The Kingdom of Nicosia is a small country in the New World that no one cares about.

Originally belonging to the Charlotte family, it recently joined the alliance formed by Zefa. Now it has become helpless due to the attack of the navy. Today, it has witnessed a major event that can shock the entire world.

The sea surface is still frozen, and the huge naval warships are frozen on the sea surface.

All the navy soldiers who came from the warship had fainted without exception.

No, not everyone has lost consciousness, there is still one guy who is awake at this time.

"Hey, hey, brother Brett, there's no need to go to this extent, right?"

Qing Pheasant complained weakly.

He was lying paralyzed on the ground, with chains wrapped around his body.

These chains are of secondary importance, the focus is on the handcuffs on his hands.

Of course, the only thing that can make a dignified naval admiral look like this is Hailoushi's handcuffs.

"Be patient for a while, General Aokiji,"

Brett smiled and said, "If men like you don't take it seriously, then it is very likely that we will suffer the consequences."

"Don't be ridiculous, Brother Brett,"

Qingzhi sighed, "What can I do in front of a guy like you?"

It feels like the self-esteem of a naval admiral has been completely shattered by this guy.

It is simply unimaginable that there is such a powerful guy in the world.

The Navy really lost miserably this time.

"So, Teacher Zefa, what are you going to do next?"

Aoki looked at Zefa, who was standing side by side with Bright, and asked calmly, "The strategic goal of the first step has been completely achieved, right?"

"The next ones are Sakaski and the others."

Zefa had no intention of hiding it. The outcome was determined, and Qingzhi could no longer make any extravagance. "There will never be a better opportunity than now, right?"

Qing Pheasant was silent.

If you want to be an enemy of the World Government, then now is indeed the best opportunity.

As one of the generals, he has been defeated. If the remaining two generals are also defeated, then how much strength will the navy, the strongest force under the World Government, have left?

This is a bit funny to say, but over there is a large naval fleet commanded by two admirals of the Navy Headquarters, Akainu and Kizaru. This is a force that can be feared no matter where it is placed in any corner of the world.

Only others have always been worried about being punished by them. When will it be their turn to worry about their safety?

But there is no way, these two guys really have that kind of strength.

After all, Mr. Zefa’s partner is Brett.

At this point, Aokiji can only say that he is convinced of Bright's strength.

This man definitely has the strength to defeat an admiral quickly.

If he and Mr. Zefa team up to launch a surprise attack, then just like now, the possibility of Sakaski and Porusalino capsizing in the same ditch is not impossible, it can even be said to be very high.

It hadn't been long since the last time Brett, the guy, escaped from Mary Joa, punched Sakaski and seriously injured him.

"So much for the nonsense,"

Brett said, "We must hurry up and act. If we lose contact with this side, Akainu and the others will probably react soon."

Zefa nodded, "Ain and the others are arriving soon. Once they arrive, leave this place to them, and then we will set off immediately."

Defeating the fleet led by Aokiji was just the beginning. The next thing to do was to go non-stop to Akainu and Kizaru and defeat them as well.

In this case, the main force of the navy generation can be regarded as wiped out, and the world government will also suffer heavy losses.

Who could have imagined that this crusade, which could be regarded as inevitable, would eventually evolve into the current situation.

Should I say that Teacher Zefa is despicable, or that they are a little too careless?

In any case, the Navy is in an unprecedented crisis this time.

But there was nothing he could do, Qingzhi sighed.

It didn't take long for the NEO Navy fleet led by Ain to come to the rescue and arrive.

Handing over the pirates who fell on the coast and the navy in the naval fleet to them, Zefa also asked Ain to thank His Majesty the King of this country for cooperating with their performance this time.

Then, after all the matters here were dealt with, Brett and Zefa set off.

Brett turned into a dragon-like form, rolled up Zefa with flame clouds, and dragged him all the way across the sky.

The two fleets of the navy must be in regular contact, so they must seize the time.

Fortunately, the two fleets were very close to each other before, so that they could support each other. Although they were now separated, they were actually not too far apart.

There should be more than enough time to catch them off guard.

But to be honest, Brett is optimistic about what the final result will be.

Although half of the stored energy has been released, the next battlefield is at sea!

But don’t be too pushy.

Having captured Qing Pheasant, this victory is already glorious enough. Even if the current attack fails without success, he has already made a lot of money.

Now just let it go and do it.

Brett sped up.

Zefa also pursed his lips, his face was calm and his eyes were determined.

Since the Navy has deviated from justice, let him completely destroy this wrong path!

On another sea surface not far from here, the fleet commanded by Akainu and Kizaru was moving forward rapidly.

"What's going on with that bastard Kuzan? Why has there been no news for so long?"

Akainu said somewhat dissatisfied.

The pirate with a bounty of 400 million is considered to be quite good even in the new world, but his opponent is a general of the Navy Headquarters.

Shouldn't a guy of this level be killed instantly when facing Aoki?

Why has it taken so long and there's still no news?

"Then let me call Kuzan."

Kizaru said so.

However, the attack came very suddenly.

Under the sea, a monster suddenly broke through the water and bit into the bottom of the ship.


Akainu's expression suddenly changed, but it was too late.

The huge naval battleship broke into two pieces in an instant, and the monster rose into the air from the middle.


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