One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 297 A great victory

One thing Kizaru had to admit was that his mind was buzzing and almost blank because of his teacher's words.

Sakaski is probably defeated now.

Of course he greatly recognized that man's strength, but no matter how powerful he was, Sakaski was still an ability user. Since he was an ability user, it didn't matter whether he was strong or not as long as he was swallowed by the sea.

Sakaski is not a bastard like Brett and can ignore the negative effects of sea water.

The moment he was caught in the waterspout, he had already declared defeat.

Although this fact is extremely shocking, Kizaru, who witnessed it with his own eyes, could only choose to accept it, and could only sigh that Brett was so powerful that it was beyond imagination.

But, Teacher Zefa, you said Kuzan’s guy has also been caught by you?

Among the three generals of the Navy Headquarters, two have been captured by you?

How could Kizaru accept this kind of thing?

Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.

That guy Kuzan didn't act alone. There were two Shichibukai with him, and there were even several lieutenant generals and a bunch of major generals and brigadiers.

Coupled with the group of marines on their side who also have nowhere to escape——

Not to mention that this incident will directly bring a loss of combat power to the Navy Headquarters. The impact of public opinion alone is enough to seriously damage the strength of the Navy Headquarters.

Dignity, only solemnity remained on his face.

"It's about time we ran away, General Kizaru?"

Brett controlled the strong wind to maintain the huge waterspout, making it impossible for Akainu to escape. At the same time, he pulled out of the tornado and slowly wandered towards Kizaru.

"Do you think you can do anything now?"

Brett chuckled.

"It's really bad."

Kizaru could only sigh helplessly.

He took one last deep look at Brett.

Wu Laoxing's judgment is absolutely correct. Only this man is qualified to become the world government's most powerful enemy.

No, or should be said, he already is now.

"Teacher Zefa, you win this time."

Kizaru said something faintly, and in the next second his body turned into light and disappeared into the sky in a flash.

Although abandoning your companions and running away is a cowardly act for a soldier.

But now there is no other choice in this situation, right?

Do you still expect to be able to rescue your companions from these two guys?

I'm afraid no one can save him, and the final result will be that he himself will be captured.

So now the only option is to escape.

"Tsk, this bastard's ability is still a bit too troublesome!"

Zefa snorted in displeasure.

Of course, he wanted to capture all three admirals of the Navy Headquarters.

But luckily for Akainu and Aokiji, as long as they have power over them, it's not difficult to catch them.

Only Kizaru, the bastard, has an ability that gives him unparalleled mobility. It's almost impossible to catch him without fighting to the death.

"There's no way. Although I can control lightning, I can't turn into lightning like a natural ability user."

Brett smiled.

If he wanted to catch up with Kizaru's speed, even that guy Eniro would hardly be able to do it.

"But the results this time are already fruitful enough."

Brett lowered his head. On the sea below and on the deck of the naval ship, the faces of the abandoned naval soldiers all had expressions of despair.

They have nowhere to run.

"What should we do with them next?"

Brett said.

Capturing too many marines at once is also a troublesome place.

The total number of NEO navy commanded by Mr. Zefa is probably not as many as the navy soldiers captured this time.

The combined number of naval soldiers in the two naval fleets has exceeded 50,000, and the NEO Navy does not even have that many prisons to hold them.

"Let me try to see if I can persuade them to surrender."

Zefa said, "Now is a critical stage of development. If we can directly absorb some of the elite navy, it will be very beneficial to our development."

"As for those who are unwilling to surrender," Zefa was silent for a moment, "then release them. They are not important. It is enough to just keep the officers."

Brett nodded.

Although he has betrayed the navy and the world government, Mr. Zefa also spent the first few decades of his life as a navy.

If he really wanted to do anything to these navy soldiers, he really couldn't do it.

And as he said, ordinary navy soldiers are meaningless. Even if they rejoin the navy in the future and appear on the battlefield against them again, they can be wiped out with just one look.

Just keeping the officers under control was enough.

"Then, take them away first."

Brett lowered his body and released the billowing flame cloud, directly rolling up all the naval ships on the sea and the naval soldiers who fell into the water.

When they were wrapped in clouds and flew up, both the navy officers and the navy soldiers turned pale. No matter how angry and frightened they were, they were powerless at this time.

Brett also dispelled the giant waterspout that was still raging on the sea. The seawater fell downwards, and the unlucky ones who were caught in it also fell into the sea.

Mr. Zefa jumped into the sea immediately and put the shackles of Hailou Stone on his disciple who always had the most violent temper.

This operation was a complete victory.

Brett took all the prisoners and began to return.

But while returning home, there is one more thing to do.

He gave some guy a call.

"So, so, Brett, how is the war going now?"

As soon as the call was connected, someone screamed impatiently from the other end.

"There are some results."

Brett smiled and said, "Everyone except Kizaru was captured."


There was a brief silence there, and then the next moment.

"Hahahaha! I know it, Brett, I know you can do it!


The extremely excited laughter could not wait to reach Brett's ears, "Awesome! The whole world will be shaken next!"

Who says it isn't?

"Then, I'll leave this to you, Morgans!"

"Of course! I'm willing to help you, isn't it because of this!"

Then, it's time to report the results to other good friends.

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