

"shut up!"

Before Orochi finished speaking, Kawamatsu's sword had pierced his heart again, "A guy like you can only go to the underworld to ask for forgiveness from the people of Wano who died because of you!"

He carried the big snake and strode towards the outside of the castle tower.

This man shouldn't die so quietly.

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