One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 293: Capturing the Blue Pheasant

Ba Jin looked defeated.

She already couldn't win, but she didn't expect that bastard Brett would still play tricks on her.

"Asshole, you lied to me, dad didn't come at all!"

Weibull excitedly turned around to say hello to his father, but turned around angrily. He didn't see anything. The father he missed so much didn't come at all!

Then Weibull saw his mother being held by Brett in his hands.



Although he is an idiot, Weibull can understand what is happening now.

His beloved mother was held hostage.

"Hurry up and let mom go!"

Weibull shouted angrily.

"Tell your son to put down his resistance and turn his back."

Brett grabbed the old woman's right hand and exerted a slight force, squeezing her skull until it creaked.



Ba Jin screamed in pain, "Good boy, put down your weapon quickly, turn around and don't move!"

"But mom..."

Weibull was still very hesitant.

Although he has always been a good baby who listened to his mother, and his brain was not very good, but at this time he also realized that if he turned around, something bad might happen.

"Idiot, don't you even listen to my words?"

Because of the pain, the old woman's voice became extremely sharp, and she directly took out her trump card, "If this is the case, then I will never want a stupid son like you again!"

"No, mom, no! I just do it!"

The panicked Weibull quickly threw his weapon on the deck, then turned back, motionless.

Brett chuckled, isn't this very simple?

Well, although it is not difficult to directly use force to attack directly.

Brett stepped forward in two steps, his fists wrapped with two-color lightning and domineering energy, and then punched Weibull in the back of the head.

Just like Kaido-sensei knocked down Kozuki Oden with a stick, and knocked down the Straw Hat junior with a stick, Weibull, who gave up the resistance, didn't even groan, and fell to the ground with a plop, unable to get up again.

After placing him on Weibull, Brett knocked Ba Jin unconscious and threw him next to Weibull.

How to deal with these two guys, let's wait for Mr. Zefa, the master of suffering, to make a decision.

The two most troublesome guys have been dealt with, so what's next!

Brett turned around.

In addition to the two Shichibukai, there were also these vice admirals on the deck.

At this time, the faces of these guys were all filled with disbelief.

It was completely difficult for them to understand what happened in this short minute.

Although they despised the character of Wang Zhi and Wei Buer, the navy still recognized their strength.

Even among the Shichibukai, the strength of these two guys is second only to Hawkeye.

But it was so easy to be...

They didn't even have time to say anything, the dazzling electric light had already flashed.

It will be easier to deal with these vice admirals.

Brett knocked them all down with three punches and two kicks. On average, one punch per punch, and no one could put up any decent resistance against him.

"About a minute and a half."

After cleaning up everyone on the deck who was still standing, Brett estimated how long it would take him.

It should be considered very fast, right?


It was at this time that a hole exploded in the deck, and a figure flew into the sky.

It's Mr. Zefa.

His body was covered with a layer of frost, and his breath spurted out a cloud of white mist.

"Really cold!"

Zefa muttered something in a low voice, and then he lowered his head and looked down.

What he saw in his eyes made Zefa couldn't help but widen his eyes.


There is really too much meaning in this sound.

Is there something wrong with my understanding of the world, or is there something wrong with you?

I knew very well the strength of Weibull, not to mention that Wang Zhi was also an old rival.

Why did both of them fall to the ground in this short period of time?

"Ah la la, it's just like a joke."

Yeah, it's almost like a joke.

Zefa and his most admired disciple had the same emotion at this moment.

He landed on the deck and looked at the blue pheasant that jumped out of the hole.

Qingzhi scratched his head, his face full of helplessness, "How can you be so strong?"

Those are Wang Zhi and Wei Buer. The two Shichibukai the government has high hopes for are not just cats and dogs that can be seen everywhere in the sea.

"Then General Qing Pheasant,"

Brett smiled, "What do you say?"

Qingzhi sighed, "Of course I want to say that, otherwise we have to surrender. If we continue to fight, there will be no chance of winning."

"But," his eyes were as calm as before, "Teacher Zefa taught us that when fighting the enemy, we must fight to the end!"


He pushed with both hands, and a somewhat illusory ball of ice hit Brett.

The ice ball even passed through the deck, but instead of smashing it, it froze it into ice.

Brett sprinted forward carelessly and knocked the puck away.

However, his body was also covered with a layer of frost.

Of course, these frosts had no effect at all and melted away in the next moment.

What's going on with this guy? You can't freeze him at all!

Qing Pheasant also felt helpless. How come the Qinglong Fruit still has the ability to withstand freezing?

Brett's fist had already struck.

General Qing Pheasant hurriedly waved his saber to resist.

The ice blade was immediately smashed into pieces, but fortunately Aokiji had already retreated.

However, Brett is not fighting alone at this time.


Calling his disciple's name loudly, Zefa's right fist came over.

There is nowhere to hide.

"Ah la la, this is really true,"

Qing Pheasant's eyes narrowed, and he punched Zefa with the same punch.

Not only was his fist wrapped with domineering energy, it was also covered with a thick layer of frost.

Just touching Zefa will freeze him.

Aokiji thought so.

Then, at the moment when the fists of master and disciple collided, Qingzhi's expression changed drastically.

"This is--"

The freezing ability was not used as expected. Zefa opened his right hand and grabbed his wrist.

General Aokiji's body fell down softly at this time, and Mr. Zefa grabbed his wrist and pulled him up like a large doll.

This is really embarrassing. One second he was making bold statements about fighting to the end, but the next moment he was knocked down.

"It was you who lost Kuzan,"

There was a smile on Mr. Zefa's face, "I've taught you another lesson today, never take your opponents lightly."

Qingzhi sighed.

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