One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 296 Akainu’s defeat

There were several other people jumping up together with Akainu.

Because they had restrained their dominance before, the vice-admirals on this fleet had not lost any combat effectiveness at all. At this time, they were charging towards Bright together with Akainu.


Brett didn't even bother to look at the other lieutenant generals.

He just floated quietly in the sky, but the attacking lieutenants all changed their faces and backed away after approaching him.

After closing the distance, the lieutenant generals realized that if they really touched Brett, they would probably be melted instantly.

Such temperatures are simply too exaggerated.

All they can do is launch some long-range attacks, such as the six-style Lanjiao or flying slashes.

But what effect can such an attack have?

Not to mention whether they could break through the layer of flame armor covering Brett's body, even if they stood still and let them hit him, they probably wouldn't be able to leave a trace on Brett's dragon scales.

The only one that Brett cared about was Akainu.

“You all stand back, fire-breathing!


Akainu roared loudly, and at the same time waved his fists continuously, and then, one after another extremely huge magma blocks crashed towards Brett.

At this moment, Akainu seemed to have truly transformed into a humanoid volcano.

Brett remained unmoved. He just twisted his body, and his tail, which was also covered with flame armor, was wrapped with dark domineering energy at this moment, and then he volleyed into the air.

A scene with great visual effects appeared. Brett just flicked his tail and smashed all the hills-like magma blocks in the air.

The shattered magma didn't even have time to splash out and fall to the sea before it was directly evaporated by the high temperature entangled in Brett's body.


Akainu had to admit it at this time.

Magma really doesn't seem to be of any use to this bastard.

This is the first time Akainu has been so unwilling.

"Hey, hey, Sakaski, now is not the time to be depressed!"

Kizaru flashed into the air, crossed his hands on his chest, and the light spots scattered all over the sky, directly covering Brett.

Even as lazy as he was, he knew what it would mean if they lost.

"Since you can't deal with this guy, then switch opponents!"

Brett could ignore Sakaski's magma, but he couldn't ignore his flash.

But the difference was not that big. Bright flicked his tail again and exploded all the light bombs in the air.

"Don't ignore me!"

Zefa rushed towards Kizaru again.

"What a headache."

Kizaru took a deep breath, and then, the light in the sky became dim, but his own light became more dazzling.

"Are you awake?"

Brett muttered.

It would be too funny if even the powerful men at the level of admiral in the Navy Headquarters could not awaken.

This was the first time he saw the awakening of the natural system.

The awakening of the animal type affects oneself, while the superhuman type mostly affects the outside world, and some of them cause qualitative changes in one's own abilities.

So what does the natural department look like?

Blake knew immediately.

The light beams all over the sky condensed out of thin air, and then fell suddenly.

In terms of quantity, it is still on the level of the eight-foot magatama, but in terms of power, it is far from the same level.

What's this?

Is it assimilating the surrounding environment into light, or is it controlling the light?

In any case, after turning on the awakening, Kizaru's destructive power greatly increased.


Brett released a dazzling thunder light that collided with it.

Boom boom boom!

Amid the explosions that filled the sky, Akainu rushed in front of Brett.



His whole body had almost melted into magma, and indescribable pressure was brewing in his body, and then exploded in his right arm the next moment.

A fist strong enough to penetrate the mountains came with a bang!

There is no doubt that the power of this punch is much stronger than every previous attack.

So this guy is also awakening, right?

Similar to the superhuman type, the awakening of the natural type also requires a lot of physical strength, and can only be used at the most critical moment, right?

Brett was chuckling.

He heard Akainu's attack intention clearly, so he just swam slightly and avoided Akainu's punch.

"Breath of Thunder and Fire!"

Then he turned his head and breathed out, and the breath formed by the convergence of fire and thunder directly blew Akainu away.

But just in the next second, with super explosive power, Akainu rushed towards this direction against Brett's breath while the magma was gushing out.


Brett laughed loudly, "Then try this!"


Around him, the wind suddenly rose.

The turbulent wind began to rotate, and huge tornadoes took shape at this moment.

The wind pillar seems to connect the sky and the earth, with the sky above your head and the sea under your feet.

The sea water was also swept up, turning the strong wind into waterspouts.

Even this wasn't over yet, the flames wrapped around Brett's body also flowed out and merged into the waterspout.

The flame that can burn in the sea water turns the waterspout into a firespout again.

The flames intertwined with the sea water and began to spread in all directions.



The air was turbulent, and now it was difficult for Akainu to move freely in the air even if he relied on spewing magma.

Akainu cursed angrily, of course he realized that fighting in the sky and on the sea was really a disadvantage for him.

Not only is his movement restricted now, his awakening cannot be fully exerted at all.

While shaking, Akainu kept pumping out his fists, sending out huge magma punches, trying to break the strong wind.

He did indeed do it, with such powerful force that even the wind was shattered.

But at this time, Brett swam over, and taking advantage of Akainu's immobility, he began to circle around Akainu.

"It's over, General Akainu."

Brett was stirring up the wind and clouds, and starting from his spiraling trajectory, an unprecedentedly huge tornado began to take shape.

This time Akainu was trapped directly inside the tornado, and no matter how he waved his fist, Brett kept giving new life to the tornado.



Akainu's penis has shrunk to the limit. The violent wind made it impossible for him to move freely, and his body began to drift with the wind.

To make matters worse, the sea water was swept up by the wind.

"Big fire!

! "

Akainu roared and punched Brett with all his strength.

But Brett still did not stop controlling the strong wind, and just breathed out randomly to crush Akainu's magma fist.




Kizaru looked at the huge waterspout and couldn't help shouting.

If it were on land, he believed that even if Sakaski couldn't defeat Brett, he would never be in such a mess.

But this is at sea! Sakaski was wrapped in a waterspout——

"This is really a situation that I have never imagined..."

Kizaru smiled bitterly.

It would be nice if Kuzan was here.

He thought so.

"Do you still have time to worry about Sakaski and Porusalino? You should also be prepared to keep company with him and Kuzan!"

Kizaru heard his teacher say this.


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