In a certain sea area of ​​​​the new world, a fleet is slowly drifting.

Every ship in this fleet is a genuine naval warship, and its scale is of course much larger than the mainstream ships on the sea.

On the deck of the largest warship among them, a certain guy was lying on a deck chair, lazily basking in the sun.

He has fluffy black curly hair and an eye mask on his eyes. He seems to be completely asleep now.

The surrounding navy seemed not surprised by this.

The three current generals have more or less character problems.

General Akainu is always meticulous, and there is no dust in his eyes. The distinction between good and evil is extremely important.

General Kizaru, who had a good relationship with him, was like an old man who was just dawdling around. He had an ambiguous attitude at all times, neither radical nor conservative.

Finally, there is Admiral Aoki Pheasant. Almost all the navy think that he is the easiest to get along with among the three generals. He is generous, kind and approachable, but he is a little too lazy.

However, no matter which general he is, he is the pillar of the navy and the ridge that supports the advancement of the navy in this era.

The navy's spine turned over, and he smashed his mouth and didn't know what he was dreaming of.

Suddenly, the sound of rapid footsteps on the deck woke the general from his sweet dream.

"General Kuzan! There's news!"

The messenger hurried over, not caring that he might disturb the commander's sleep. "There is news from the headquarters about the NEO Navy."

"Ah la la la, it's true, the dream is only half realized."

Aoki lazily pushed up the blindfold on his eyes, yawned and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and said, "So, what kind of information did you get?"

"The traces of the EO Navy are on Akli Island, which is almost six hundred nautical miles away from this sea area!"

The messenger hurriedly said, "General Sakaski has already sent the news. He said he would rush over as soon as possible."

"That's it."

Qingzhi nodded, "Then let's set off quickly."


He lay back on the recliner again, "Stop playing hide and seek, Teacher Zefa, let's end this as soon as possible."

Then when he was about to fall asleep again, the messenger came running over again.

"Mr. Kuzan, Mr. Kuzan!"

The messenger shouted loudly, "Distress signal received!"

"Ah? Please help?"

He pushed up the blindfold that Aoki had put on his eyes again, and he said in surprise.


The messenger nodded repeatedly, "It's the nearby Kingdom of Nicosia. They were attacked by Joseph the Blood Axe! They are now asking for rescue!"

"Joseph the Blood Axe, I remember that guy's bounty is 400 million, right?"

Aokiji recalled for a moment, "He is a great guy. In terms of the Kingdom of Nicosia -"

"They are not affiliated with the government."

The messenger hurriedly said, "The protection originally belonged to the Charlotte family was also one of the several countries that had previously accepted the protection of the NEO Navy."

"That's it."

Qingzhi scratched his hair helplessly, "Because of Teacher Zefa, they are no longer protected by the Charlotte family, and now because our NEO Navy cannot protect them."

This is the helplessness of non-franchised countries, especially non-franchised countries in the new world.

If there are no protectors, then anyone can act arrogantly in front of them. If they encounter a slightly stronger pirate, the country will be plundered, or even directly destroyed.

"Let's go there."

Qing Pheasant said.

"But, Mr. Kuzan -" the messenger still hesitated, "General Sakaski means not to stop, but to move forward directly."

"How far is the Kingdom of Nixia from here?" Kuzan asked.

"About thirty nautical miles," the messenger said.

"It won't take a long time. Let Sakaski and the others go there first, and we will go over and join them later."

Qing Pheasant said.

Although it is a non-member country, in a sense, it is because of the actions of their navy that they lost their protection.

It would be fine if we didn't receive their distress signal. Now that we have received it, how can we turn a blind eye?

"I see."

The messenger nodded and immediately went to report the information to Akainu and the others.

"Oh, as expected of Kuzan." Kizaru smiled in appreciation after receiving the news.

"Tell that guy to move faster,"

Akainu didn't care much about Aokiji's decision, "That guy Brett may go to join the old man. The power of that bastard Kuzan is indispensable."

So, of course, the two naval fleets split up this time.

Akainu Kizaru's side headed directly towards the target.

The fleet led by Admiral Aokiji headed to the Kingdom of Nicosia for rescue.

Kingdom of Nicosia.

This is a non-franchised country that can be seen everywhere on the sea.

Weak, poor, and narrow, all the labels attached to non-member countries can be affixed to it.

On this day, this poor country was attacked by pirates for the first time in a long time.

The port town was now occupied by pirates, and all residents were driven out of their homes.

On the pier, a pirate ship flying the Blood Giant Ax pirate flag was docked here quietly.

The man known as Joseph of the Blood Palace was sitting on a barrel in the harbor with a golden sword.

This robbery operation went very smoothly. Without any resistance, the pirates occupied the town without any blood.

However, despite such a smooth operation, the pirate captain's body was trembling slightly and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Bu, Lord Bulat, I...I have done what you said,"

Bloodaxe Joseph's voice was very low, as if he was about to cry, "Can you please let me go?"

There were two men standing behind him, both wearing messy clothes, and their original appearances could hardly be seen clearly.

But having said that it is almost the same, you can still see it if you look carefully.

Joseph felt extremely unlucky.

The voyage on the sea was going well, but suddenly two monsters came to the door.

He secretly vowed in his heart that if he could escape this time, he would never be a pirate again.

This line of work is really too dangerous.

Brett stood behind the big pirate. He smiled and said, "Mr. Zefa, you are the one who can actually come up with such a method."

Zefa sighed, "Sakaski and Borusalino don't know, but Kuzan will definitely come."

That's why I said it was a bit despicable before.

But just the right amount of mean.

Brett turned around and saw warships clearly visible on the sea in the distance.


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