One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 291 Accident, two Shichibukai

On the sea, the naval fleet was getting closer and closer.

On the deck of the warship, Qing Zhi had already sat up lazily, "Huh?"

He blinked.

"Ah la la, something seems not quite right."

He stood up, walked to the side of the ship, and looked towards the island in the distance.

Although the eyes cannot see it yet, seeing, hearing, color haki is a sense that is even sharper than the eyes.

Aoki could feel that the coast of the island in the distance was unusually quiet at this time.

Generally speaking, would a pirate invasion look like this?

Even if the pirates have finished plundering and left the island, the residents who survived the robbery should still have some reaction.

This silence makes no sense.

"What are you waiting for, Aokiji, settle the matter here as soon as possible and get down to business."

A man walked onto the deck and walked behind Qing Pheasant. He frowned and said impatiently, "I don't have much time to play with you!"

"Wang Zhi is right. We accepted the call from the government to defeat that bastard Zefa. It is not our duty to deal with these trash pirates!"

The old woman with a sharp voice also gradually approached, and a tall man followed behind her.

Qingzhi frowned.

So why should he be brought here to lead these guys?

Sakaski has a Kizaru on his side, which is a dream lineup of two generals.

As for Aokiji, who led another fleet, he was certainly not acting alone.

The two Shichibukai who had just been absorbed by the government were among his fleet.

After being kicked out of the Beehive Island by Kaido and wandering the sea like a bereaved dog, he was once a member of the Rocks Pirates, the Great Pirate King Nao.

As well as the previous attack on the naval training fleet led by Zefa, which directly led to Zefa's betrayal from the navy, Edward Weibull.

The two powerful Shichibukai were traveling with Aokiji, and the combat power on this side was not much weaker than that on Sakaski's side.

Although Aokiji is very reluctant to do this.

Forget about Wang Zhi, who is this bastard Weibull?

Let me take him to defeat Teacher Zefa. Isn't this really a silent mockery of the government?

It's hard for Qing Zhi not to think so.

But now, it seems that there is no more time to think about these things.

Qing Pheasant looked at the island in the distance with a sullen face.

An ominous premonition gradually brewed in my heart.

"Hey, Aokiji, are you ignoring us?"

Wang Zhi was furious.

Being kicked out of the Beehive Island by Kaido, reduced to a homeless dog, and then recruited by the government was already embarrassing enough, but now this bastard kid actually dares to ignore him!

The big pirate is enraged!

"Shut up!"

However, Qing Pheasant did not give him any face, "Something is wrong!"

"There seems to be something wrong with the situation, Mr. Zefa."

Brett stood on the pier of the port, looking at the naval fleet in the distance.

His knowledge and color have already been released.

Of course I heard the sound of the blue pheasant.

But the problem is that besides the childish voice, there are other familiar voices.

"Besides Aokiji, there are two very strong guys."

Brett said.

You can tell from the sound that it is indeed not a sound that a weak person can make.

"Besides, one of them is an old acquaintance of yours."

"Old acquaintance?"

Zefa was startled for a moment, then grinned, "You're not talking about that guy, are you?"

"I can only say that it's such a coincidence, right?"

Brett smiled.

"Yeah, what a coincidence!"

Zefa's mechanical right arm creaked as he squeezed it, obviously he couldn't wait any longer.

"Then, let's go."

Brett immediately ejected with lightning wrapped around him.

Zefa followed closely behind, stepping on the air and flying into the air.

Are these two monsters finally gone?

Captain Joseph, who survived the disaster, just breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment.


In the sky, black lightning radiated in all directions.

The violent momentum fell from the sky like a giant dragon. The coast of the island was shaken continuously, and the pirate ship docked at the port even cracked!

Before the smile even had time to dissipate from his face, Blood Ax Joseph collapsed to the ground with a pale face, and passed out directly after a few seconds.

The pirates were even more unbearable, and they all fainted before they could survive for a second.

The pirates are already like this, but the navy is not much better.

Looking at the lightning-wreathed figure rising into the sky from the island in the distance, Wang Zhi was slightly startled, and then, what made his face change drastically was the powerful look of an overlord coming towards him.

Even Captain Rocks back then didn't have this level of courage!

The violent momentum has swept through the entire naval fleet in the blink of an eye.

All the navy soldiers fell to the ground in an instant, and even the officers at the rank of rear admiral and below were unable to resist fainting.

At least officers with the rank of lieutenant general in the headquarters could barely survive this wave of overlord-like sweeps, but even so, their faces were already pale and their bodies were trembling.

"I didn't know that a 400-million-level pirate has such a level of domineering power!


Although she was weak, she had been wandering the sea for countless years. Ba Jin, who was used to seeing strong men on the sea, did not lose consciousness at this time. She screamed in horror.

"This time I was dealt a severe blow."

Qingzhi smiled helplessly.

The figure wrapped in lightning has arrived above the fleet.

Brett looked down at the naval fleet below.

"The combination of General Aokiji and two Shichibukai? It's really scary." He said with a smile.

"This is what I want to say,"

Qingzhi looked up at Bright, and then at the teacher he respected most, who followed Bright and floated in the sky. "You are really despicable, Teacher Zefa."

"Didn't I teach you before, Kuzan?"

Zefa was not moved at all. He had been mentally prepared before coming. "To deal with cunning enemies, you have to be more cunning than them."



Ba Jin exclaimed, "Damn the navy, isn't this completely being played!"

"This brat!"

Wang Zhi stared at Bright, the overbearing look just now was caused by this kid!

Fishman Brett!

This time the rumors on the sea are actually true. Is this guy really a monster that can be compared with Whitebeard Kaido?

"Although there are two more Shichibukai than planned, it doesn't matter."

Brett said, "Mr. Zefa, I'll leave the Qing Pheasant to you, and I'll take care of the other guys."

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